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主題是愛的英語演講稿怎么寫 關于愛的主題英語演講稿
日期:2023-03-17 21:35:19    编辑:网络投稿    来源:网络资源
主題是愛的英語演講稿amatory love has been a mystery for ages. there's neither a criterion to judge nor a common rule to follow. nobody can tell the exact reason
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  • 主題是愛的英語演講稿


    amatory love has been a mystery for ages. there's neither a criterion to judge nor a common rule to follow. nobody can tell the exact reasons why love emerges. it is not always because of beauty (the ugly doorkeeper quasimodo in the hunchback of notre dame is loved by the beautiful gypsy girl esmeralda), nor kindness (hitler also has his mistress), nor wisdom ( even the blockhead may sometimes marry a beautiful girl), nor strength (some love starts from sympathy). true love is like getting an electric shock, shaking our soul. it is a sweet dream, a kind of intoxication, indulgence, and endless passion.

    true love doesn't need a long time to grow up, to make clear the family tree of the other, neither does it needs the time to look ahead and behind again and again. love is not marriage, which usually starts from love, but

    doesn't always depend on love to maintain. long-lasting marriage can eventually turn into a kind of family love, a kind of companionship which preserves the companion but loses the passion. love is often an wink of the eye, or a smile that hints mutual understanding. in spite of the great distance between them, people may fall in love incidentally. hence the saying “a distant marriage is tied up with a mysterious thread”. love needs passion, and it can stand bumps and stumbles, ups and downs, complaints and blames. when it turns into a pool of water, especially dead water, without any billows or waves, it's time for it to die.

    delicacies are tasty, but eating everyday can still make one lose appetite. happiness is what everyone longs for, but too much happiness can spoil people who may not care about the happiness they already have. it's universal to live in happiness without knowing it. the same is true with love. very few people can love the same person passionately all their lives. all love stories come to an end no matter how beautiful they are, which also demonstrate the changeability of love. what one has been chasing wildly may turn into something one wants to get rid of desperately in the end. besides, love is usually blind, especially those who fall in love at the first sight. at the very beginning, both try to demonstrate their beautiful side and cover up their weakness. fooled by the mysterious color of love, one often mistakes the weaknesses as merits. however, as time passes by, frequent contacts make one bored, and even merits become defects, and then the end of love is coming. what's more, there are the capricious men and women who never take love seriously, leaving the devoted ones suffering alone. the saying that the devoted is always abandoned by the heartless has almost become the truth of love affairs. what we can't neglect is that love may turn into hatred, and lovers may also become enemies. the best proof is the numerous divorces.

    even though true love is hard to find nowadays, we still can see some true and infatuated boys and girls who readily give up their families, their parents, their studies, their careers and even their lives for love. they love so passionately, crazily and wildly that they hate anyone who is against their love, and may even harm or kill him if he insists on his objection.

    love has magical power that can exploit people's potential abilities, bring people's positive factors into full play, and provide people with the courage to face trials and hardships, to go through life and death, and even to risk universal condemnation. even in the ancient feudal society, some people were courageous enough to carry on clandestine love affairs. the examples in point were the courageous ones who dared to love the concubines of the emperors or the children of their foes. love also has miraculous power which can startle the universe and move the gods by attracting the heavenly celestials coming down to earth ( the love story of the cowboy and the weaving girl ), and by turning ghosts into human ( strange tales of liao-zhai ). love can transcend age and generation (dr. sun yat-sen and madam song qingling; luxun and xu guangping). love can show contempt for all conventions and prejudices; love can heal wounds and cure diseases, and love can readjust people's state of mind. of course, the result would be the opposite once it hurts.

    主題是愛的英語演講稿 [篇2]


    Wang Wenna

    Good afternoon, everyone!


    It’s my great honor to be here today!


    It’s my great honor to be a young English teacher of Hebi Foreign Language School! Because of this, I have more chances to learn things, to practice, to show myself, and to develop more quickly than people of the same age. So, first of all, thank you! Tank you for providing us so much!


    Now, I’d like to talk about the topic from three points, actually three verbs: “love, devote, and enjoy”!


    First, about “love”.


    English has been my favorite since my junior high school. I love it because

    I have a good English teacher. And at that time, I began to realize the importance of a good English teacher. So, after graduating from the university, when I decided to be a good English teacher, I chose our school because it’s a foreign language school! As an English major, I believed our school must be my best choice! Now, 5years has passed, our school is proved to be a good environment for English teachers! All of the things: the experienced teachers, the activities, trainings, studying, etc give me a good platform to develop!


    So, I want to say, I love being an English teacher, and I love our school! That’s the very beginning of being a good teacher!


    Second, about “devote”.


    As a foreign language school, our students are not chosen by their English grades. They came here with poor English level even no English level at all. However, our students graduated with pretty good English grades. For

    example, the students graduated this year got 88.1 average scores. That’s almost ten marks more than the second one! The result is not gained by accident. It’s because each of our English teachers devotes ourselves to our students, to English teaching, and to our school!


    Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, we go to the classroom at seven ten, actually, most of us get there much earlier. And then we begin our busy days! We check the reciting, the dictation pa-pe-rs, and the test pa-pe-rs. And we ask the students to recite to us one by one, and over and over again if necessary!


    We devote ourselves not only with our “time”, but also with our “heart”. Take me as an instance. I try my best to give students impressive and lively classes, no matter the new lessons or the revision lessons. What’s more, I try to use different methods to attract the students’ interest. Last year, the composition seemed to be a big problem to our students of Grade Nine, so I

    put their compositions on the wall, and asked all the students to find their mistakes and then praised the students who found the most mistakes. And after the test, I wrote a letter to all the students, try to remind them not to make many mistakes in a humorous way. Students learn things and understand the teachers in a happy way.


    So with our everyday physical and mental devotion, our students get good grades.

    因此,在我們每天的體力和腦力奉獻下,我們的學生取得了好成績。 Third, about “enjoy”.


    I have to say “enjoy” is a process. I enjoy myself when the students can read a new word. I enjoy myself when the students make a good sentence. Once, when we were learning “would rather”, a boy called Ma Yubin said

    “She would rather cry in a BMW than laugh on a like.” I really enjoy it, and I’m proud of him, and a little proud of myself. I enjoy myself when the students make progress day by day! I also enjoy myself when people admire I’m an English teacher of Hebi Foreign Language School!


    All in all, the English teachers in our school devote more and must enjoy more in the future! So will our Hebi Foreign Language School!




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