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2020湖南學位英語考試真題 湖南學位英語2020年真題
日期:2023-03-09 02:24:41    编辑:网络投稿    来源:网络资源
2017年湖南學位英語考試預測題及答案  導讀:目前不學位英語考試在全國是一年兩次,通過學位英語的考試,才能獲得自考學歷。下面是應屆畢業生小編為大家搜集整理出來的有關于20
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  • 2017年湖南學位英語考試預測題及答案




      1.Harry: Do you mind my smoking here?

      Lynn: ______

      A.Yes, please do.

      B.No, please don' t.

      C.No, I dislike the smell of cigarette.

      D.Yes, please don' t.


      2.Owen: May I use your phone?

      Ruth: ______

      A.It doesn' t matter.

      B.Go ahead.

      C.No, I don' t mind.

      D.No, you needn' t.


      3.Wendy: ______?

      Wayne: For about two weeks.

      A.How long are you going to stay here

      B.How soon will you leave this place

      C.How often do you come here

      D.How many times have you come here


      4.Rose: Hello, may I speak to Mr. Green?

      Steven: ______, I will see if he is in.

      A.Don' t put down your phone

      B.Hold the line a minute

      C.Please phone him in five minutes again

      D.This is John speaking


      5.Viola: Excuse me, ______?

      Rite: I am sorry, I don' t know. I’m new around here.

      A.will you please tell me time

      B.is there a train time-table

      C.can you tell me the best way to the nearest hospital

      D.can you show me the map of this city


      6.Carol: ______?

      Jane: I' d like two dozen eggs.

      A.What are you doing

      B.What would you like to do

      C.What can I do for you

      D.What would you like to eat


      7.Helen: ______Sir, I didn' t quite hear you.

      David: I said that nobody but one had got a full mark in the tests.

      A.May I ask you a question?

      B.I am sorry,

      C.I beg your Pardon,

      D.I must say “no” to you,


      8.Jimmy: ______ May I speak to John?

      Tony: John! You are wanted on the telephone.

      A.I am Mary.

      B.My name is Mary.

      C.Do you know Mary?

      D.This is Mary speaking.


      9.Rob: How could you say that?

      Bert: ______, I didn' t mean to hurt you.

      A.That' s all right

      B.I won' t regret

      C.I' m really sorry

      D.Excuse me


      10.June: Do you think it' s going to rain over the weekend?

      Judy: ______.

      A.I don' t believe

      B.I don' t believe it

      C.I believe not so

      D.I believe not



      Animals seem to have the sense to eat when they are hungry and they do not eat more than their bodies need. It has been demonstrated that rats will, when given a choice over a period of time, prefer water with vitamins to water without vitamins even though there is no difference in taste or smell between the two water bottles. When a fragrant flavor was added to the vitamin enriched fluid, the rats did seem to develop a taste for it and kept drinking it, even after the vitamins were switched to the clear water. In time, however, they broke the habit and went back to where the necessary vitamins were.

      In a classic experiment, babies of 6 to 12 months old were placed in a cafeteria feeding arrangement, with a wide selection of baby food before them. They were given whatever food they pointed to or appeared interested in. We are told that at first they showed some unusual eating patterns, but that over a period of time they managed to select well-balanced diet.

      So, in selecting food, rats and babies do seem to know and act on what‘s best for them.Apparently, there is a kind of "body wisdom" . which hmnans soon lose.Most of us do not eat as wisely as we could.

      Many of our food preferences are culturally determined and influenced by long-established habits. Some people eat fox, dog and blackbirds, while we eat cows and pigs. So what people eat and how much they eat seem to be greatly influenced by what is going on around them.

      11.In the experiment on rats, a fragrant flavor was added to the rat‘s drinking water to

      A.encourage rats to drink vitamin-enriched water

      B.find out rats preference in flavor

      C.test whether rats know which drink is good for them

      D.demonstrate that vitamins aretasteless


      12.The expression "the habit”( Line 6, Paragraph 1. refers to drinking water which ( ……

      A.has no smell

      B.is tasteless

      C.has vitamins

      D.is flavored


      13.According to the passage, adults eating habits differ from those of babies because ( ……

      A.adults know better than babies what kind of food is good for their health

      B.adults usually cannot resist the temptation of various delicious foods

      C.adults‘ eating habits are closely related to the social and cultural customs

      D.adults have more choices of food than babies in eating patterns


      14.The author implied in the passage that most of us ( ……

      A.eat a balanced diet

      B.choose the food that is of nutrition

      C.have the habits influenced by the surroundings

      D.like to eat the food with a fragrant flavor


      15.As far as their eating habits are concerned, babies and rats are similar in that ( ……

      A.both have the wisdom to choose a balanced diet

      B.both prefer flavored food and drink

      C.both have the same eating patterns

      D.both develop a taste for the same kinds of flavors


      Suicide has been a cause of concern in most societies for a long time. The classical Greeks, for example, required people who wanted to kill themselves to get permission from the senate. While this law is not without humor by today' s standards, it clearly shows an awareness of the problem in times gone by.

