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日期:2023-03-20 17:16:14    编辑:网络投稿    来源:网络资源
五種談判技巧文章  國際商務談判的五個技巧  International business negotiation's five skill  進出口商要想成功就得掌握談判技巧。掌握談國際商務判技巧,就能
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      International business negotiation's five skill


      International business negotiation is a discipline that the organic combination of scientific and artistic, due and certain principles of negotiating .The essay consider that the only following the six principles, namely: give consideration to the interests of both sides principle, the principles of fairness, time principle, principle of information, principles of negotiation psychological activity the principle of good faith and negotiating position to win the negotiations of the initiative,to avoiding loss of possible opportunity cost , fight for favorable conditions for cooperation


      Import and export business have to master negotiation skills if they want to be successful . Actually , trade negotiationsis a kind of dialogue, in this dialogue, the two sides expounded his situation and state the own point of view, listen to each other's proposal and offer the proposal, also offer concessions to each other, and finally to reach an agreement. Masterring national business negotiation's skills, you can grasp the initiative in the dialogue and obtain satisfactory results .we should grasp the following several important skill :


      International business negotiation's skills one : listen more talk less

      缺乏經驗的談判者的最大弱點是不能耐心地聽對方發言,他們認為自己的任務就是談自己的情況,說自己想說的話和反駁對方的反對意見。因此,在談判中,他們總在心里想下面該說的話,不注意聽對方發言,許多寶貴信息就這樣失去了。他們錯誤地認為優秀的談判員是因為說得多才掌握了談判的主動。其實成功的談判員在談判時把50%以上的時間用來聽。他們邊聽、邊想、邊分析,并不斷向對方提出問題,以確保自己完全正確的理解對方。他們仔細聽對方說的每一句話,而不僅是他們認為重要的,或想聽的話,因此而獲得大量寶貴信息,增加了談判的籌碼。有效地傾聽可以使我們了解進口商的需求,找到解決問題的新辦法,修改我們的發盤或還盤。“談”是任務,而“聽”則是一種能力,甚至可以說是一種天份。“會聽”是任何一個成功的談判員都必須具備的條件。在談判中,我們要盡量鼓勵對方多說,我們要向對方說:“Yes”,“Please go on”,并提問題請對方回答,使對方多談他們的情況,以達到盡量了解對方的目的。

      It is biggest weakness for inexperienced negotiators that they are not patiently listen to other party's speak, they think that their task is to talk about their situation and say their wanted to say and refuse other party's objections. Therefore, they always think of the next to say, so they do not pay attention to listen to other party talked it, lead to many valuable information loss in the negotiations. They wrongly believe that good negotiator is much more to master the negotiations,due to they initiative. In fact, successful negotiator have more than 50% of the time to listen the in negotiations . They listen as she ponders, edge analysis, as same time continue to ask questions to other party, To ensure that they completely correct understant other party. Then carefully listen to every word the other said, not that they think are important, or want to hear ,

      therefore they can get a lot of valuable information , and increase the bargaining chips. Effectiving listening allows us to understand the needs of importers and find new ways to solve the problem, modify our offer or counter-offer. "Talk" is a task, and "listen" is an ability, even a talent. "Listen" is the condition for any of a successful negotiator must have . In the negotiations, in order to we understand purpose of them . we should try best to encourage other party to say, we say to other party : "Yes", "Please go on", and ask questions to them, so that the other party to talk about more their situation.


      International Business negotiation's kills II: clever to ask questions

      談判的第二個重要技巧是巧提問題。通過提問我們不僅能獲得平時無法得到的信息,而且還能證實我們以往的判斷。出口商應用開放式的問題(即答復不是“是”或“不是”,需要特別解釋的問題)來了解進口商的需求,因為這類問題可以使進口商自由暢談他們的`需求。例如:“Can you tell me more about your campany?”“What do you think of our proposal?”對外商的回答,我們要把重點和關鍵問題記下來以備后用。

      The second important of negotiation skills is Clever to ask question . We can not only get the information through the questions that usually can not get it, but also confirm our previous judgments. Exporters apply open-ended questions (that answer is "yes" or "no", special issue of interpretation) to understand the needs ofimporters。 because this problem can make them freely talk about their needs . For example: "Can you tell me more about your campany?" "What do you think of our proposal?"We need to focus on and write down key questions of foreign answer for later use.

