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日期:2023-02-12 20:07:56    编辑:网络投稿    来源:互联网
您好,今天飛哥來為大家解答以上的問題。英文摘要怎么弄,英文摘要怎么寫相信很多小伙伴還不知道,現在讓我們一起來看看吧!1、Non steady state method for determination of th


1、Non steady state method for determination of thermal properties of materials has become the main means, transient plane heat source method has short test time, can obtain a plurality of thermal parameters and other prominent features. In this paper, transient plane heat source method for measuring thermal conductivity of insulation materials carries out the theoretical analysis and testing technology research.This paper derives the transient plane heat source method for ideal test model of thermal parameters, sensitivity analysis, according to the parameters of sensitivity to determine their estimates of the likelihood of, according to the theoretical model to calculate the physical parameters of the theoretical value, in order to test the improved Gauss method to estimate the parameters of the feasibility and accuracy of. Sensitivity analysis shows that by the heating surface temperature rise curve can be determined by the material heat storage coefficient, temperature rise curve within the specimen can be estimated at the same time heat conduction coefficient and thermal diffusion coefficient.Carry out 3D simulation, verified the system satisfies the one-dimensional heat transfer hypothesis, the test sample in the Z direction to meet the semi-infinite hypothesis, and the initial temperature non uniformity and environmental temperature were made by ANSYS numerical simulation, and the simulation results by the method of parameter estimation of thermal conductivity and the obtained theoretical model comparison, thereby to judge error.Developed insulation material Transient plane heat source method for thermal conductivity test technology standards, including the method principle, device, selection of heating power, sample size design and effective testing time.。


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