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高老頭的英語讀后感50字 高老頭的英語讀后感100字
日期:2023-03-15 17:11:46    编辑:网络投稿    来源:网络资源
高老頭的英語讀后感   導語:高老頭是本有名的外國名著,主要給我們講訴了,通過對高老頭彌留之際仍不忘女兒的債還沒還清表達了他一種無法超脫的銘刻在文明心臟
  • 優美語句摘抄
  • 高老頭的英語讀后感




      This is a film with a mystery novel, after reading "the tall old man", my eyes again in my uncle from naked money relations, to the bourgeois society people ugly faces.

      The novel is divided into two clues. The first is about the high old man, portrayed by speculative line flour merchant high old man after the death of a spouse, put most of the property as him to want to be a noble lady and bank home wife two daughters, v cover apartment you live in rags. At first, the two girls used to extract the last point pensions, run out of money, they never come, until he die in the thoughts. Another clue is the youth of the declining family rusty nie, he was in the money world high corrosion to the old man's young daughter when stepping stones among the high society. Attacked money dominate the reality of all evil.

      Balzac, will focus on summarizing combined with accurately depict, with details show character of figures. Through to the high old man dying still does not forget his daughter also expressed his did not pay off a the debt cannot be detached engraved in the heart of civilization fate, also reveals the father loves his daughter, daughter is the tragedy of the love of money.

      I want to, we came to this world as equals, no rich and poor, no purity and cunning. Because of the change of the human mind, has the good and evil, with the rich to the poor, the hero, as one of the rusty nie, what makes he is determined to give up studying with all mind to pursue the upper class in Paris, let the heart step by step to the dark. What let his cousin thin cylon lady willing to quit Paris society queen the throne, to pursue the peace of mind, the answer is the change of the mind. Thin cylon lady finally understand that in this asset class in the big cage that money is the master, the so-called love is just an illusory dream, can't afford to really touch, without the money support, the truth away like smoke.

      In the rich, law as dummy, moral weakness. However, the rich are not happy, because they don't get the friend's care and trust, they can't into true love. The poor are not very sad, because they get the help and care of your family, they blended in true love. Even in this murky cage, the truth will still exist, though looks so pale. This needs us a helping hand, suspicion of slam the door, let love savings strength, filling the world!

      This tragedy is a true story, real let we did not recognize inner, its elements, the false face, no human cold gleamingly, out of the British bourgeoisie social conscience in a drop of tear, will sleepy people suddenly wake up!



      這部小說分為兩條線索。第一條是關于高老頭,描寫靠投機發橫財的面粉商高老頭喪偶后,把大部分財產作為陪嫁分給要當貴族夫人和銀行 家太太的兩個女兒,自己住在破爛的伏蓋公寓。起初,兩個女兒常來榨取最后一點養老金,錢耗盡后,她們再也不來,直到他在思念中病死。另一條線索是關于沒落家庭的青年拉斯蒂涅,他在金錢世界的腐蝕下決心把高老頭的小女兒當墊腳石躋身于上流社會。抨擊了金錢支配一切罪惡的殘酷現實。















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