      發盤后,進口商常常會問:“Can not you do better than that?”對此發問,我們不要讓步,而應反問:“What is meant by better?”或“Better than what?”這些問題可使進口商說明他們究竟在哪些方面不滿意。例如,進口商會說:“Your competitor is offering better terms.”這時,我們可繼續發問,直到完全了解競爭對手的發盤。然后,我們可以向對方說明我們的發盤是不同的,實際上要比競爭對手的更好。如果對方對我們的要求給予一個模糊的回答,如:“No problem”,我們不要接受,而應請他作具體回答。

      Offer after-hours, importers often ask: "Can not you do better than that?" Which ask questions, we can not compromise, but should ask: "What is meant by better?" Or "Better than what?" These issues can indicate that the importers are not satisfied in what ways. For example, importers said,: "Your competitor is offering better terms." At this time, we can continue asking questions until fully understand the competitor's offer. Then, we can explain our hair to the other plate is different, in fact, better than competitors. If the person on our request to give a vague answer, such as: "No problem", we do not accept, but should ask him for a specific answer.


      International Business sub Skills III: conditions of use questions


      When the two sides have a preliminary understanding of each other after negotiations will enter the offer and counter-offer stage. At this stage, we use the conditions for a more exploratory questions to further understand each other's specific circumstances, to modify our offer.

      條件問句(conditional question)由一個條件狀語從句和一個問句共同構成,這個問句可以是特殊問句也可以是普通問句。典型的條件問句有“What?if”,和“If?then”這兩個句型。例如:“What would you do if we agree to a two-year contract?”及“If we modif your

      specifications, would you consider a larger order?”在國際商務談判中,條件問句有以下許多優點

      Conditions questions (conditional question) adverbial clause by a condition and a common form questions, the questions are specific questions can also be common questions. Conditions are typical questions "What ... if", and "If ... then" these two sentences. For example: "What would you do if we agree to a two-year contract?" And "If we modif your specifications, would you consider a larger order?" In international business negotiations, conditions there are many special advantages questions.

      (1) mutual concessions.

      (2) access to information.

      (3) to seek common ground. I

      (4) instead of "No".


      Four: to avoid ambiguity arising from cross-cultural exchange

      國際商務談判大多用英語進行,而談判雙方的母語往往又不都是英語,這就增加了交流的難度。在這種情況下,我們要盡量用簡單、清楚、明確的英語,不要用易引起誤會的多義詞、雙關語、俚語、成語,也不要用易引起對方反感的詞句,如:“To tell you the ruth”,“I''ll be honest with you...”,“I shall do my best.”“It''s none of my business but...”。這些詞語帶有不信任色彩,會使對方擔心,從而不愿積極與我們合作

      Most international business negotiations in English, while the mother tongue of the negotiating parties are often not in English, which increases the difficulty of communication. In this case, we should try to use simple, clear and concise English, do not use lead to misunderstanding of the multi-meaning words, puns, slang, idioms. Do not use offensive words lead to the other party, such as: "To tell you the ruth", "I''ll be honest with you ..."," I shall do my best." "It''s none of my business but ...". Do not trust these words with color, make each other's concerns, are reluctant to actively cooperate with us.。


      Finally, to ensure smooth communication and another before the end of the negotiations is a summary of the agreement up to now repeat it again and ask to be recognized. Summary must be realistic, must be worded properly, otherwise you'll be suspicious, the summary does not endorse, have a good talk about the issue is again to focus on it again.


      International V: prepared well before the negotiations


      Negotiations, on the other side of the case to conduct a thorough investigation, analysis of their strengths and weaknesses, analyze what the problem is you can talk about, what issues are negotiable; also analyzed for each other is, what is important, and other important for the deal to what extent, and so on. We must also analyze the situation. Assume that we will work with a large company's purchasing manager, talks, first of all we should ask ourselves the following questions: - To talk about the main problems?

      - What not to touch the sensitive issue?

      - Be the first to talk about? - We understand each other what the problem? - Since the end of a business, what changes took place in the other? - If you are talking about renewal of the order, before doing business with each other to remember what lessons?

      - Competition with us what the strengths of the order of business?

      - Can we improve our work? - The other party may object to what the problem?

      - In what ways can we give? We want them to make what work? - What are the other requirements? Their negotiating strategy will be like?


      Answer these questions, we should set out a questionnaire to ask questions in advance to be good, otherwise the negotiations is compromised.


      In short, many international business negotiation failed due to lack of negotiating skills. Import and export business by developing the ability to listen and ask questions, by mastering these skills, you can take the initiative in the negotiations to obtain satisfactory results.










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