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職場中的勇氣 職場勇士
日期:2023-02-22 16:38:09    编辑:网络投稿    来源:网络资源
職場的勇氣攻略  職場處處遭遇困境?都是浮云!在TED演講中,詹姆斯·卡梅隆分享了自己成功的經驗:“失敗是人生的一個選項,畏懼不是。”生活中,"害怕失敗"是很多人潛意識中共同的
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  • 職場的勇氣攻略



      Failure Is an Option失敗是人生的一個選項

      1. Make room for failure給失敗一點空間

      Nobody wants to fail, but failing is inevitable on your way to success. [ename]George Bernard Shaw[/ename] said:沒有人愿意失敗,但失敗是成功之路上不可避免的。蕭伯納說過:

      A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.一個嘗試錯誤的人生不但比無所事事的人生更榮耀,而且更有意義。

      So if you never fail then it probably means that you do nothing. Failing shows that you actually do something instead of just sitting in your comfort zone.所以,如果你不曾經歷過失敗,那么這可能意味著你什么都沒做過。失敗表明了你的的確確嘗試過,而不是僅僅坐在自己的安樂窩里。

      2. Learn from each failure從每次失敗中汲取經驗

      Though you need to make room for failure, you shouldn’t just fail. You need to fail intelligently. That means each failure should teach you something. Don’t just fail and get nothing out of it. Learn something from each failure that makes you better and better over time.雖然你需要給失敗留余地,但你不應該只是失敗。你應該聰明地失敗。這意味著每一次的失敗應該教會你東西。不要只是失敗,從中學不到任何事。從每一次的失敗中吸取經驗,隨著時間的推移,你會變得越來越好。

      3. Fail fast盡快失敗

      Time is precious, so if you failed then you’d better fail fast. Why? Because it will make you learn and improve faster. It will make you ready for the prime time sooner.時間是寶貴的,所以如果失敗,那么你最好快點失敗。為什么?因為它會使你學習得更快,也提高得更快。這使你能盡早為你的黃金時期做準備。

      The key here is to shorten your feedback cycle. Find a way to get quick feedback on your effort so that you can adjust yourself soon. What you need to do is testing your idea in the real world as soon as possible. Don’t wait until everything is perfect. Instead, test it once it’s good enough and refine from there. The mantra of the open source world applies here: release early, release often.這里的關鍵是要縮短你的.反饋周期。找到一種能讓你的努力得到快速反饋的方式,這讓你可以快速調整自己。你需要做的是盡快在現實中測試你的想法。不要等到一切就緒才開始。相反,經常測試它,一旦它不夠好,可以隨時改進。開放源碼的口號適用于這里:提前發布,經常發布。

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