      In today' s society, suicide is much more prevalent than we want to admit. Why do people try to take their own lives?

      The motives for suicide can be categorized into areas such as a failure, wrath(暴怒), the needfor attention, stress, and so on. However, the qualities of a person who wants to take his own life change from person to person, making it difficult to depict(描寫)the typical victim. To make the problem even more confusing, people will often camouflage(掩蓋)their true feelings, thus causing their friends to disregard problems that should be viewed as serious.

      In theUnited States, a network of centers has been created to attempt to prevent suicides.People who are bitter, worded, or depressed are encouraged to contact workers at these centers. These workers, often trained volunteers, offer benevolent advice to the callers, trying to help the callers to see that suicide as a solutions to problems is an illusion. The accomplishments of these centers, insofar(到這個程度)as their effectiveness to reduce suicide is concerned, are minimal However, they have helped a lot of people with a wide variety of problems.So, in the somewhat amorphous(難以名狀的)area of man helping his fellow man, they are certainly a success.

      16.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?

      A.The classical Greeks did not know the existence of suicide

      B.Suicide has always been prevalent in all parts of the world

      C.In today' s society, there are quite a number of people who commit suicide

      D.Nowadays suicide is not as common as it was in the past


      17.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a motive for suicide?



      C.The need for attention

      D.Great anger


      18.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

      A.People who want to take their own lives often disguise their feelings

      B.It is difficult to describe what kind of people tend to commit suicide

      C.Suicide has been a problem in most societies since ancient times

      D.People who commit suicide all share certain characteristics


      19.The word “benevolent” means ( )……


      B. kind

      C. serious

      D. effective


      20.The third paragraph mainly tells us that ( )……

      A.a network of centers has been quite effective in reducing suicide

      B.a network of centers has been quite successful in reducing suicide

      C.people are making efforts to help those who tend to commit suicide and in a way, they are successful

      D.in theUnited States, people who want to commit suicide call a network of centers to get help


      To swim across the English Channel takes at least nine hours.It 's a hard work and it makes you short of breath. To fly over the Channel takes only twenty minutes (as long as you’re not held up at the airport. , but it 's an expensive way to travel.You can travel by hovercraft if you don’t mind the noise, and that takes forty minutes. Otherwise you can go by boat, if you forget your sea-sickness ills. All these means of transport have their problems and the weary(不耐煩的.)traveler often dreams of being able to drive to France in his own car. “Not possible”, you say, Well, wait a minute.People are once again considering the idea of a Channel tunnel or bridge.

      This time, the Greater London Council is looking into the possibility of building a Channel link straight to London. A bridge would cost far more than a tunnel, but you would be able to go by rail or by car on a bridge, whereas a tunnel would provide ar all link only.

      Why is this idea being discussed again? Is Britain becoming more conscious of the need for links with Europe as a result of joining the EEC(歐供體)? Well, perhaps.The main reason, though, is that a tunnel or bridge would reach the twenty square kilometers of London 's disused dockland(船塢地). A link from London to the continent would stimulate trade and re-vitalize(使……重新有活力)the port, and would make London a main trading center in Europe. With alink over the Channel, you could buy your fish and chips in England, and be able to eat them in France while they were still warm!

      21.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

      A.Swimming across the Channel takes tess than four hours

      B.The idea of a Channel tunnel or bridge is a very new one

      C.It is considered to be more difficult to swim across the channel than any other means

      D.A tunnel or bridge would only reach as far as the coast


      22.A tunnel would be ( )

      A.less expensive to be built than a bridge

      B.more expensive to be built than a bridge

      C.less expensive to be built than a rail

      D.more expensive to be built than a rail


      23.If they built a Channel tunnel, you would ( )

      A.neither take a train nor go by ear

      B.only take a train

      C.either take a train or go by car

      D.only take a bus


      24.It can be concluded that many of London 's dockyards are ()

      A.not used

      B.seriously blocked

      C.fully used

      D.opened again


      25.Channel link would ( )

      A.allow us to buy fish and chips inFrance

      B.make the journey from Europe to England dangerous but easier and faster

      C.decrease more trade forLondon 's dockyards

      D.makeLondon more prosperous again

      The market investigation is indispensable to sales promotion.They are closely related as the lips and teeth, so to speak.What you produce is for sale on the market. It would be impossible to succeed in selling a product without first investigating the market.

      In the international market, goods on sale coming from different countries and suppliers are always facing keen competition. Under such circumstances, they will try everything possible to familiarize themselves with the market conditions.In making investigations, we ought to get information about what similar items the competitors are offering on the market, what prices they are quoting(報價), what features their products have, who are their regular customers, etc. Then, how can we obtain such information? There are many channels that we ean make use of in doing this sort of work.The commercial counselor‘s offices of our embassies stationed abroad can help us in making market investigations.

