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人生意義的英語作文 人生意義 英語
日期:2023-02-27 04:58:52    编辑:网络投稿    来源:互联网
人生意義英語作文(精選19篇)  在生活、工作和學習中,大家總免不了要接觸或使用作文吧,作文是從內部言語向外部言語的過渡,即從經過壓縮的簡要的、自己能明白的語言,向開展的、具
  • 想念一個人的句子
  • 人生意義英語作文(精選19篇)



      人生意義英語作文 篇1

      Life, like a long road, is full of wonder and unknown; time, like a vast sea, flies away to the future. Life is closely connected with time. Without time, is there life? Without life, time is waste, nothing, mediocrity, mediocrity.

      Only when life and time are truly combined, can we make our life more glorious and successful.What is life? Life is the whole process of living in the world. In addition to those misfortunes and coincidences, people live in the world for fifty or sixty years less and eighty or ninety years more. What can we do in such a long time? Too much, too little. Throughout the ancient and modern world, how many people have truly achieved themselves and spent their lives perfectly? Too few, as few as a drop in the ocean.What is time? Time is time, the time that flies away. Some people say that time flies like a blink of an eye. In my opinion, time is fair to everyone.

      It is neither generous nor stingy. It just arrives as scheduled and leaves as scheduled. It will not sympathize with anyone, even if you throw a lot of money, it will not give you a minute.Cao Cao, a generation of heroes, divided the whole country into three parts and dominated the Central Plains. His generals were like clouds and his advisers were like forests. "I would rather be the world‘s people, not the world's people negative me" reflects his overlord mind. At the banquet in front of Chibi, a short song line reflects Cao Cao‘s view of life: life is short and the world is chaotic. I feel the urgency of time because I haven't accomplished my great work.Kangxi, the emperor of a generation, is hailed as "the emperor of the ages".

      He initiated history and has been in power for 60 years. In his lifetime, apart from aobai, Ping San Francisco, Taiwan and Northwest China, he laid the foundation for the Great Qing Dynasty, and the prosperous period of Kangxi and Qianlong began from his time. Han Lei‘s "ask for heaven and borrow another five hundred years" perfectly explains Kangxi's heart: I still have many wishes unfinished, but I am a mortal, and I will not live for a long time. I really want to live for another five hundred years to complete the great ambition of the Qing Dynasty.They are all a generation of famous people, who have made great achievements and become famous. Although they are well-known all over the world, they are still practicing their life, eager to unify the world, eager to run the country and support the people, and eager to live for another 500 years. They have also suffered setbacks and never recovered. However, they have not given up and still stand up and move on. On the way forward, they carry a heavy burden on their back and hold the mountains and rivers in their hands. They cherish every minute and every second of their lives and think about the great cause all the time.

      In the end, they have completed and achieved their lives, as well as the whole country.The road of life is so long. In modern times, we don‘t need fame and power, just a sincere heart and a heart eager to realize ourselves. If everyone does his or her own job well at every stage, he or she will not waste his or her life: students should study hard; soldiers should protect their families and their country; doctors should help the wounded and the dead On this basis, to cherish time, and persevere, life will have good results. When you come to the year of canzhu, looking back on your life, you will be proud of yourself. I am proud that I have not wasted my time and made extraordinary achievements in ordinary posts.The most precious thing in life is time. The most brilliant thing in life is career. The happiest thing in life is struggle. "Cherish time, achieve life", although not a famous aphorism, but better than the true meaning of the world.Now I will step into the middle school. As a freshman, we should study hard and cherish our time.

      I understand that the beauty of life is based on the conditions of excellent talent and the good quality of perseverance and cherishing time. Only cherish time as life, only work hard, will realize my life dream!

      人生意義英語作文 篇2

      We often feel tired, just think too much. We always say that life is complicated, but in fact, we don‘t know the taste. We are always busy with business, but we are not satisfied with ourselves. We are always competitive, but in fact, our vanity is too strong.

      Every time we see that others have made certain achievements in a certain aspect through their own efforts, and obtained some unexpected brilliance, at that time, we will more or less have some envy and jealousy. Maybe we will try our best to show and play ourselves, trying to prove that others can do what we can, and we can be as original as others.Every time, when we are left alone, left alone in a corner, living that kind of three point one line life, we always complain about how boring the real life is, every day, every moment, it is hard to understand. Perhaps, but we are too drift, difficult to do everyone sin I wake up, only know blindly to pursue the so-called stimulation, so as to forget the quiet to bring us the pleasure, many times, we can only be in the quiet and even in the dead of night to stir up the past of those intriguing fragments, can have the kind of quiet brought infinite imagination and inspiration.

