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日期:2023-03-20 15:42:35    编辑:网络投稿    来源:网络资源
英文道歉信范文十篇  在當今社會生活中,我們常常要運用到道歉信,道歉信可以幫助我們更好地檢討自己和感謝對方。那么一般道歉信是怎么寫的'呢?以下是小編為大家收集的英文道
  • 說說心里話傷感
  • 英文道歉信范文十篇



    英文道歉信 篇1

      dear linda,

      i am excessively sorry to say that i had failed to keep the appointment that we made last friday. now, i am writing you this letter of apology to show my deep regret. please accept my sincere apology. i hope you will understand me and excuse me for my failure to turn up.

      the reason for my absence was that my mother fell ill at that time. i had no way out because i had to send her to hospital and look after her. therefore, it’s not in my power to meet you.

      naturally, i want to suggest that we should make another appointment next time., i shall be obliged if you will kindly write and tell me when and where you will be at convenience.

      we may meet again and i hope to see you soon.

      yours sincerely,

      li ming

    英文道歉信 篇2


      subjectz: Library Books

      Dear Ms Sciberras,

      I would like to apologise for not returning the books but I have been away from school for a week because I had the measles. I will not be coming to school for another week or so. I promise I will return the books as soon as I am back.

      Thank you.


      Anita Borg

    英文道歉信 篇3


      I am writing this letter to eXXpress my apology that XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.

      I feel terribly sorry about this.

      Once again, I am very sorry for any inconvenience caused. I will be reallyappreciated if you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.

      Yours Sincerely

    英文道歉信 篇4

      Dear teacher

      When I leave the classroom without permission, I found that I made a big mistake. I did not wait until the teacher came, went to eat. This is a lack of respect for the teacher. When I was young, my parents hope I can respect the teacher and classmates, but I did not do this point. I'm rude and arrogant behavior let you received distress. I hope you can give me a chance to start with a clean slate, after all, we are your most loving students. Think carefully, these days I do have some confused, make these bad things, and again I am sorry. I promise I won't do such a thing.

      Your student Victor

    英文道歉信 篇5

      Dear Martin,

      I am looking forward to your visit. Just think, after all these years of writing to each other, we will finally have the chance to meet! However, I am sorry that I will not be able to meet you at the airport as soon as you arrive.

      The reason is that your flight will arrive early in the morning, and the earliest I can get To the airport will be about an hour after you land. Please wait for me in the arrival lounge. You should be able to have breakfast there while you wait.

      By the way, as we have never met I must tell you how to recognize me. I am of medium height and have a small moustache. In addition, I will be carrying a copy of the morning newspaper tucked under my left arm.

      Looking forward to our meeting.

      Yours sincerely,

      Li Ming

    英文道歉信 篇6

     Dear Mr. Shu

      I would like to thank you for choosing the China World Hotel for your recently stay.

      On behalf of management and staff, please accept my sincere apologies for the failed to extend your Golden Circle benefits of the King Size bed, golden circle appropriate floor and newspaper. during your stay with us on 01- 08th Nov.

      As our valued guest, your comments and feedback are of utmost importance to us. Mr. Shu, should you choose to return to our hotel, please let me know and I will ensure that your stay will restore you confidence in the quality service upon which the Golden Circle stands.

      My apologize once again and thank you for taking time to bring this matter to our attention.

      We are looking forward to welcome you back to hotel again if you would like to give us chance to correct our mistake.

      Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact me.

      Kind and best regards.

      Alfred Zhuang

    英文道歉信 篇7

      Dear ,

      Good day my friend!

      First,I should apologize for the inconvenience we caused for you,because of the quality of our products.There is no any excuses.but I think you should know what exactly happened.

      You have witnessed the superb quality of our goods ,when we made conclusion on the previous orders.but recently because the negligence of our supplier ,they use unskilled worker to make

      production.It also annoyed me when I was told this matter from our supplier when I made investigation regarding this matter.Now the only thing we can do is to make up the lost of this time,the

      supplier have promised us things like this will never happen again ,or eals we can terminate our cooperative relationship right away.

      I woulld like to extend my sincere apologise for the inconvinence we caused for you.

      Best Regards!

    英文道歉信 篇8

      Dear Sir or Madam:

      The Management of China World Hotel wish to extend its sincerest apologies for the inconvenience you were caused as we were unable top accommodate you on your arrival. This is not the normal manner in which we handle our guest's reservation and we regret any undue inconvenience you were caused as result.

      We hope you found the accommodation at Beijing international hotel on August 19 to be satisfactory. We regret that owing to your schedule of this visit, you were unable to return to our hotel on the next day. Kindly rest assured that we will endeavor to ensure that your future visit to us will be comfortable one.

      Thank you for your kind understanding and we look forward to the opportunity to redeem ourselves y welcoming you back to China World Hotel soon.

      With renewed apologies.

      Yours Sincerely

      Alfred Zhuang

      Front Office Manager

      Mr. Ulrich Niemann.

    英文道歉信 篇9

      Mr. Ulrich Niemann.


      People-People Exchange Co.

      Dear Sir or Madam: Friday 22nd September

      Many thanks for your fax dated 7th September address to General Manager concerning the problems you experienced during your last visit from 29th-30th August. Mr. Ford, our General Manager is away on leave at present and therefore I have taken the liberty of replying to you on his behalf.

      Mr. Niemann, please accept our sincere apologies for the problems you have experienced - our policy, which you were unfortunately wrongly informed as a newnpolicy, stands that those Golden Circle members who are eligible for upgrades may book through any channel, subject of course to room availability. I have subsequently taken appropriate steps to ensure that none of our other eligible Golden Circle guests are similarly inconvenienced in future.

      I have also noted your comments concerning our housekeeping Staff and their lack of English and basic courtesy and I assure you that we will be intensifying our training efforts in both those areas in an effort to improve our standards.

      It is only through feedback such as your own that we can judge ourselves honestly and enhance the overall experience for you, our valued guest and therefore I thank you for taking the time to put pen top paper.

      We are normally very proud of the service which we offer at China World, and thus, in an effort to redeem ourselves, we would like to offer you one nights complimentary accommodation when next you visit Beijing. To this end, I would be grateful if would contact me personally and I will gladly make the necessary arrangements on your behalf along with any specific requirements you may have.

      My apologies once again and I look forward to welcoming you back to China world Hotel in the near future.


      Alfred Zhuang

      Front Office Manager

    英文道歉信 篇10

      Monday,5th July Dear Professor Martin, I apologize for being absent in your class yesterday. But I did not mean it.

      My friend fell from the bike and broke his leg by accident, so I had to take hime to the hospital. I do enjoy your class and I feel so sorry to be absent.

      Please give me an opportunity to make up the missed lesson. I know you prefer us to ask for leave in advance, but it was very urgent and unexpected at that time.

      I hope you can accept my apology.

      Thank you.











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