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吸煙與健康英語演講稿兩分半 吸煙與健康英語演講稿范文
日期:2023-03-17 21:53:33    编辑:网络投稿    来源:互联网
  • 給女朋友說晚安的句
  • 吸煙與健康英語演講稿

    你們這里有多少人吸煙的?今天我的演講主題就是吸煙有害健康。依據疾病控制與預防中心的數據,香煙中含有多于4000種化學物質,以及250余種有毒或者致癌物質。我將分三部分的內容,首先是談談吸煙的危害,其次談談為什么那么多人吸煙,最后是一些戒煙建議。 Do you have a habit of smoking? Anyone here? And that’s our topic today—smoking is bad for your health. The data based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cigarette contains more than 4,000 chemicals, as well as more than 250 kinds of toxic or carcinogenic. I will be in three parts of the contents, first to talk about the dangers of smoking, followed by talking about why so many people smoke, and finally some advice to quit.




    Smoking is bad for your health---no kidding we will agree with that. According to the World Health Organization, 1/4 of the lung cancer patients in industrially developed countries , 90% are smokers; those who were died of bronchitis, smokers accounted for 75%; and in myocardial infarction smokers accounted for 25%

    吸煙不僅給本人帶來危害,而且殃及子女。有學者對5200個孕婦進行調查分析,結果發現,父親不吸煙的,子女先天畸形比率約為0.8%。父親每天吸煙1-10支,這個比率增加到1.4%,每天吸煙10支以上,比率增加到2.1%。孕婦本人吸煙也會影響嬰兒的死亡率。每天吸煙不足一包的,嬰兒死亡率為20%,吸煙一包以上者,死亡比率增加到35%以上。 吸煙會使人變笨嗎?根據英國倫敦國王學院的調查,研究涉及8800名50歲以上的老人,吸煙會加速大腦的老化,而超重和高血壓等和記憶力下降有關。

    Smoking is not only harm to the smokers, but to bring disaster to their children. Scholars did a survey of 5200 pregnant women, it was found that if a father does not smoke, children congenital malformations ratio was approximately 0.8%; and if he smokes 1-10 branch daily, this ratio increased to 1.4%, and it will be increased to 2.1% while smoking 10 or more a day. Pregnant woman who are smoking can also affect the mortality rate of infant. Smoking less than a pack a day, the infant mortality rate was 20%, smoking a pack or more, the death rate increased to over 35%. Can smoking make a people stupid? According to a research made by Kings College London, which included 8800 old man over 50, indicated that smoking would accelerate the aging of the brain, while overweight and high blood pressure are related to memory loss.


    what we call the crowd around of smokers are passive smokers. Second-hand smoke is not lighter than active smoke. Second-hand smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals, including 40 kinds of cancer-related substances. The U.S. Department of Health Administration reports that Second-hand smoke makes non-smokers at increased risk of coronary heart disease by 25% -30%, the risk of lung cancer increased by 20% - 30%; According to the 2015 China Tobacco Control Report, 540 million people in china are in the dangers of secondhand smoke, including children

    under 15 years of age accounted for 1/3, the number of deaths from passive smoking each year more than 100thound people.



    一, 這是一個長期形成的習慣,很多人短時間內擺脫不了。調查顯示,86%的人在25

    歲之前就開始吸煙,而27%的煙民不到16歲就開始“騰云駕霧”的漫漫人生路。 二, 社交需要。比如,生意或者聚會的時候別人遞給你香煙,你不接的話會被認為不禮


    三, 很多人對吸煙的后果的嚴重性的意識不強。調查顯示,有20%人不清楚或者不關


    Now smoking does so much harm on their own or others, why do so many people still smoke a lot? First,it is a long-established habit for many people, they could not escape in a short time. Survey shows that 86% of smokers started smoking before the age of 25, while 27 percent of smokers began less than 16 years old.

    Second, a necessary for social intercourse. For example, In business or gatherings when someone handed you a cigarette, it will be considered impolite if you refuse. Many times cigarettes will be bestowed as a gift.