      Every time, when we suffer unexpected setbacks in our life, we always complain that the reality is too helpless and sigh that our destiny has been teased. In fact, each section of the rough and bumpy is not a kind of test? Life is like that rugged mountain road, originally is rugged, we have to use different ways to step on different roads.Everyone has a young and frivolous age stage, at that time, we do not know about life, we always imitate those perplexed moves of others, which is pure and implicit. We also become unsophisticated and deep in mind with the secular demagogues. We regard our indulgence as a kind of natural style and indulge at ter, when we grew up, those fallacies that were once regarded as the truth by us were also completely fragmented, because we all experienced it in person, but we only grew up in various kinds of training, from the initial unreality into the real society, and also overturned those feudal ideas.Some people say that you should live well when you are born. In my opinion, we should live for ourselves and not be influenced by the secular world.

      Even if it is just a humble grass, which is not as expensive as bonsai flowers, we still have our own open world, and there will be sunshine for us to grow up freely.Big trees attract the wind. A tree can grow to a certain height and cover a certain area. But if it is too strong, it will be very conspicuous. When the strong wind comes, the smaller trees will play a supporting role. However, the tall and powerful tree can only resist it alone. Finally, the branches will be broken and the leaves will fall, and the prosperity of the past will be lost.It is the same with people. Some people are always unable to satisfy their greed. No matter what aspect they are, they seem to be used to advancing with an inch and taking enough as not striving for progress. In the end, they often give up all their previous achievements.Like love, it seems that the more simple people can get happiness in the end. Simple people know how to be contented and easy to be satisfied, and they do not regard feelings as trifles. Therefore, they can stop and be happy.

      On the contrary, those who are cynical and careless, their love is always so shabby, one wave is not smooth, another is rising again, and they will be numb after experiencing more, perhaps, they can never catch the true sweetness.

      Facing the future, if life makes us have to make a choice, then I will definitely choose the grass like lifestyle, facing the weak setting sun, and defend the ideal world of my own.

      人生意義英語作文 篇3

      Success, as is known, is the pursuit of many ambitious people. It requires much of a person. In my view, above all, one should be a person of strong perseverance. Rome was not built in a day. On our long way to success, there are undoubtedly many difficulties standing in the way.

      If we lose heart and give up halfway, nothing can be achieved. Throughout history, we have had many famous successful people in the world, of whom no one is weak-minded. Take the great American scientist Edison as an example, he tried experiment after experiment and had one failure after another before he finally invented the bulb, which lighted up the whole world. So we can conclude perseverance can surely be one of the secrets of success. Furthermore, one needs to work hard to realize his dream just as the famous saying goes “Hard work leads to success”. Look at these around us and we’ll find diligent people are always the favor of our society. They usually achieve more than expected.

      Why do so many of our classmates of average intelligence go far ahead of others? Hard work is definitely supposed to be the answer. And still, I hold that one must keep in pace with the informative world. There’s no denying that our world is changing every day. So one can never be locked alone inside his own room, doing his research work and dedicated to book knowledge. How can an isolated person be well-informed enough to go ahead of others? If so, that could be ridiculous. Success is what one desires. So long as one is perseverant, hard working and up-to-date, I am sure success is near at hand.

      人生意義英語作文 篇4

      Long life road, when people encounter setbacks, they will be frustrated, will complain, more real people hope that everything can start, but people, if there is no setback test, there is no unyielding personality. Setup, can help people grow, it can make us cherish the joy of success; let us know that they are still young, they are still generous; can let us feel the strong heart of the wings, the horses of Haitao; It is a blue sky. Setbacks can help us grow, and we can enhance our willpower. As a famous Danish famous fairy tale writer Andersen, he was born in a shoemaker family, childhood lost, poor life, and became a profession, but he could love literature. He experienced the ordinary labor, observed the life, and wrote a fairy tale of the population. However, Andersen's cause, love is not a smooth sailing. His virgin was just commented, others know that he is a son of a shoemaker, attacking his work "Don't understand the word" "Don't understand the Chinese law" "Don't understand the rhetoric." In the love, Andersen also settled, he talked in his life Several love, but eventually didn't have a result because of all kinds of reasons, he has been alone. Life is cold, but he is not discouraged, fighting fairy tale, he struggled in setbacks, wakes up, never stopped. He wrote more than 160 fairy tales in his life, of which "The New Girl of the Emperor" "The little girl" "ugly duck" is almost all known. Andersen put frustration as a power, as his friend, motivated himself forward. However, people like Anderson have Hawko. Hawk, he has decided to be determined when he is 13 or four, and it is necessary to study by physics and astronomy. At the age of 17, he took place to natural science scholarship and entered Oxford University.