      Nowadays, our import and export corporations send their trade groups abroad every now and then. One of their purposes is to make market surveys on the spot.

      Certainly, face-to-face talks with foreign businessmen are also important channels to get market information.The Chinese Export Commodities Fairs and some other fairs of similar nature as well as visits of foreign businessmen provide us with such opportunities.Of course, there are some other ways of making market investigations.

      26.In making market investigation, one should ( )

      A.get enough information Concerned

      B.advertise his products

      C.produce high quality goods

      D.none of the above


      27.The word “indispensable” in the first line means ()

      A. impossible

      B. essential

      C. advisable

      D. available


      28.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

      A.The relationship between market investigation and sales promotion is just as that of the lips and teeth

      B.It is impossible to succeed in selling a product without market investigation

      C.There are various ways of making market investigation

      D.Production goes before market investigation


      29.Making market investigation is very important because ( )

      A.in market, goods on sale are numerous

      B.every producer is facing keen competition

      C.it can greatly promote sales

      D.all of the above


      30.All the following are channels to get market information EXCEPT ( )

      A.to have commercial counselor‘s offices of our embassies stationed abroad

      B.to promote the quality of our own products

      C.to send trade groups abroad every now and then

      D.to have face-to-face talks with foreign businessmen



      31.Mr. Wilson said that he did not want to _____ any further responsibilities.

      A. take on B. get on C. put up D. look up


      32.Having no money but _____ to know, he simply said he would go without dinner.

      A.not to want anyone B. not wanting anyone C. wanted no one D. to want no one


      33.We desire that the tour leader _____ us immediately of any change in plans.

      A.inform B. informs C.informed D. has informed


      34.Not _____, the process of choosing names varies widely from culture to culture.

      A.obviously B. surprisingly C.particularly D. normally


      35.A man escaped from the prison last night. It was a long time _____ the guards discovered what

      A.before B. until C.since D. when


      36.Jane had promised to give me a timetable for tomorrow. She failed, ______.

      A. either B. though C. but D. too


      37.When I got to the company, the meeting ______ for five minutes.

      A. had begun B. has been on C. has begun D. had been on


      38.—I wonder why Mr. Brown hasn 't showed up at the meeting yet.

      —I ' m not sure, but he ______ in a traffic jam driving here.

      A. could be stuck B. might stuck C. might have been stuck D. must have stuck


      39.With the development of the Internet, people 's life ______ in the past few years.

      A. is improved B. has been improved C. is improving D. had been improved


      40.Mary is always ready. to help others when they are in trouble and she never ______ their requests.

      A. turns up B. turns over C. turns in D. turns down


      41.—Good evening. I ______ to see Mary.

      —Oh, good evening. I'm sorry, but she is not in.

      A. came B. come C. have come D. had come


      42.Is it true ______ the snow stops, it will be as hot as in the summer here?

      A. when B. that when C. whenever D. that


      43.The time he has devoted in the past years ______ the disabled is now considered ______ of great value.

      A. to help; being B. to helping; to be C. to help; to be D. helping; being


      44.______ different life today is ______ what it was 15 years ago.

      A. How; from B. What a; from C. What; from D. How; with


      45.I will have begun to do the work ______ 5 o' clock this afternoon.

      A. by B. at C. after D. before


      46. The news of the mayor's coming to our school for a visit was _____ on the radio yesterday.

      A.turned out B.found out C.given out D.carried out


      47. Don't be _____ by products promising to make you lose weight quickly.

      A.taken off B.taken out C.taken away D.taken in


      48. —Do you think that housing price will keep _____ in the years to come?

      —Sorry, I have no idea.

      A.lifting up B.going up C.bringing up D.growing up


      49. In this seaside resort, you can _____ all the comfort and convenience of modern tourism.

      A.enjoy B.apply C.receive D.achieve


      50. For all these years I have been working for others.I'm _____ hoping I’ll my own business someday.

      A.turn up B.fix up C.set up D.make up



      51.While it cannot be scientifically proven (or disproved, for that matter. that global warming caused any particular extreme event, we can say that global warming very likely makes many kinds of extreme weather both more frequent and more severe.



      52.Directions: For this part , you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic " How I Fi-nance My College Education". You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:

      1.上大學的費用(tuition and fees.可以通過多種途徑解決;


      答案:How I Finance My College Education

      It is a fact that college is becoming more and more expensive and college life is becoming especially hard for the students who were born in needy families. However, there are several ways in which these students can cover their tuition that their parents are not able to afford. Finding a part-time job, for example, is an ideal way. Besides, one can ask the bank for a loan and repay it when he has the ability. Finally, one can seek assistance from the society.

      For me, earning tuition by doing part-time jobs is the most suitable way. First, I learn to be independent both mentally and economically in this way. Apart from this, I no longer need to wor-ry my parents with so heavy a burden. Finally, since I earn my own living, I will be more confi-dent with myself and, therefore, I can live a busy but meaningful college life.











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