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推薦信常用范文英文版怎么寫 推薦信常用范文英文版
日期:2023-03-13 22:32:48    编辑:网络投稿    来源:网络资源
推薦信常用范文英文版  推薦人與被推薦人的`相識或者表示兩者之間關系的英文句子(一般就是推薦信開頭段或者前兩段內容)  Inmy capacity as a teaching assistant of the
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  • 推薦信常用范文英文版



      Inmy capacity as a teaching assistant of the course xx, I feel honored to writethis letter to sincerely recommend xx for admission to the graduate program ofyour prestigious university.

      Igot acquainted with xx in the first semester of 2007 when she attended my classand impressed me with her remarkable performance.

      Iam writing this letter to recommend xx, a talented and resourceful young man,for admission to the Master/Ph.D. program of your esteemeduniversity.

      Asthe general manager of XX, I deem it a privilege to write this letter to givemy highest possible recommendation for Mr. XX.

      Ifirst met XX in a lecture about cloud computing, in which he served as theorganizer.

      Asxx’s teacher of Physical Chemistry in his sophomore year, I have acomprehensive understanding of him. XX excels at self-study and has a goodmastery of basic knowledge. Being greatly satisfied with his excellentperformance, I thereupon recommend him to your esteemed university withoutreservation.

      In my capacity as a technical directorof xxx, I had a very enjoyable work experience with xxx. He, responsible anddown-to-earth, has won trust from leaders quickly.

      Itis my pleasure to provide you with this letter of recommendation for xxx.In my over xx years’ close contact with xxx, I know xxx very well and wasdeeply impressed by his/her***qualities and abilities.

      XXXis one of the outstanding students who attended my course of Principle ofMiddle-short Range Detection and Subject Foreland and Development Trend inBeijing Institute of Technology. In view of his excellent performance, I would liketo take this opportunity to lend my whole-hearted support to his applicationfor your esteemed university.

      Asa professor of School of Science and Engineering, Sanya College, HainanUniversity, I am very glad to recommend xxx, one of my favorite students toyour esteemed university. I hope this letter will help you have a deepunderstanding of his comprehensive quality.

      Itake immense pleasure in writing this letter of recommendation in support ofxxx’s application for admission into your esteemed university. Through ourfrequent contact, I think he has met your requirements for graduate student.Therefore, I hope you will give a favorable consideration to his application.

      Iam very glad to recommend xxx, one of my favorite students to your esteemed university.Since I instructed him the course of Fundamentals of Mechanical ManufacturingTechnology and acted as his accompanying teacher during his internship inDongfeng Motor Group Company Limited, I know him quite well. In my mind, he isa hard-working student with strong self-study ability.

      Iam the Dean of College of Physical Science and Technology, Sichuan University. Igot acquainted with xxx since I made basic introductions of ElectronicEngineering program to the freshmen. At that time, he was one of the fewstudents who actively asked me questions, and thus left a deep impression on me.During our frequent contact, he has displayed a strong interest in the field ofElectronic Engineering and the capability to explore the unknown. Therefore, I feelhonored to write this letter of recommendation for him.

      Iam writing this letter of recommendation in support of xxx for admission toyour Graduate School.

      Ifirst met xxx when he applied for the internship in July, 2001.

      Itgives me great pleasure to recommend xxx, a talented young man, to youresteemed university for graduate program.

      Iam writing on behalf of xxx’s application for your Master’s program.

      Iam delighted to learn that she intends to pursue her further study abroad, as Ibelieve that an academic talent like her should receive higher education.

      Thatbeing the case, I can offer my wholehearted support to her application for yourrenowned university for advanced studies.

      Uponxxx’s request, I am pleased to write to offer you my universal recommendationof him, for acceptance into your renowned graduate program.

      Atxxx’s request for a reference, I present my highest recommendation of hercandidacy for admission to your esteemed graduate program.

      I strongly recommend my student Mr. XX for yourMaster’s Program. As XX, I have kept in touch with many undergraduates. Amongthem, Mr. XX’s passion for research, creativity and hard working have left mewith a deep impression.

      As Deputy Secretary of Youth League Committee of XXUniversity, I am responsible for student affairs related to societies andtechnological competitions. Miss XX performs very actively and excellently inthe two aspects, which draw my great attention.

      I feel very pleased to avail myself of thisprecious opportunity to recommend XX to your esteemed university.

      I made XX’s first acquaintance when he offered tojoin my project entitled “XX”

      It is a great pleasure to recommend XX to yourrenowned Department of XX for further study.

      As his lab instructor for over three years, Ibelieve that XX has already been equipped with excellent ability in doingresearch and good team spirit.

      I have very frequent contact with students, amongwhom XX ranks top10 in my mind by virtue of his excellent academic performance,conscientiousness and strong sense of responsibility.

      At XX’s request, I am writing this letter for him,hoping that it would be of some assistance to his application.

      Through contact with XX, I gradually discoveredthat he was very clear about his financial career in the long run and had awell-rounded schedule in the campus life to achieve the goal.

      As XX’s teacher, I have been well acquainted withhim/her for a long time. Thus, I deem it a great pleasure to recommend XX toyour esteemed university.

      In my capacity as xxx, I had a enjoyable workexperience with XX. It is a great pleasure for me to write this letter ofrecommendation for XX, an excellent and resourceful student, in support ofhis/her application for the program in your esteemed university.

      I am XX, an associate professor of ## University,and class advisor of XXX

      During three-year acquaintance with him, I haveformed deep understanding of his academic performance and personal traits.

      Upon learning of her intention of furthering hereducation in America after graduation, I extremely approve of her plan andstrongly support her

      In my view, XX is a fully developed student whomeets your admission requirements.

      XX’s excellent independent thinking andcomprehensive abilities and spirit of innovation gave me deep impression.

      It is my pleasure to recommend xxx, one of myoutstanding students, to your prestigious university.

      I am privileged to write in support of my dearfriend and student, xxx.











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