      After graduating from Bachelor, he was transferred to the University of Cambridge to study the universe. But soon he found that he suffered from Luaare disease that would cause muscle atrophy. Because the doctor has no reason for this, he will give up the ideals of studying, but later the condition deteriorated slowly, he regained the mood, exclude, stand up from frustration, bravely face this misfortune, Continue drunk research. For Hawk, we know that it is giving the fate, it is better to sow hope in the field in the field; the gift from the empty, it is better to pick up the flowers on the field of life. Pu Songling in the early Qing Dynasty. Since the bribe in the field was prevalent, the fraud, he did four times to try the people, but he did not have a pessimistic disappointment.

      He is determined to write a "alignment book." He is on the copper feet of the paper Ring to a pair of couplets, Lianyun: Person, things act Pu Songling used this self-defeating, and finally wrote a literary huge - "Lone Zhai Zhi". The story of Pu Song age tells us that there is no reef in the sea, and there is no setback in life. So, now we should face a setback, regard it as our friend, there is nothing to learn more. For setbacks, the ancient: Tian will reduce the big, and must first suffer, Hardship bones, hungry, empty skin, air, do it, so you can't help it.And today: suffering is a footstone for the genius, and people who can do it are a wealth, and the weak is a rich abyss.Therefore, if you want yourself, take the initiative to welcome your friends - setback!

      人生意義英語作文 篇5

      Life is like a cup of coffee, and the sweetness contains bitterness, and there is a sweet sweet in bitterness. - The title is a child, I like to add a lot of sugar in the coffee. So, the coffee in the child is always sweet. Just like childhood is always happy. Teenagers, with a lot of many strange troubles.

      So, the coffee has also changed, except for sweetness, there is still a bitter bitter. Now, I don't know why, there are always too many sadness. Thus, there should be a sweet taste in the coffee. In fact, coffee is not all bitter. When you drink, you must have a smell, you will find it faintly bitter, with a fragrant, add a lot of sugar, but destroy its original taste. Life is also true. Only fine taste knows its true taste. Life is like a cup of coffee, faint, bitter, but as long as you taste, you will find the sweetness in it. I don't know what kind of coffee I will like in the future.

      After all, I am not a saint, but I know how to live this cup of coffee. I have to make a feeling. Only along my own established goals, I will transfer out the wonderful thing. Cup of coffee. I know that there will be a lot of not satisfactory in my life, but is this not a kind of harvest? Only by experience, I know that the victory is not easy. Only when you have a lot of coffee, you will know which kind is best for you. Waiting for you to experience, then come back, you will find actually, it is beautiful. Just like coffee, you will leave, lips and teeth. So I got this conclusion: life is like a cup of bitter coffee, drinking it is very bitter, but bitter will drink it. Life is even more difficult to work hard, and it is also necessary to strive.

      人生意義英語作文 篇6


      It is a famous sentence of Su Shi, a poet of Song Dynasty, that "viewing the peaks in different places can make you feel different scenery.". It deeply reflects the truth that you will see different scenes and appreciate the beauty of diversity when you observe in transposition. How can things in life not be like this?


      People who know how to think in a different way can often find the positive aspects of things. Therefore, such a person's troubles and sorrows in life will be much less, and happiness will accompany him. Once heard such a small story: an old lady has two daughters, the older one sells shoes, the younger one sells umbrellas. However, the old lady was upset all day because she was always worried that her little daughter's umbrella could not be sold in sunny days and her big daughter's shoes could not be sold well in rainy days. A neighbor told her, "you should be happy. On a sunny day, your eldest daughter's business is good. On a rainy day, your youngest daughter's business is booming." As soon as the old lady heard this, she burst out laughing. From this little story, there are too many inspirations for us. Each of us hopes to be happy every day. However, many things in our life are not satisfactory, which brings us many worries and troubles. If we are a person who knows how to think about transposition, then our life will be less unhappy and more happy.


      People who know how to change positions often know how to think for others. Therefore, such a person's morality is noble. Imagine how a person who starts from himself and focuses on personal interests can have the spirit of being willing to contribute and willing to contribute, and how someone can dare to be close to him and make friends with him. Such a person's life is doomed to be full of discontented fidgety and melancholy, and it will also be a lonely life. Only when you know how to think in a different way, start from others and think for others, can you have a happy life. Our Lei Feng is a person who is good at transposition thinking. Every time when his own interests conflict with others' interests and collective interests, he will always start from the interests of others and collective countries and give up his own interests. This may be the Lei Feng spirit that we advocate. Because he knows transposition thinking and acts for it, his name and deeds are always touched in my heart Always remember.


      Transposition thinking is the magic weapon for those who know how to be happy. Transposition thinking is the cornerstone for those who know how to contribute. Transposition thinking is the knack for experiencing the diverse beauty of life. ?


      Let us know how to transpose and make life play a happy note.


      Let's be good at transposition and make life full of beautiful pictures.


      Let's be happy to change places, so that the value of life can be demonstrated.

