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初一英語綜合題 初一英語綜合測試題
日期:2023-03-08 21:05:24    编辑:网络投稿    来源:互联网
初一英語綜合練習  導讀:讀書,始讀,未知有疑;其次,則漸漸有疑;中則節節是疑。過了這一番,疑漸漸釋,以至融會貫通,都無所疑,方始是學。下面是應屆畢業生小編為大家搜集整理出來的`
  • 晚安情話簡短
  • 初一英語綜合練習



      I. 按首字母提示或句子意思完成下列句子。6%

      1. What’s your favorite c________? Fuzhou.

      2. Listen! The students are s________ a song in the room.

      3. We can borrow (借) books at the l________.

      4. Tuesday is the ________ day of a week.

      5. I’m ________. Let’s go and buy some food.

      6. Mrs Green is a nurse. She works at a ________.

      II. 根據漢語提示補全下列句子。10%

      1. Do you want to ________ ________ (了解) my morning?

      2. I can speak Chinese and ________ ________ (一點兒) English.

      3. ________ ________ (在……的對過) the bank is an old hotel.

      4. The man is ________ ________ (等候) a bus.

      5. The park is a good place to ___________ __________(玩得高興).

      III. 單項選擇。15%

      ( ) 1. “You are a very beautiful girl.” “________”

      A. No, I’m not. B. Sorry, I don’t. C. Thank you. D. Yes, I do.

      ( ) 2. There is ________ “s” and ________ “u” in the word “busy”.

      A. a, a B. an, an C. a, an D. an, a

      ( ) 3. Those are your socks. Please ________.

      A. put on it B. put it on C. put on them D. put them on

      ( ) 4. Mary is the last one ________ the classroom.

      A. leave B. leaves C. leaving D. to leave

      ( ) 5. The strict teacher makes ________ very tired.

      A. I B. me C. my D. we

      ( ) 6. One of his friends ________ from the United Kingdom.

      A. come B. comes C. coming D. to come

      ( ) 7. They are from the USA. They are ________ students.

      A. the USA B. America C. American D. Americans

      ( ) 8. They’d like ________ on it.

      A. mushrooms, onions, and cheese

      B. mushroom, onion, and cheese

      C. mushrooms, onion, and cheeses

      D. mushrooms, onions, and cheeses

      ( ) 9. After class I have gymnastics ________ two hours.

      A. with B. about C. for D. about

      ( ) 10. When ________ the boy ________ his homework?

      A. do, do B. does, does C. do, does D. does, do

      ( ) 11. Let’s ________ soccer ball ________ Sunday.

      A. play, on B. play, at C. to play, on D. to play, at

      ( ) 12. ________. May I ask you a question?

      A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. Thank you D. All right

      ( ) 13. My new pen pal is ________ of shy.

      A. a kind B. kinds C. kind D. an kind

      ( ) 14. Thanks for ________ me.

      A. help B. your help C. helping D. helps

      ( ) 15. --- ________ does your father work?---In a hospital.

      A. What B. Why C. Where D. How


      1. My father has lots of story books. (改為否定句)

      My father ________ have ________ story books.

      2. I like Mimi because it’s very cute. (畫線提問)

      ________ ________ you like Mimi?

      3. Tony finishes his work at 9:30 in the morning. (畫線提問)

      ________ ________ does Tony ________ his work in the morning?

      4. He likes volleyball best. (改為同義句)

      His ________ ________ is volleyball.

      5. They often play with the cute dog. (用now改寫)

      They ________ ________ the cute dog now.

      6. Anna’s, what, mother, be, want, does, to. (連詞成句)



      ( ) 1. What does he do? A. He’s fifteen.

      ( ) 2. Can I help you? B. Olives and cheese, please.

      ( ) 3. What’s the time? C. That sounds good.

      ( ) 4. What would you like on it? D. I’d like a pizza, please.

      ( ) 5. Let’s go to the zoo. E. Because it’s interesting.

      ( ) 6. Is that your new pen pal? F. Yes.

      ( ) 7. Where does she live? G. He’s a bank clerk.

      ( ) 8. How old is your brother? H. It’s seven o’clock.

      I. New York.


      A: ________ I help you?

      B: I’d ________ a pizza, please.

      A: What ______ pizza ______ you like?

      B: I’d like a large pizza.

      A: And _______ would you like ______ it?

      B: I’d like mushrooms, green peppers, and cheese, please.

      A: _________ ________ is it?

      B: Ten yuan.

      A: _______ you are.

      B: Thank you.

      A: you’re _________.

      參考答案: I. 1. city 2. singing 3. library 4. third

      5. hungry 6. hospital

      II. 1. know about 2. a little 3. Across from

      4. waiting for 5. to have fun

      III. 1-5 C D D D B 6-10 B C A C D 11-15 A B C C C

      IV. 1. doesn’t, many 2. Why, do

      3. What, time, finish 4. favorite, sport

      5. are playing with 6. What doesn’t Anna’s mother want to do ?

      V. G D H B C F I A

      VI. Can, like, size, would, what, on

      How, much, Here, welcome











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