Beat It吉他譜及歌詞
《Beat It》是一首反對社會暴力音樂作品。由Michael Jackson(邁克爾·杰克遜)作詞、作曲、編曲(與Quincy Jones(昆西·瓊斯)),并演唱。在其1982年專輯《Thriller》收錄的主打歌曲之一。下面由百分網小編為大家介紹《Beat It》吉他譜,希望能幫到你。
《Beat It》吉他譜They told him don't you ever come around here
Don't wanna see your face, you better disappear
The fire's in their eyes and their words are really clear
So beat it, just beat it
You better run, you better do what you can
Don't wanna see no blood, don't be a macho man
You wanna be tough, better do what you can
So beat it, but you wanna be bad
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it
Just beat it, beat it
Just beat it, beat it
Just beat it, beat it
They're out to get you, better leave while you can
Don't wanna be a boy, you wanna be a man
You wanna stay alive, better do what you can
So beat it, just beat it
Jackson Michael
You have to show them that you're really not scared
You're playin' with your life, this ain't no truth or dare
They'll kick you, then they beat you,
Then they'll tell you it's fair
So beat it, but you wanna be bad
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it
Beat it, beat it, beat it
Beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or who's right
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
《Beat It》創作背景在寫《Beat It》以前,杰克遜就想過要創作一首能讓自己“愿意到街上去買”的搖滾歌曲,但它又要不同于一般的搖滾歌曲,像當時收音機里常播放的最佳歌曲四十首。
寫《Beat It》時,杰克遜腦海中一直想著學校的孩子們。
當時杰克遜已經自己創作了一些歌曲,但在看到其他人創作的歌曲以前,我并沒有拿給昆西·瓊斯看。早在制作《Off the Wall》時杰克遜就寫了這首歌,卻舍不得拿出來給別人看,在制作《Thriller》時,杰克遜把《Beat It》藏了很長時間。
1983年2月14日,在《Billie Jean》之后以專輯《顫栗》第三波主打單曲的名義發行單曲EP。
《Beat It》歌曲鑒賞這首歌曲告誡年輕人避免不必要的麻煩,暴力不能解決一切問題,只會傷害到自己。
這首非迪斯科風格的硬式搖滾風格的4/4拍舞曲在開篇突如其來的如同號角一般的重擊聲后,流暢跳動的旋律隨之源源涌出,杰克遜在其中激情而好斗地演唱著。這首歌曲所要表達的真正主體卻與它的演唱方式不同,《Beat It》告誡年輕人避免不必要的麻煩,暴力不能解決一切問題,只會傷害到自己。Michael借用演唱的形式給當時美國的青年一代提出了善意的忠告,也許這種方式更讓人印象深刻。此曲的一大亮點便是Van Helen樂隊(范·海倫樂隊)的靈魂人物Eddie Van Helen(艾迪·范·海倫)的跨刀演出,他的吉他技藝也在歌中有所展露。
mv編排相當嚴密、風格戲劇化的群舞表現飛機幫的成員在命案后嘗試壓抑驚恐的掙扎,行進中整齊劃一地打榧子、躬身跳躍等,表現出了活力和時代感。《Beat it》也刻意強調強烈的舞臺劇效果。
【Beat It吉他譜及歌詞】相關文章:
2.Let It Go精選吉他譜及歌詞
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