      人生意義英語作文 篇7

      People will encounter some unforeseen setbacks and difficulties in their life.

      The key is to see how to face them and fight against them.On the eve of summer vacation, I was riding a bicycle in the community. As it had just rained, there was still some water on the ground. It was slippery, which caused the bicycle to slip. I was thrown out and fell heavily on the ground. I immediately felt the pain in my arm. I went to the hospital for an examination. I learned that I had broken my left Green leg and had to cast it.Maybe you think, whats wrong with the fracture? It‘s summer vacation anyway. You can have a rest for a while. However, I still have to attend the four-year Provincial Games in summer vacation. This accident hit my heart hard. In order not to affect the same result of Ningbo team, I wanted to quit the competition, but the Sports Bureau said that as early as the beginning of the year, the entry list had been determined, and the registration work had been finished, which could not be changed, which made me worried: “if Ningbo team suffered defeat because of me, its not all my fault? So, I should be strong and insist on training.Although I couldn‘t participate in the training in Ningbo, I only had three or four days off and went to school to practice.

      If you cant move your left hand, you can‘t practice serving. You can only stand opposite to receive the serve. To play table tennis, we need to coordinate the whole body, especially the cooperation of left and right hands. Drag the heavy plaster to practice the ball, which brings me a lot of inconvenience in attack or running. When pulling the ball, I cant match my left hand. I used to play lightly, let alone defend. I was often shot dead by my opponent, sometimes fell a few times, and sometimes I would get a laugh: ”haha, you are good at ordinary skills. Now how can you become a little rolling on the ground Mouse? “

      Although such sarcasm hurt my heart very much, I still said to myself in silence: ”no matter how big the problem is, as long as there is one percent of hope, we should try to do 100 percent of the effort, so I can‘t give up!“ The left hand cant pick up the ball, and the efficiency of picking up the ball has also been reduced by half. The playing time has not been picked up much, sometimes it‘s not enough, but also criticized by the coach: ”if you cant pick up the ball, go home and have a rest. Don‘t waste time here!“ But it didnt let me give up.Two days before the Provincial Games, with the doctor‘s permission, my mother finally untied the bandage for me. When the feeling of rigidity disappeared from my body, I felt the sweetness after suffering with full pleasure. At the Provincial Games, I got the fourth in the group and the fifth in doubles.

      To be honest, I cant believe it even myself.In the face of setbacks, I can say without a trace of regret: ”I have tried!“ This matter made me understand that as long as you believe in yourself, there is no insurmountable difficulty.

      When you overcome the difficulty, you will find that you have surpassed yourself.

      人生意義英語作文 篇8

      Harold Crick was an auditor in IRS, he was a man of infinite numbers, endless calculations and remarkable few words. Every weekday for 12 years, he would brush each of his 32 teeth 76 times ( 38 times back and forth, 38 times up and down ), tie in a singer pattern thereby saving up to 43 seconds, he would run at a rate of nearly steps per block for six blocks barely catching the 8:17 bus. His life ran precisely as a machine, simple and calm, no passion, no newness. There were no vital things in his room, even stinking socks on the floor or colorful decorations on the table, no women, no pets, and so on.

      Just one day, Harold sounded a voice, it liked asides of a film constantly talked over his every move, he was amazed by the voice described the life he was suffering, but terrified about the what the coming life will be like, especially the death. What he cared about was totally the death, he never doubt the meaningless life before, everyday he lived under extreme fear. So, he began to turn to Dr. Jules Hilbert for help, Under the inspiration of the professor he decided to change himself, pursued a new life.

      Karen Eiffel was a famous tragedy novelist, self-closed and smoked all day.

      She had write’ block on her new novel, that was how to make the hero dead in a proper and great way, which made more evident about her self-closed in her life.

      When Harold knew his life was controlled by a writer, he did not feel ridiculous. Just likes the game THE SIMS, gamers design various details of life about the game characters. Karen Eiffel designed Harold ’s whole life by novel, including his coming death. But it was different, Harold knew his life was designed by that voice, and he tried to change it.

      In this book, she spent 10 years and her emotions with write ’ block up and down. Finally, she got how was Harold ’s ending when she saw the dropped apple on the road. She went back, put herself in an empty room, table, chair, sofa and typewriter. Also, the little balls of paper and butts all over the floor. It is more an empty life than an empty room. She was so devoted to her writing, but it was others ’ lives after all, she spent so much energy on how to play others’ drama, not herself. In my opinion, it has a touch of satire in this movie.

      The professor said that the hero of the novel must be dead, that was the perfect ending with meaningful and valuable, but Harold did not want to die. He found Karen, told her he was the hero, he just wanted Karen to keep him alive. But when he read over the manuscript, he accepted, for it is truly a wonderful novel , maybe the peak to Karen, but Karen relented, it was turned out the characters in her fiction were really existent, andshe dominated their lives, and put them to death in every book, although they were good men. She killed eight people for years. It seems that only death and tragedy, a literary work or film deserves to be called classic. It does not matter it could not be the best fiction, she changed the ending, not the best, Harold picked his life back.