    Third, a lot of smokers have less sense of the seriousness of the consequences of smoking. A survey tells that 20% of people do not know or care about what harm they are risking in smoking. 如何戒煙





    There are various methods to quit smoking, and it varies from person to person. First, please have confidence and determination. Self-confidence is the cornerstone of success. Lack of confidence shakes you when your smoking cravings make a visit. And it is futile if you do not have the determination to quit smoking behind the things you do. Secondly, make out plans to reduce the number of daily smoking. For example, if you smoke two packs a day, you can reduce to a pack after a month and a half in next month instead. Again, Throw away all the cigarettes, lighters, and ashtrays, do not leave a hope. Your family’s supervision will help a lot. How about the cravings coming back? You can take activities to distract, like a deep breath, drinking tea, eating snacks and so on.



    To sum up, what we talk above are about the dangers of smoking, the reason some people smoke, and finally some suggestions about cessation. That’s all, thank you

    吸煙與健康英語演講稿 [篇2]

    Good afternoon, everyone!

    I am very glad to have a speech here. My name is XXX, and my major is chemistry. Hu Bei, Jing Zhou is my hometown, a famous city in the Three Kingdoms, and it is rich in rice and fish. I graduated from XXX University, and now, I am studying in XXX University. In my spare time, I often play computer games, surf on line, or travel with friends and sometimes I like being alone and doing nothing.

    My topic is Smoking, do you smoke? Yes or no? It has been estimated that smokers have made up half of the population. And the smokers are being younger and younger, even including some middle school students, both boys and girls. Nowadays, more and more people have realized that smoking can do harm to their health. However, some people still enjoy smoking. Why? Some of them think it is very cool that they can smoke like a famous handsome actor; some people think that they will be looked more mature when smoking. The brain workers think that smoking can bring them inspiration and the sad people may relieve themselves by smoking. Is the smoking really so effectively? If smoking was as good as what they say, our life would be easier just though smoking.

    In fact, smoking is a bad habit and it can cause a lot of diseases, such as tracheitis(氣管炎), lung cancer and many other diseases. Recent years, there are tens of thousands of people dying of smoking. Meanwhile, smoking is a waste of money. Besides, careless smokers may cause dangerous fires. Smoking is bad for not only the smokers themselves, but also non-smokers. Second hand smoking has been recognized harmful to other people. Even worse, it may cause more damages for children and pregnant women.

    If you are a smoker, here are some tips can help you to reduce the harm from smoking: First, you can use a filter which can prevent most of the poisonous substance breathing into your lung, such as nicotine and tar(焦油). Second, drink a cup of tea when you are smoking, because tea is able to detoxify. Third, you can smoke the electronic cigarette rather than cigarette. Though the electronic cigarette is not completely safety, it is less harmful for health compared with cigarette. I think the most effective way to reduce the harm is that smoke as less as you can. The less you smoke, the more health you will get, and then you will live longer.

    At last, considering the health of yourself and other people who you care and you care, please do not smoke!

    吸煙與健康英語演講稿 [篇3]


    09商務英語2班 靳麗娜 093304208

    Do you want to live in a family full of smoke ? Are you bothered of your partner or collegue who is smoking ? Do you hate the odd smell that makes you caugh ? Of course ,we all don’t like that .

    Beause it’s bad for smoker’s health but also for the passive smoker’s . Smoking is the murderer. It contributes to cancers .According to the WHO (World Health Organization ),every eight seconds ,smoking killed one person .Almost 5 million people die every year. Futhermore, more than 500 million people suffer from passive smoking. Predicted that the numbers in the next 20 years will be doubled .So for other’s health, don’t smoke in public places .If you are addicted ,just seek a smoking place.And for yourself,the fundmental solution is giving up smoking. Besides,smoking is the cause of fire.At the end of last century, a driver threw out a butt onto the ground when the car passed by a mountain channel from Italy to France.Then a tragedy happended :The butt burned. It killed 39 people and caused the loss of more than 1 billion dollars.Therefore, don’t drop the burning cigaratee onto ground casually.Make sure it is put out.

    In conclusion, for your family,your friends,your collegues and the public ,please smoke “secretly” and put out the butt. For yourself , then give up smoking .










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