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日期:2023-02-21 15:15:35    编辑:网络投稿    来源:网络资源
五年級上冊英語試卷及答案  試卷是接受考試者學習情況而設定的并規定在一定時間內必須完成的試題。一般是有老師集體討論決定出的試卷,下面小編為大家收集有關五年級上冊英
  • 富含哲理的古文句子
  • 五年級上冊英語試卷及答案



      五年級上冊英語試卷及答案 篇1

      聽 力 部 分(共五大題,30分)

      Ⅰ.Listen and circle.聽錄音,圈出相符的圖片。(5分)

      ⅡListen and tick or cross.聽錄音,判斷下圖是否與錄音內容相符,相符的打“√”,不相符的打“×”。(5分)

      1. 2. 3. 4.

      Ⅲ. Listen and choose.聽錄音,選出最合適的答句。(5分)

      ( ) 1. A: That’s right. B: That’s great . C. That’s big.

      ( ) 2. A: Yes, he can. B. No, she can’t. C. No, I can’t.

      ( ) 3. A: The closet is in the room. B. There’s a closet . C. It’s a closet.

      ( ) 4. A: Yes, she’s tall. B. She’s short and thin.

      C. She’s an English teacher.

      ( ) 5. A: Yes, there is. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, they are.

      Ⅳ. Listen and tick or cross.聽音,判斷對錯,對的打√,錯的打×。(5分)

      ( ) 1. John can clean the bedroom.

      ( ) 2.John can cook the meals.

      ( ) 3. John can’t sweep the floor.

      ( ) 4. John can’t do the dishes.

      ( ) 5. John can wash the clothes.

      Ⅴ.Listen and write.聽音,寫出句子所缺的單詞。(10分)

      1. A: ___________ you ___________ the floor? B: No, I ___________.

      2. There are two ____________s in the bedroom.

      3. A: Are there __________ ___________s in the village ? B: Yes, there are.

      4. A: What day is it today ? B: __________ ___________.

      5. A: What’s your ___________ vegetable ? B: _____________.

      讀 寫 部 分(共九大題,70分)

      Ⅰ. Read and choose.從下列各組單詞中選出劃線部分讀音與例詞相同的一個。(5分)

      ( ) 1. snow A. now B. boat ( ) 2. plate A. place B. pray

      ( ) 3. this A. thin B. clothes ( ) 4. whole A. who B. white

      ( ) 5.shirt A. nurse B. doctor

      Ⅱ.Read and choose.讀一讀,選出不同類的一項,將其序號填入題前括號內。(5分)

      ( ) 1. A. sour B. salty C. tasty D. sunny

      ( ) 2. A. five B. eight C. kite D. eleven

      ( ) 3. A. panda B. ruler C. monkey D. horse

      ( ) 4. A. science B. art C. nose D. music

      ( ) 5. A. pear B. carrot C. potato D. eggplant

      Ⅲ. Read and choose.讀句子,選擇合適的圖片,將其編號填入題前的括號內。(5分)

      A B C D E

      ( ) 1. There is a picture over the bed.

      ( ) 2. I am helpful at home. I can sweep the floor.

      ( ) 3. ---What do you do on Saturdays? --- I often play the computer games.

      ( ) 4. ---What’s he like? --- He is very kind.

      ( ) 5.---What would you like for lunch? ---I’d like some chichen and cabbage.

      Ⅳ.Read and choose. 選擇填空。(10分)

      ( ) 1. ---Who is your new teacher? ---______________________________.

      A. She is kind. B. Miss White. C. She is 23 years old.

      ( )2.---Today is Tuesday. What day is it tomorrow(明天)?---___________.

      A. Friday B. Thursday. C. Wednesday.

      ( )3.Apples are my favourite ___________.

      A. fruit B. sports C. teacher

      ( )4. What do you _______ for lunch?

      A. do B. have C. has

      ( )5.There ______ a bed, a desk and a closet in my bedroom.

      A. is B. am C. are

      ( )6.There are no _________ in our village.

      A. lake B. river C. tall buildings

      ( )7. I don’t like grapes. They are ________.

      A. tasty B. sour C. fresh

      ( )8.I can put _______ the clothes.

      A. in B. on C. away

      ( )9.This is a picture _____ my room.

      A. at B. of C. in

      ( )10.---Is there a river in the nature park? ---_______________________.