      In my opinion, the movie has a worldly ending, as we all expected, the hero was not dead, and “live happily ever after ”, but it was all right to put the ending here, maybe we should learn to change, you may ask “why? ”, but facing with a better , more wonderful life ,”Why not?” Of course, there should be a plot about love, only the love could save the sleeping soul, the woman who has a better understanding of life could give the indifferent life reborn.

      Everyone in this movie had a perfect ending, Harold, from a boring auditor to a public hero, and Karen, conscience occurs to her, come out from fiction to reality. When you can choose, the hero chose to die to achieve a great works, Karen chose to gave up her decadal effort to save an ordinary life. Both of their choices were touching, The people presented two values, and those of us who had not faced with such a choice might also reconsider the meaning of life.

      人生意義英語作文 篇9

      Smile, facing the yourself. Adversity is a great teacher. Grief and failed, to make you get more than victory, a smile of the pain, than you can ever really know you.

      Smile, in the face of your friends. Flattery, can in any insight into your smile, guilty; Virtual and haggle, will be in your firm confident smile, shy; Adversity confidante, adversity is the best time to meet.

      Smile, facing the bitter wind, inclined rain, cold, and depression. Bitter wind, its herbs conceits green; Inclined rain, its lilies in full bloom, roses and willows shed tear; Freezing can make you more alert, reason; Sad heart, can think spawned a plump fruit. Let the storm hit, full vitality of pregnancy on the plain, since there will be flowers everywhere.

      Remind yourself! Every adversity, are only temporary, it will make you towards the target was on the road, feel full, full of motivation.

      Friend, smile in the face all, success will come.

      人生意義英語作文 篇10

      How Can a Teenager Have a Successful Life?

      I have recently done a survey about how a teenager can have a successful life.

      Most students believe it's necessary to study hard.After all,study plays a key role in their life. They also agree they should respect their parents,who look after them every day.Besides,they're ready to serve the society and in their opinion it's really meaningful.What's more,they think each teenager is supposed to make a good plan for future.

      From my opinion of view,we need to make some good friends so that we can learn from each other.Also, we must be active and exercise more to keep healthybecause it's important to a successful life.

      人生意義英語作文 篇11

      Everyone‘s life will be hit more or less, so will I. However, I did not like before, hiding in the shadow of the corner quietly crying.

      I dried my tears and bravely rode the wind and waves alone to get rid of the shadow of inferiority and loss!Just a few days ago, I confidently published a composition in Xiaohe composition library. In this composition, I devoted myself to the deep yearning for a beloved puppy. I wrote with my heart and beat every character on the keyboard with my heart.

      Fantasy, I write with the true feelings of the article can enter the boutique area!But, it didn’t work. This composition, which irrigates all my true feelings, has been cruelly eliminated! Helpless me, like just above the cloud, immediately fell into the abyss. Feel the whole world is so desolate, so lost! Compared with the past, I only feel cold. I don‘t have the courage to face Xueer, because I can’t even grasp an excellent article! What face and courage do I have? I‘m sadI can’t stand the ups and downsUsually, I never want to lose, and I never lose.

      Today, however, I am conquered by the cruel reality.I lost!I lost my own writing, my own emotion, and my always winning chip - confidence!No matter in class or in school. I‘m always on top, domineering. But now, in front of me, there is only loneliness, only loss Every time I play, I only want to be first, not second. I also aim at my goal, and strive to move forward. Every time, the lucky goddess will visit me and make me succeed!Now is not the same, empty room, only left, my lonely figure. The air has solidified, the time has been fixed, and everything has lost its luster. I reluctantly admitted my failure. A “ever victorious general” fails helplessly!

      Night presents a dead peace.Suddenly, my mind came up with the teacher’s ardent hope for me, the classmates‘ support and encouragement for me, and the haggard faces of my parents working day and night! Am I worthy of them? Are their efforts meaningful? The power of shame encouraged me to move forward.Yes, who won’t experience failure? Who won‘t experience failure? Failure, setback, all the difficulties are the baptism of your life!

      After the grinding of wind and frost, the plum blossom will stand proudly, and the green bamboo will stay green all the year round! I understand!

      The road to success is to face countless thorns!

      人生意義英語作文 篇12

      There are happiest things in everyone's life. Whether you have helped others, or others help you; it is someone giving you a good smile; or help a blind man crossing the road ... I believe this time, your heart must be filled with honey sweet happiness Feel! I am paying, I am happy; I am confident, I am happy; I will give, I am happy ... "Sneak into the night, the moisturizing is silent."

