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人教版英語四年級下冊期中測試卷及答案圖片 人教版英語四年級下冊期中測試卷及答案
日期:2023-03-08 23:59:20    编辑:网络投稿    来源:网络资源
人教版英語四年級下冊期中測試卷及答案  在平平淡淡的日常中,我們都不可避免地會接觸到試題,借助試題可以更好地考查參試者所掌握的知識和技能。什么樣的試題才是科學規范的
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  • 人教版英語四年級下冊期中測試卷及答案




      ( )1.A. one floor B. second floor C. first floor

      ( )2.A. art room B. music roomC. computer room

      ( )3.A. two o’clockB. three o’clockC. nine o’clock

      ( )4.A. go homeB. get up C. go to bed

      ( )5.A. sunnyB. rainy C. cloudy


      ( ) 1. It’s ___and windy .A. coldB .coolC .hot

      ( ) 2. Here’s the _____.A. weatherB. world weather C. world

      ( ) 3. It’s sunny in ____.A. SydneyB. London C. Moscow

      ( ) 4 Is it____?A. cloudyB. snowy C. rainy

      ( ) 5. Time ___PE class .A./B .forC .to


      ( ) 1. A. Where’s the room B. Where’s the music room ?

      ( ) 2.A.Do you have a library? B. Do you have an art room ?

      ( ) 3.A.It’s on the first floor. B. It’s on the second floor.

      ( ) 4.A.It’s snowy and cold in Beijing. B .It’s rainy and warm in London.

      ( )5.A.What’s time is it? It’s five o’clock. B. What’s time is it? It’s two o’clock.


      1、 2、 3、

      ( ) ( ) ( )

      4、 5、

      ( ) ( )


      1. A. Thirty boys.B. It’s three.

      2. A. It’s cool and rainy. B. I’m in Beijing.

      3. A. It’s 26 degrees. B. It’s 7:10 a.m.

      4. A. It’s on the first floor. B .It’s a computer room .

      5. A. Yes, we do. B. Yes, it is.


      一、 選出劃線部分發音不同的一項,將序號寫在括號里。(5分)

      ( ) 1. A. name B. cat C. bag ( ) 2. A. car B. water C. tiger

      ( ) 3. A. bed B. he C. red ( ) 4. A. fish B. window C. rice

      ( ) 5. A. bird B. girl C. sister


      1.go to bed上床睡覺 ( ) 2.second floor一樓 ( )

      3.next to 在……上面 ( ) 4.English class英語課 ( )

      5.weather 天氣 ( ) 6.get up 去上學 ( )

      7.warm 暖和的 ( ) 8. just a minute 快點 ( )

      9. two o’clock 兩點整( ) 10. windy and rainy 刮風又下雨 ( )


      ( ) 1. A. do sports B. do homework C. read books

      ( ) 2. A. playground B. library C. classroom

      ( ) 3. A. computer B. office C. light

      ( ) 4. A. twelve o’clock B. ten o’clock C. eleven o’clock

      ( ) 5. A. PE class B. music class C. English class

      ( ) 6. A. rainy B. cloudy C. snowy

      ( ) 7. A. go home B. get up C. go to bed

      ( ) 8. A. windy B. sunny C. rainy

      ( ) 9. A. go to school B. get up C. do homework

      ( ) 10. A. art room B. playground C. library


      1. It’s time (for to) go home. 2. It’s 28 (degree degrees ) .

      3. My new book is (in on) the schoolbag. 4. (Where What) is the teachers’ office?

      5. It’s nine (o’clock clock) .


      ( ) 1. That is________classroom.

      A. me B. my C.I

      ( ) 2. My classroom is on the _______floor.

      A. first B. one C. two

      ( ) 3. --Do you have a library? --____________.

      A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, we do. C. No, it isn’t.

      ( ) 4. It’s 9:45.It’s time ____ music class.

      A .to B. for C. of

      ( ) 5. It’s cold ____ Beijing.

      A. on B. is C. in

      ( ) 4. --Wow, your school is cool! --____________.

      A. Yes. B. Thank you. C. You’re welcome.

      ( ) 5. --What’s the weather like today? --___________.

      A. It’s near the desk. B. It’s cool. C. It’s red and yellow.

      ( ) 6. It’s 7 o’clock. It’s time ____ go to school.

      A. to B. for C. ofw

      ( ) 7. What ____ is it? It’s 9:00.

      A. class B. time C. can

      ( ) 8. --Can I go outside? --___________.

      A. No, you can. B. Yes, you are. C. No, you can’t

      ( ) 9. Is that the ________ office?

      A. teachers B. teach C. teachers’

      ( ) 10. --What’s the ________ like in Xi’an? --It’s cloudy.

      A. weather B. time C. weather


      ( ) 1. Is it cold? A. It’s on the first floor.

      ( ) 2. Where is your classroom? B. It’s 8:00.

      ( ) 3. Is this the computer room? C. Yes, it’s 4 degrees.

      ( ) 4. It’s 7o’clock. D. No, it’s the library.

      ( ) 5. What time is it? E. It’s time for breakfast.

      七、 閱讀短文,判斷句子的正(T)誤(F)。(10分)

      ( ) 1. This letter(信) is from Sam’s father. ( ) 2. Sam’s dad is in Australia.

      ( ) 3. It’s cold in Sydney now. ( ) 4. Sam’s dad can swim outside.

      ( ) 5. Sam is in Sydney, too.



      1.Our class room is on the first floor.

      2.Is this the art room?

      3.It’s three o’clock.It’s time for music class.

      4.It’s time to go to bed.

      5.It’s cool and cloudy.

      答案:C A B C C


      1.It’s cool and windy.

      2.Here’s the world weather.

      3It’s sunny in Sydney.

      4.Is it rainy?

      5.Time for PE class.

      答案:B B A C B


      1. Where’s the music room ?

      2. Do you have a library?

      3. It’s on the second floor.

      4. It’s rainy and warm in London.

      5. What time is it? It’s two o’clock.

      答案:B A B B B


      1.It’s sunny outside.

      2.It’s five.Time to go home.

      3.Go to the playground,play sports.

      4.Do you have pants and shirts?

      5.Time for English class.

      答案:5 3 2 4 1


      1.How many boys are there in your class?

      2.What’s the weather like in Beijing?

      3.What time is it?

      4.Where is the computer room?

      5.Do you have a music room?

      答案:A A B A A .












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