      A. Yes ,there isn’t. B. No, there is. C. Yes, there is.

      Ⅴ.Read and choose.從B欄中選出A欄問句的最佳答句。(5分)

      A B

      ( )1. Where is my English book? A. We have math and computer on Friday.

      ( )2. What do you do on Saturdays? B. It’s on the desk.

      ( )3. Who’s your Chinese teacher? C. Miss green.

      ( )4. What would you like four lunch? D. I often read books.

      ( )5.What do you have on Friday? E. I’d like some noodles.

      Ⅵ. Look and write.看圖完成下列句子,沒空一詞。(10分)

      1. A: What do they have for dinner? 1.

      B: They have __________ _________.

      2. A: ____ is the man? 2.

      B: He’s our Chinese teacher.

      3. There ________ a _________ and a trash bin 3.

      in the room.

      4. I often ________ _____ _________ on Wednesdays.

      5. A: Where is the computer? 5.

      B: It’s __________ the desk,_____ the


      Ⅶ. Read and order.將下列句子排成一段通順的對話。(5分)

      ( ) What can you do?

      ( ) Are you helpful, Amy?

      ( ) Great. You’re helpful.

      ( ) I can set the table. I can sweep the floor.

      ( ) Sure.

      Ⅷ. Look, read and tick or cross.看下面表格,補全句子。(10分)


      Name sweep the floor wash the clothes clean the room set the table

      Zhang Peng √ ×

      Chen Jie × √

      Amy √ ×

      Mike × √

      Sarah √ ×

      1. Zhang Peng can _______________. But he can’t ___________________.

      2. Chen Jie can __________________. But she can’t ___________________.

      3. Amy can _____________________. But she ________________________.

      4. Mike ________________________. But he _______________________.

      5. Sarah ________________________. But ___________________________.

      Ⅸ. Read and choose.閱讀短文,選擇合適的答案。(10分)

      This is a big nature park. In the park, there is a forest and some mountains. On the mountains there are many trees and some beautiful flowers. There is much grass, too. There is a long path on the mountain. We can walk there. There are two lakes in the park. One is big, and one is small. We can swim and fish there. What can you see in the lake? Wow, there are many fish swimming in it. What a nice park!

      ( ) 1. The nature park is _________.

      A. small B. not big C. beautiful

      ( ) 2. There are some trees, flowers, _________ on the mountains.

      A. grass and a path B. a lake C. a river

      ( ) 3. We can walk on the _________ path.

      A. short B. long C. clean

      ( ) 4. We can see ________ lakes in the park.

      A. 2 B. 3 C. 4

      ( ) 5. A: Are there any fish in the lake? B: __________.

      A: Yes. B. No. C. Sorry, I don’t know.

      Ⅹ. Read and copy. 規范抄寫。(5分,其中每句正確為1分,整體整潔分為1分。)

      1. The football is behind the trash bin.

      2. What’s your P.E. teacher like?

      3. The bread is tasty and the orange juice is healthy.

      4. I can cook fish and potatoes.


      一、 聽錄音,圈出相符的圖片。

      1. What’s your favourite food? I like chicken.

      2. What do you have on Tuesdays? We have art class.

      3. Can she do the dishes? Yes, she can.

      4. What’s your teacher like? She’s tall.

      5. Is there a river in the picture? Yes, and there’s a lake near the river.

      二、 聽錄音,判斷下圖是否與錄音內容相符,相符的打“√”,不相符的打“×”。

      1. What can your sister do? She can wash the clothes.

      2. Do you often do sports on Sundays? Yes, I do.

      3. Is the man funny? No, he isn’t.

      4. What day is it today? It’s Wednesday.

      5. What’s your bedroom like? There’s a bed and three desks in it .

      三、 聽錄音,選出最合適的答句。

      1. Let’s play ping-pong this Saturday.

      2. Can your father cook the meals?

      3. Where is the closet?

      4. What’s our English teacher like?

      5. Are the flowers beautiful?

      四、 聽音,判斷對錯。

      A: Can you do housework, John?

      B: Yes, I can.

      A: What can you do?

      B: I can clean my bedroom.

      A: Can you cook the meals?

      B: No, I can’t.

      A: Can you sweep the floor?

      B: No, I can’t. But I can do the dishes.

      A: Can you wash the clothes?

      B: Yes, I can.