      Give it in life, it is a flowery flowers bloom on your life; The white pigeons you live in the blue sky; is the spray in the sea of u200bu200byour life. Just like the spring night, like that summer vitality, like the snow in the snow in the winter, and finally your own is not only happy and happy, but more like that autumn is fruitful, get Is a wonderful life! The famous poet Xu Zhimo once said: "I am a white cloud in the sky. I occasionally projected on your waves, don't be surprised, there is no surprise, I will disappear in the moment ..." How beautiful, how Means a deep poem! Is this not this in life? Will you walk in the crowd, give the other party a smile, let others feel happy? Do you make a seat on the bus and pregnant women on the bus? Do you have a helping hand when you encounter difficulties? Happy yourself, happy others; others will be happy, you will be happy! Maybe for you is just a small action, but it is a great help for others. How many happiness will you bring to others? If I can fill a dry heart, I will not live alive; if I can help a small bird from the nest to the nest, I will not live alive; if I can make up for a broken heart, I will It is not living ...

      If each of us think this, the world will bloom in the flowers! If everyone gives a little love, then the world will be better! There is too much life in life, we need to care, help, care, and considerate to make our world become a "happy home". More tolerance, less blaming; more pay, less selfish; more love, less cold ... As long as everyone is more conscience, I believe our world will be more beautiful, and our life will be more exciting ! Believe it, give u003d happiness! Cherish the present, happy life! Action is really given.

      人生意義英語作文 篇13


      At dawn, the morning mist smiled and accompanied me in reading; at night, the stars blinked and accompanied me in reading at night, so I had an indissoluble bond with books since I was a child.


      Reading, let us increase knowledge, broaden our horizons, enrich our lives The book is like an old man full of wisdom, constantly enlightening me; it is also like a sincere friend, talking with me face to face: one hundred thousand why let us know the endless knowledge; one up and down five thousand years let me know the long history of human beings; one Andersen's fairy tale let me know the joys and sorrows, good and evil, beauty and ugliness of the world In the book, snow white meets me, and the daughter of the sea meets me. I am like a little bee, flying around in the flower garden of books.


      If give me three days of light, a complete and systematic introduction to Helen Keller's rich, vivid, real and great life. Helen Keller, a woman who lives in darkness but brings light to human beings. Seclusion in the blind, deaf and dumb world, she graduated from Harvard University, and overcame all kinds of difficulties. She used all the strength of her life to run around for the disabled and set up many charities. Reading this book, let me know how to overcome adversity, set a new goal for my life.


      The book Lei Feng narrates the touching deeds of Lei Feng, the hero of the people. Lei Feng has done countless good deeds for the common people. He has done good deeds without leaving his name. No matter how hard he is, no matter how tired he is I learned that to be a man, I must be steadfast, contribute all my strength to others, and make a screw that will never rust!


      How iron and steel was made shapes the heroic image of Paul, the Communist fighter. He has a strong will to serve the people. Tell us that we must have strong will and lofty ideals to be human


      "Soldiers in white" has written a group of heroic songs of soldiers in white. In the spring, a sudden disaster came to the world. In order to fight against the SARS epidemic, Ye Xin, Zhong Nanshan, Jiang Suchun and other medical workers wrote a touching heroic anthem with their lives on the front line of SARS. Let me know the meaning of life


      "Books are the ladder of human progress". With books, we have ideals. With ideals, we have life. Let's read more, read good books, absorb the nutrition in books, set up great ideals and create a better life!


      Here is the kaleidoscope, here is the Grand View Garden, here life is colorful, here knowledge is endless, here the world is colorful, come on! Let's step into the ocean of books together and move towards a better life together!

      人生意義英語作文 篇14


      I never treasure anything around me, because I always feel that things will be lost when I put them around, only those in my heart will never forget


      It was a summer vacation. Because of the piano examination, I could only restrain the joy of entering junior high school and practice at home. It's so hot, I have ice in my mouth. Practice hard. From morning to noon, and then to evening, I can finally shake my aching arm. I can't help but walk to the balcony


      Suddenly, I heard a voice, and the unique summer evening breeze, suddenly hazy and clear, floating into my ears, brushing my cheek, brushing my Liu Haier. The leaves rustle and the sunset glow is subtle and soft. At this moment, the world becomes strangely quiet, as if only this voice exists. Oh, it's the sound of a flute. Someone is playing the flute. It's melodious and comfortable. Only a quiet person can play it so well.


      I am intoxicated and calm For a long time, I woke up from thinking and imagination.


