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日期:2023-03-09 02:23:11    编辑:网络投稿    来源:互联网
初二下學期英語unit7測試題及答案  不斷努力學習才能豐富自己的知識,多做題有助于大家提高英語成績。下文是應屆畢業生小編為大家帶來的初二下學期英語unit7測試題及答案,大
  • 關于心靈美好的句子
  • 初二下學期英語unit7測試題及答案



      一. 翻譯下列詞組:

      1. 學會彈樂器___________

      2. 干一份兼職工作___________

      3. 組建足球隊___________

      4. 取得好成績___________

      5. 上吉它課___________

      6. 和某人交流___________

      7. 工作更加努力___________

      8. 成長___________

      9. 搬到有趣的地方___________

      10. 聽起來像___________

      二. 單項選擇:

      1. -Is Mr. Brown living here?

      -No, he moved _________ last week.

      A. to somewhere else B. somewhere else

      C. to else somewhere D. else somewhere

      2. -What are you doing?

      -I’m ________ my bag, but I can’t ________ it.

      A. looking for, look for B. looking for, find

      C. finding, look for D. finding, find

      3. What _______ you ______ to do when you __________ high school?

      A. do, want, finish B. will, want, finish

      C. are, going, are going to finish

      D. are, want, are going to finish

      4. -I’m going to learn the piano when I retire.

      -That sounds _________ a good idea.

      A. like B. as

      C. about D. of

      5. He decides to work _______ than last year.

      A. more hard B. much hard

      C. much harder D. a little hard

      6. It’s already 6 o’clock, but the children are not back _______.

      A. also B. either

      C. yet D. too

      7. The work is really very difficult; _________ it’s very interesting.

      A. yet B. however

      C. still D. at the some time

      8. Where are you ________?

      A. now B. just now

      C. ago D. before

      9. Helen doesn’t look _________ today. Is she ill?

      A. better B. well

      C. nervous D. happy

      10. Who _________ the music first? Tom did.

      A. hear B. heard

      C. listened D. listen to

      三. 連詞成句:

      1. are, going, to, grow up, be, what, when, you, you


      2. I’m, get, going to, good, grades


      3. some, said, they, readers, are going to, more, eat, vegetables.


      4. Wang Lin, writes articles, is going to, send and, them, to, and, magazines, newspapers


      5. want, they, to, to, move, places, interesting, and, things, new, see


      四. 用方框中所給動詞的適當形式填空,完成下列各句,每個詞只能用一次。

      learn play get make eat sound take be go keep

      1. She is _______ to fly to Beijing next Sunday for her holiday.

      2. Can you ______ to speak French well this year?

      3. That ______ very interesting.

      4. How can I ________ healthy?

      5. -What do you want to ______?

      -I want to become an art teacher.

      6. Do you enjoy ________ football?

      7. What would you like _______ for dinner this evening?

      8. I’m going to _________ good grades.

      9. He ______ guitar lesson every Wednesday evening.

      10. Are you going to ________ some model ship?

      五. 用括號中所給詞的適當形式填空。

      New Year’s Resolution Survey Results

      We got over 1,000 letters, 1 (fax),and e-mails from our readers about their New Year’s resolutions. Thank you! Many readers are 2 (go)to work harder in school this year. Lots of readers are going to play 3 (sports). Some readers said they are going to eat 4 (many)vegetables. A few readers said they are going to learn a new language. Some girls 5 (say)they are going to exercise more to keep fit. Some parents are going to study the subjects their 6 (child)learn at school. They want to communicate 7 (good)with their kids. An old lady said she found a job as a foreign language teacher. She is going to look for a 8 (teach)job in China next year.

      六. 完形填空(20分)

      It was five in the afternoon. A bus 1 a small town. Mrs Morison got off and went in a restaurant by the road, with a small beautiful dog, she was travelling in 2 , she looked for her dog at noon and missed her lunch. So she was 3 now and wanted to have something there.

      The waiter received the visitor 4 . But he knew little English and the woman couldn’t speak French. They talked for a while 5 couldn’t understand each other. She had to point to her 6 and then slapped (拍)the dog’s belly (肚子). The waiter seemed to know 7 she wanted and carried the dog into the kitchen.About half an hour some dishes were brought to the woman. They were all 8 and she was pleased with them. After she paid for her bill. She didn’t leave she waited for a while and said 9 to the waiter and they began to quarrel (爭吵). Just at that moment the manager came back. He talked with the woman and then with the waiter. At last he understood. The English woman told the waiter to 10 her dog, but he thought she told him to cook it for her!

      1. A. left B. stopped in C. went out of D. went through

      2. A. England B. America C. Germany D. France

      3. A. asleep B. awake C. hungry D. thirsty

      4. A. warmly B. coldly C. angrily D. quietly

      5. A. and B. yet C. but D. for

      6. A. mouth B. nose C. face D. head

      7. A. how B. when C. where D. what

      8. A. terrible B. delicious C. bad D. poor

      9. A. everything B. nothing C. something D. anything

      10. A. kill B. feed C. hurt D. keep

      七. 閱讀理解:


      Jack is a famous writer now. But he said he was not a good student when he was young. He was often late for class and didn’t like doing his homework. Sometimes he slept in class while the teacher was teaching. He didn’t understand much, but he always thought he understood everything.

      One day the teacher asked the students a question, ―When John was ten years old, his brother was twenty. John is fifteen now and how old is his brother? ‖Jack answered, ―That’s easy. His brother is twice as old as John, so he is now thirty. ‖

      Another time, the teacher in a science class asked, ―When it thunders (打雷), why do we always see the light before we hear the sound? ‖―But, Miss White, ‖said Jack quickly, ―can’t you see our eyes are in front of our ears? ‖

      The third time, the teacher in a biology class asked, ―Why can fish swim in the water? ‖―But, Miss White, ‖said Jack quickly. ―don’t you know fish can’t walk on land? ‖

      ( )1. Jack was not _______ when he was young.

      A. strong B. lazy C. clever D. well

      ( )2. Jack didn’t like to _______ when he was a student.

      A. write compositions B. do his homework

      C. do the housework D. learn scienceor biology

      ( )3. How old is Jack’s brother now when Jack is fifteen in the story?

      A. Ten years old B. Fifteen years old

      C. Twenty years old D. Twenty-five years old 这里有更多你想看的

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