      五、 聽音,寫出句子所缺的.單詞。

      1. Can you sweep the floor? No, I can’t.

      2. There are two closets in the bedroom.

      3. Are there any mountains in the village? Yes, there are.

      4. What day is it today? It’s Thursday.

      5. What’s your favourite vegetable? Eggplant.





      Ⅲ BAABC


      Ⅴ. 1. Can you sweep the floor? No, I can’t.

      2. There are two closets in the bedroom.

      3. Are there any mountains in the village? Yes, there are.

      4. What day is it today? It’s Thursday.

      5. What’s your favourite vegetable? Eggplant.







      Ⅵ 1. green beans 2. who 3. is closet 4. water the flower 5.on near

      Ⅶ 31542

      Ⅷ 1. sweep the floor set the table

      2. wash the clothes sweep the floor

      3. clean the room can’t set the table

      4. can set the table can’t wash the clothes

      5. can wash the clothes she can’t clean the room

      Ⅸ CABAA

      Ⅹ 略

      五年級上冊英語試卷及答案 篇2


      Ⅰ: 聽音,選出你所聽到的單詞或短語 (5分)

      ( ) 1. A. read books B. do homework C. play football

      ( ) 2. A. fresh B. forest C. finish

      ( ) 3. A. high B. house C. help

      ( ) 4. A. watch B. water C. wash

      ( ) 5. A. Sunday B. Tuesday C. Saturday

      Ⅱ:聽音,與你所聽一致的畫“√”,不一致的畫“×”。 (5分)

      ( ) 1. Robin is tall. ( ) 2. He is not clever.

      ( ) 3. He can speak Chinese and English.

      ( ) 4. He is strict, too. ( ) 5. Robin is man.

      Ⅲ:聽音,選答語 (5分)

      ( )1. A. Yes,he is. B. Mrs. Smith. ( )2. A. I have Chinese. B. Yes, I do.

      ( )3. A. She is kind. B. I’d like rice.

      ( )4. A. I can play the pipa. B. She is ten.

      ( )5. A. No, there isn’t. B. Yes, I can.

      Ⅳ:聽音,寫單詞,完成下列句子 (5分)

      ____________ the _________, there is a small _______. Robin lives there. He can _______________. He watches TV on ____________.


      Ⅰ:判斷下列單詞畫線部分發音是(√ )否(×) 相同。(10分)

      ( )1. rainbow paint ( )2. today fly

      ( ) 3. read eat ( )4. cow slow

      ( )5. book football

      Ⅱ: 選出每組中不屬于同一類別的詞。并將正確選項寫在題前的括號內。(10分)

      ( )1. A. above B. strong C. beside D. behind

      ( ) 2. A. sing B. swim C. cartoon D. read

      ( ) 3. A. bottle B. clock C. photo D. cool

      ( )4.A.week B. Tuesday C. Friday D. Monday

      ( )5. A. polite B. strict C. know D. helpful

      Ⅲ: 英漢互譯 (10分)

      1.go boating _________ 2. no problem_________ 3.in the sky_________

      4. draw cartoons ___________ 5. next Tuesday _________

      6. 練武術________ 7.美味的_________ 8.高樓__________

      9.辛勤的__________ 10.唱英文歌曲__________

      Ⅳ:選擇適當的詞填空。 (5分)

      1.He’s _______ (help/helpful). 2.Are there ________ (any/some) trees?

      3.He can _________ (makes/make) a puppet.

      4.There are so many______ (mouse/mice) in the room.

      5.There are ______ (lots/lot) of clocks in the shop.

      Ⅴ:單項選擇。 (10分)

      ( )1.What ___ you ___ on Sundays?

      A. are, do B. does, do C. do, do D. is, do

      ( )2.What would you like ____ eat? A. to B. for C. at D. of

      ( )3. Do you often read books ____ weekends?

      A. on B. in C. of D. at

      ( )4.Are there ___ lakes in the park? A. some B. any C. a D. lots

      ( )5. He can ____ ping-pong. A. plays B. plays the C. play the D. play

      ( )6. Sarah’s ____ food is fish. A. favourite B. likes C. like D. like best

      ( )7. There____ a banana, ___ orange and some apples_____ the plate.

      A. is, an, in B. are, a, on C. are, a, at D. is, an, on

      ( ) 8. ---What would you like for lunch? --- I'd like some______.

      A. beef noodles and fish sandwiches B. beef noodle and fish sandwiches C. beef noodles and fish sandwich D. beef noodles and fishes sandwiches

      ( )9. She is old ____strict. _____ we like her.