      In the next few days, I noticed that every evening, the flute would ring, but the sound I heard later was not as good as the first time. Every day, as soon as I put down the piano, the flute will sound on time. I will run to the balcony and watch the construction site downstairs and listen carefully. I imagine that the flute player is a lonely old man, telling his mind; maybe it's a child, in front of my eyes, a child riding on the back of an old buffalo playing flute


      One day, when I went to the balcony as usual and looked down, I saw a construction worker sitting on the ground, he was playing the flute. Suddenly, the sound of the flute stopped abruptly. When it rang again, I was surprised to find that what he played was the music I played! Although the flute sounds intermittently, but I can still distinguish, this is my favorite song. It's not what I saw with my own eyes, but I can't believe that a person can play the flute in his hand intact only by listening to the music with his ears, and he can play it so accurately, though not very skillfully. It's the workers I despised so much! I was shocked!


      In the evening, my mother even talked about the worker: "you look at people and build houses in the sun every day. Are you more tired than you? It's not easy for others to live when they still blow you to bed at night! "


      I don't cry anymore. Therefore, in the morning, the flute in my dream wakes me up; in the evening, the flute outside my window accompanies me to sleep. When I practiced that tune, the flute always sounded quietly, but, gently, it seemed that I was afraid of being heard. At last, he was no longer afraid. Therefore, the sound of zither and flute are integrated together, which can be divided into harmony, beauty and tranquility in other places. It's wonderful. I was excited. Tears rolled in my eyes. I felt that I found the true meaning of this song, which was found by this worker friend. Yes, my feelings have been sublimated


      In the examination, my ears are always haunted by the sound of flute. I understand the music in my own way. Finally, I passed the examination of Grade 10! When I excitedly rushed to the balcony to summon up the courage to tell the good news to the friend I had never met before, I was stunned. The excitement and tension of a few days made me forget the building that rose up in front of me. Yes, I will never be able to cooperate with that flute again!


      I don't know which corner of the day, I heard the flute again. I always think this flute sound is familiar to me. It turns out, that flute sound, that memory has been stored in my heart forever!


      Dear friend, are you still playing the flute? You know what? How a distant girl would like to play a song with you - "homesickness".

      人生意義英語作文 篇15

      Look out of the window and see the ups and downs of the world.

      Do you think of the famous French novelist Jules Verne‘s novel Friday on a balloon? Can you see the figure who has worked hard and persevered? Why would Jules Verne succeed? It’s because of his persistence that his success now comes. The road to success is paved for those who persevere. Let‘s step forward to the road of life.Success, thanks to their own efforts; scenery, from the sweat behind; skills, from the extremely hard training. In this way, Lin Shuhao, with his own efforts, has become one of the top eight in the east of the NBA. For example, in winter, plum blossom spots bully frost and AO Xue, and Ling Han is independent. It is because of his perseverance and lofty spirit that he has achieved the success of today. “Only when he has suffered, can he be a man.”.It can be seen that no one can succeed casually. How can we see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain? From this point of view.

      A person’s talent is of course important, but without the perseverance of the day after tomorrow, success will be impossible.This is our fairy tale king, Zheng Yuanjie, who does not lose heart because of failure or shrink down because of difficulties. After entering primary school and not graduating from primary school, Zheng Yuanjie persisted for 26 years in order not to let others perform himself. In all these ups and downs, Zheng Yuanjie persisted. Finally, with an annual royalty income of 20 million yuan, he became the richest man in the “fourth rich list of Chinese writers”. In face-to-face interview, he also said without hesitation: “education does not represent ability, and school is not talent The only way to succeed. ”.Without Zheng Yuanjie‘s own persistence and efforts, there would not be Zheng Yuanjie who has unlimited scenery today.

      It can be seen that only by knowing shame and then being brave can we give the most powerful counterattack to difficulties and setbacks.At the end of 2011, “Lasker Award” came to Tu youyou for clinical medicine research award, which was used to commend her contribution in artemisinin research for malaria treatment. Under the extremely difficult environment of science and technology, Tu youyou led the team not to give up, but to cooperate with other domestic institutions, and got inspiration from the book through arduous and outstanding efforts. The pioneering team first started artemisinin research Hundreds of millions of people around the world have benefited from the creation of new methods of malaria treatment.Any achievement needs hard work. In fact, there are two sides to everything. We can’t deny it one sidedly, even under the banner of science. From this point of view, as long as we have the courage to fight and dream, we can create miracles, and everything is possible.With perseverance in all aspects of life, without failure and frustration, without difficulty and step back, with spiritual concern, in the face of difficulties, to move forward bravely, there will be no mountain of fire that can‘t be crossed, waves that can’t be turned over and sands that can‘t be washed away.

      As long as we firmly believe, the road to success will be paved at our feet.

