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Publicizing Lists of Uncivilized Residents
1. 目前某市政府在媒體上曝光不文明的市民
2. 人們對這種做法反應不一
3. 你的'看法
Publicizing Lists of Uncivilized Residents
To improve tbe behavior of its citizens, the government of X City has teamed with local media to release lists of uncivilized behavion. The lists have photos and basic information of offenders e. g, drivers brealdng traffic rules have their license-plate nurabers listed along with the time and location of the infraction. This has attracted particular public attention.
Some welcome the policy, believing it will deter people ftom poor behavior They say it will force people to behave themscives, or they will risk being named and shamed in the media. However, critics have complained that the initiative is an abuse of administrative power and is irresponsible* Citizens should certainly be held responsible for misconduct, they say, but the government should also create an environment to help people exercise self-discipline.
Personatlyt I agree that citizens should be responsible for their improper behavior but governments also do have a responsibility to improve their management. Besides, according to laws, law enforcement departments are entitled to give the proper punishments to violators of public regulations. It is, however, groundless for these governmental organs to publicly disgrace the rule- brcakcis.
part 2題目要求:
1. 目前許多大學校園里出現“大四空巢”現象
2. 出現這一現象的原?因
3. 我對這一現象的看法和建議
參考范文:On the Senior Empty Nests
For most senior students in universities, the last academic year has nothing to do with academics. To the frustration of professors, few courses are attended by students. And dorms are almost vacant with few lodgers. This kind of phenomenon, which has been called “Senior Empty Nests”, is common among universities of China.
Where have those absent senior students gone? Some lucky dogs have gone to their new jobs while the majority are still striving to get a job or engaging in their internship outside of the campus. The severe employment pressure has pushed senior students into employment market earlier. The anxiety of getting a job before graduation disturbs the restless mind of every student, which leads to skipping school of most students.
In my view, with senior students leaving campus earlier, their time of education has been reduced, which puts them in a disadvantaged position in the employment market. Students should start job hunting after finishing the courses of the last academic year. At the same time, the universities should provide career education for senior students.