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四年級上冊英語期中試卷及答案人教版 四年級上冊英語期中試卷人教版(附答案)
日期:2023-02-26 15:40:48    编辑:网络投稿    来源:互联网
四年級上冊英語期中試卷【新人教版】  英語學習是一個長期的積累過程,并且這個積累的每一小步對未來的'成功都至關重要。小編整理了人教版小學四年級英語上冊期中試卷,歡迎
  • 說說幽默搞笑的
  • 四年級上冊英語期中試卷【新人教版】



      聽力部分( 40分 )

      Listen and choose. 聽錄音,把你聽到的單詞或字母選出來。

      ( ) 1. A. MN B. UN C. VW

      ( ) 2.A. b d B f j C. f g

      ( )3. A.13 B.30 C. 33

      ( )4. A. family B. ready C. study

      ( ) 5. A. notebook B. story-book C. math book

      ( ) 6. A. kitchen B. chicken C. knife

      ( ) 7. A. uncle B. aunt C. parents

      ( ) 8. A. phone B. shelf C. window

      筆試部分( 60分 )


      ( ) 1. A. parents B. doctor C. driver

      ( ) 2. A. fork B. soup C. spoon

      ( ) 3. A. school B. bedroom C. kitchen

      ( ) 4. A. bread B. dinner C. egg

      ( ) 5. A.music B. science C. strong


      1. I'd like some b___________ and two eggs.

      2 .I can see a w___________ and a bed.

      3. This is my uncle. He is a f__________.

      4. She’s my m__________.

      5. Amy is a g_________. .


      ( )1. She ______ music.

      A. likes B. like C. is

      ( )2. ______ name is Amy.

      A. Her B. His C. She

      ( )3. I have ____ English book .

      A. a B. an C.some

      4. ---- Is he your brother? ---- ____________

      A. No, he isn't. B. No, he is. C.Yes, he isn’t.

      ( )5. ---- _______ your father? ---- He's a farmer.

      A. Where's B. What's C. How many

      ( )6. What would you like______ dinner?

      A. for B. in C.on

      ( ) 7. --- ______ in the classroom? --- Some desks.

      A. Where's B. What's C. Who's

      ( ) 8. --- ______ is the boy? --- He is my brother.

      A. What B. Who C. Where

      ( ) 9. Let ______ clean the windows.

      A. me B. I C. we

      ( ) 10. My father is ______ the living room.

      A. in B. under C. on


      ( ) 1. Chen Jie can use a spoon and chopsticks.

      ( ) 2. Look! This is our school. It's nice and clean .

      ( ) 3. Let me clean the board.

      ( ) 4. My father is a driver.

      ( ) 5. My friend likes music.

      Read and choose. 讀一讀,選句子,將序號填入。(10分)

      ( ) 1. What's in the classroom? A. She's a doctor.

      ( ) 2 What would you like? B. I have four.

      ( ) 3. How many books do you have? C. No, they aren't.

      ( ) 4. What's your mother? D. I’d like some soup and beef.

      ( ) 5. Are the keys on the table. E. Some desks.

      Read and tick or cross.讀短文,判斷。正確的打“√”,錯誤的打“×”(10分)

      My best friend is Mary. She is a cute girl. She has curly hair. She is from America. She has a blue schoolbag. What`s in it? Two English books, ten story-books and a math book. She like math very much. She likes music, too. There are five people in her family.

      ( ) 1. Mary has curly hair.

      ( ) 2. Mary has a red schoolbag.

      ( ) 3. There are two English books in Mary`s schoolbag.

      ( ) 4. Mary doesn`t like math.

      ( ) 5. There are four people in Mary`s family.












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