      人生意義英語作文 篇16

      The wholeness of life 健全的人生

      Once a circle missed a wedge. The circle wanted to be whole, so it went around looking for its missing piece. But because it was incomplete and therefore could roll only very slowly, it admired the flowers along the way. It chatted with worms. It enjoyed the sunshine. It found lots of different pieces, but none of them fit. So it left them all by the side of the road and kept on searching. Then one day the circle found a piece that fit perfectly. It was so happy. Now it could be whole, with nothing missing. It incorporated the missing piece into itself and began to roll. Now that it was a perfect circle, it could roll very fast, too fast to notice flowers or talk to the worms. When it realized how different the world seemed when it rolled so quickly, it stopped, left its found piece by the side of the road and rolled slowly away.

      The lesson of the story, I suggested, was that in some strange sense we are more whole when we are missing something. The man who has everything is in some ways a poor man. He will never know what it feels like to yearn, to hope, to nourish his soul with the dream of something better. He will never know the experience of having someone who loves him give him something he has always wanted or never had.

      There is a wholeness about the person who has come to terms with his limitations, who has been brave enough to let go of his unrealistic dreams and not feel like a failure for doing so. There is a wholeness about the man or woman who has learned that he or she is strong enough to go through a tragedy and survive, she can lose someone and still feel like a complete person.

      Life is not a trap set for us by God so that he can condemn us for failing. Life is not a spelling bee, where no matter how many words you’ve gotten right; you’re disqualified if you make one mistake. Life is more like a baseball season, where even the best team loses one third of its games and even the worst team has its days of brilliance. Our goal is to win more games than we lose.

      When we accept that imperfection is part of being human, and when we can continue rolling through life and appreciate it, we will have achieved a wholeness that others can only aspire to. That, I believe, is what God asks of us—not “Be perfect”, not “Don’t even make a mistake”, but “Be whole.”

      If we are brave enough to love, strong enough to forgive, generous enough to rejoice in another’s happiness, and wise enough to know there is enough l

      ove to go around for us all, then we can achieve a fulfillment that no other living creature will ever know.

      人生意義英語作文 篇17

      once a circle missed a wedge. the circle wanted to be whole, so it went around looking for its missing piece. but because it was incomplete and therefore could roll only very slowly, it admired the flowers along the way. it chatted with worms. it enjoyed the sunshine. it found lots of different pieces, but none of them fit. so it left them all by the side of the road and kept on searching.

      then one day the circle found a piece that fit perfectly. it was so happy. now it could be whole, with nothing missing. it incorporated the missing piece into itself and began to roll. now that it was a perfect circle, it could roll very fast, too fast to notice flowers or talk to the worms. when it realized how different the world seemed when it rolled so quickly, it stopped, left its found piece by the side of the road and rolled slowly away.the lesson of the story, i suggested, was that in some strange sense we are more whole when we are missing something. the man who has everything is in some ways a poor man. he will never know what it feels like to yearn, to hope, to nourish his soul with the dream of something better. he will never know the experience of having someone who loves him give him something he has always wanted or never had.

      there is a wholeness about the person who has come to terms with his limitations, who has been brave enough to let go of his unrealistic dreams and not feel like a failure for doing so. there is a wholeness about the man or woman who has learned that he or she is strong enough to go through a tragedy and survive, she can lose someone and still feel like a complete person.life is not a trap set for us by god so that he can condemn us for failing. life is not a spelling bee, where no matter how many words you've gotten right, you're disqualified if you make one mistake. life is more like a baseball season, where even the best team loses one third of its games and even the worst team has its days of brilliance. our goal is to win more games than we lose.

      when we accept that imperfection is part of being human, and when we can continue rolling through life and appreciate it, we will have achieved a wholeness that others can only aspire to. that, i believe, is what god asks of us -- not "be perfect", not "don't even make a mistake", but "be whole."

      if we are brave enough to love, strong enough to forgive, generous enough to rejoice in another's happiness, and wise enough to know there is enough love to go around for us all, then we can achieve a fulfillment that no other living creature will ever know.

      人生意義英語作文 篇18

      "Good books are not only shocking people, but also the medicine of treatment and beauty" Good book is good nutrients, and the flowers of nutrients are of course beautiful. Knowledge Sky Book is the best teacher. "There is a golden house in the book, and there is a beautiful jade" "book is the ladder of human progress" "book is the best friend of mankind." The most important part of the middle. Because of the book, borrow books, "stealing" book, because reading friends, winning, work, love, how much about the story of the book is dotted with my ordinary and enriched life, but also adds countless beauty recall. When the homes are not very good, they often borrow books, and they are borrowed from famous articles, and they are coming from the famous books. The elected composition is the content I am involved, and I will have a few big books. . It is also because I like literature. I still remember this sentence in this book. "From the childhood, I have the most hopeful people who like literature", I think I Didn't live up to the dream of the teenager. Often to the book, I have been walking in the lattice, I have been very happy, now there is a small harvest and famous. There are also many papers in newspapers and publications, and there are many papers award, I think this is to have fun giving me the fun. