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日期:2023-02-19 13:00:18    编辑:网络投稿    来源:互联网
五年級上冊英語期末考試卷(附答案)  五年級期末考試離我們越來越近了。建議同學們多背誦重點知識,多做題。下面是小編整理的五年級上冊英語期末考試卷(附答案),僅供參考,歡迎
  • 今日頭條新年祝福語
  • 五年級上冊英語期末考試卷(附答案)



      Listening part (聽力部分)40%

      一、Listen and choose,( 聽音,選出你所聽到的內容。)10%

      1、 A. strong B. strict C. short

      2、 A. sweet B. salty C. yummy

      3、 A. Saturday B. Tuesday C. Thursday

      4、 A. homework B. housework C. work

      5、 A. mouth B. mountain C. mouse

      6、 A. cabbage and fish B. cabbage and tofu C. fish and tomato

      7、 A. fruit B. from C. frog

      8、 A. healthy B. yummy C. fresh

      二、Listen and match,( 聽音,連線。)10%

      Mary young and active

      Tom tall and strong

      Linda strict but kind

      Mr Wu funny and short

      Miss Lin short and thin

      三、Listen and choose,( 聽問句,選答句。)5%

      1、 A. She’s pretty, B. She likes watching TV.

      2、 A. Yes , they are sweet, B. No, I don’t,

      3、 A. I like grapes, B. I like green beens,

      4、 A.We have computer and English, B,We often do homework and watch TV,

      5、 A. It’s Sunday, B.It’s Saturday,

      四、Listen and write, ( 聽音,補充句子 。)10%

      1. I like __________, It’s _______________,

      2. What do you do _________ ___________ ?

      3. Is she ____________ ? No , she is ______________.

      4. Who is __________ English ____________?

      5. I often do __________ and _________ computer games,

      五、Listen and tick or cross, ( 聽短文,判斷正誤,正的寫 T ,錯的寫 F )5%

      ( )1. Miss Brown is tall and thin,

      ( )2. She often reads books and listens to music,

      ( )3. Our Chinese teacher is Mr Brown,

      ( )4. Miss Brown is our principal,

      ( )5. We like Mr Brown very much,

      Writing Part (筆試部分)


      1.A. peach B. bread C. sheep D. jeans

      2.A. thin B. that C. math D. there

      3.A. our B. mouth C. house D. yellow

      4.A. floor B. frog C. from D. fruit

      5.A. what B. who C. why D. white


      1. It’s time ________- ?

      A. to get up B. for get up C. gets up

      2. When is _______________,

      A. Mother day B. mother’s Day C. Monther’s Day

      3. What _________ you like ________ dinner ?

      A. would to B. do for C. would for

      4. What can you ________

      A. do B. dooes C. have

      5. —Who’s that young woman?

      —________ my aunt,

      A. She B.She’s C. Her

      6. — What do you ________ for lunch ?

      —Fish and tofu

      A. had B.have C. has

      7. Noodles are my favourite __________.

      A. fruit B. drink C. food

      8. I like beef and chicken , but I am heavy now. I have to eat more _____.

      A. vegetbales B. mutton C. water

      9. ____________ about you ?

      A. Where B. When C. What

      10. The first day of a week is __________

      A. Monday B. Saturday C. Sunday


      1.What do you do on __________________.( 星期三 )

      I often ______________ _________________( 讀書 )

      2. We have Chinese , _________(美術課)and ________(數學課)on mMondays.

      3. I like __________( 西紅柿)very much. It’s my _______________(最喜歡的)。

      4.I don’ t like ____________(葡萄), They’re ____________(酸的.)。

      5. He is a university ___________(學生)。

      四、連詞成句,注意標點符號和大小寫。 10%

      1. day it what today is


      2. your is what food favourite


      3. do on you what Sunday do


      4. is English your who teacher


      5. have eat I to more vegetables



      John: Hello.

      Zhang: Hi, John. ______________________________What are you doing ?

      John: _______________________________

      Zhang: Do you want to go to the ____________________

      John: Sure. _____________________________________

      Zhang: 10:30.

      John: Ok,__________________-

      Zhang: Bye,

      A. See you later. B.   Children   Center  , C. This is Zhang Peng.

      D.I am doing my homework, E.What time ?


      A bus stop (停)at a small bus-stop (公共汽車站). A man looks out of the window and sees a woman, She is selling (賣)cakes, The man wants to eat a cake , but the woman isn’t near here, It’s raining and the man doesn’t want to go out in the rain, Soon (不久), the man sees a boy, The boy is near the window, “Do you know how much the cake is ?” “Twenty fen.” The boy says, The man gives the boy forty fen and asks him to buy two cakes. “One is for you and one for me,” He says to the boy,

      After a while (一會兒), the boy comes back, He’s eating a cake. He gives the man twenty fen and says “Sorry , there is only one cake left (剩下).”


      1. Where is the man ?

      A. He is at home, B. He is in a bus. C. He is in a car.

      2. What’s the woman doing ?

      A. She is eating cakes. B. She is making cakes, C. She is selling cakes.

      3. How many cakes does the woman have ?

      A. Only one B. Two, C. Many.

      4. How much are two cakes ?

      A. Twenty fen, B. Forty fen C. I don’t know.

      5. What’s the result (結果)?

      A. The man eat a cake, B. The man doesn’t eat a cake,

      C. The boy doesn’t eat a cake,



      1. My father is very strict ,

      2. Amy likes stawberries best , because they’re sweet,

      3. I often do sports on Thursday,

      4. My mother often does housework at home,

      5. Open your mouth,

      6. What do you have for lunch ? I have some fish and cabbage,

      7. Apple is my favourite fruit,

      8. I like eggplant , because it is yummy,



      Mary is a funny and short girl, She’d like some fish and green beens.

      Tom is tall and strong, He’d like some chicken and hamburgers,

      Linda is short and thin, She’d like some tomatoes and tofu,

      Mr Wu is strict ,but he’s kind , He’d like some potatoes and eggplant,

      Miss Lin is young and active, She’d like some mutton and soup,


      1.What’s she like ?

      2.Do you like mutton for lunch ?

      3.I like green beens ,because they’re healty,

      4.What do you do on Saturday ?

      5.What day is it today ? Today is Saturday. What day is it tomorrow ?



      1. I like ( pork ), It’s (tasty),

      2. What do you do ( on )( Fridays )?

      3. Is she ( active )? No , she is ( quiet ).

      4. Who is (your)English ( teacher )?

      5. I often do ( sports )and ( play )computer games,


      Miss Brown is our principal, She is our Chinese teacher, She is tall and thin, She often reads books and plays pingpong,She always play pingpong with us, We like her very much,




      2..ACCAB BCACC

      3.Wendesdays read books art math tomato favourite grapes sour student

      4. 1).What day is it today ?

      2).What is your favourite food ?

      3).What do you do on Sunday ?

      4).Who is your English teacher ?

      5).I have to eat more vegetbles,

      5.C D B E A

      6.B C A B B












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