      A. but, and B. and, but C. or, but D. or, and

      ( ) 10. --- ________? ---He’s tall and strong. A. What does he do

      B. How is he like C. What’s he like D. How does he like


      ( ) 1. What day is it today? A. I like apple. They are sweet.

      ( ) 2. Are there any books in the room? B. Monday.

      ( ) 3. Can you sing? C. We have Chinese and English.

      ( ) 4. What do we have on Monday ? D. No, there aren’t.

      ( ) 5.What’s your favourite food? E. Yes, I can.


      1. often, books, park, in, read, do, you, this (?)

      2. can, for, you, the, what, do, party (?)

      3. the, is, my, on, computer, desk ( . )

      4. many, there, pictures, so, are ( . )

      5. really, your, nice, is, room ( ! )

      A. I can draw cartoons. B. We’ll have a party next Friday.

      C. How about you D. I can play the pipa! E. Good afternoon,

      Ⅷ: 根據上下文內容,補全對話, 并把序號填在橫線上。(5分)

      A: ______________ Zhang Peng. This is Oliver.

      B: Good afternoon, Oliver. Nice to meet you.

      C: Nice to meet you, too.

      B: ______________ Can you come and play with us?

      C: OK. ______________

      A: Great. _________, Zhang Peng?

      B: ___________ A&C: Wonderful

      Ⅸ: 閱讀理解(10)

      (A) This is a picture of Robot’s room. There is a big desk. There are four pictures. The closet(衣柜) is near the desk. Many clothes are in the closet. There is a bike behind the door. The basketball is under the desk. What’s on the desk? It’s a computer. Robot works with it. Do you like Robot’s room?


      ( )1. Robot’s room has a big table. ( )2.The desk is near the closet.

      ( )3.The bike isn’t behind the door.

      ( )4.There are many clothes in the closet.

      ( )5.Robot’s computer is under the desk.

      (B) Hello! My name is Tom. I like English very much. My favourite food is beef, eggplant and tofu. I’m very helpful at home. I can do the dishes, set the table and water the flowers. I often read books, do my homework and watch TV on Saturdays. What do you do on weekends?

      My home is near a river. There are some trees and grass around my house. There is a road beside my house. You can see two bridges over it.

      I like my home.

      ( )1. What’s Tom’s favourite class?

      A. He likes Chinese. B. He likes English. C. He likes art.

      ( )2. What’s Tom’s favourite food? A. Beef, eggplant and tofu.

      B. Beef, fish and tofu. C. Beef, chicken and tofu.

      ( )3. Is Tom helpful at home?

      A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t. C. Yes, he isn’t.

      ( ) 4. Where is Tom’s home?

      A. Near a lake. B. Behind the road. C. Near a river.

      ( ) 5. How many bridges are over the river?

      A. There are four. B. There are two. C. None.


      Ⅰ: 聽音,選出你所聽到的單詞或短語 (5分)

      ( C ) 1. play football (B ) 2. forest (C ) 3. help

      (A ) 4. watch (C ) 5. Saturday

      Ⅱ:聽音,與你所聽一致的畫“√”,不一致的畫“×”。 (5分)

      Robin is a robot. He is short but strong. He is really clever. He can speak Chinese and English. He is strict, too. 答案: × × √ √ ×

      Ⅲ:聽音,選答語 (5分)

      1. Who’s your Chinese teacher. 2. What do you have on Monday?

      3. What would you like to eat? 4. What can you do?

      5. Is there a river in the park? 答案: B A B A A

      Ⅳ:聽音,寫單詞,完成下列句子 (5分)

      In front of the mountain, there is a small village. Robin lives there. He can play basketball. He watches TV on Thursday.


      Ⅰ: √ × √ × √

      Ⅱ: B C D A C

      Ⅲ: 1.去劃船 2.沒問題 3.在天空上 4. 畫卡通畫 5. 下周二

      6. do kung fu 7. delicious 8.tall buildings

      9.hard-working 10. sing an English song/ sing English songs

      Ⅳ: 1. helpful 2. any 3. make 4. mice 5. lots

      Ⅴ: C A A B D A D A B C

      Ⅵ: B D E C A

      Ⅶ: 1. Do you often read books in this park? 2.What can you do for the party?

      3. The computer is on my desk. / My computer is on the desk.

      4.There are so many pictures . 5.Your room is really nice !

      Ⅷ: E B A C D/ E B D C A

      Ⅸ: (A) F T F T F (B) B A A C B












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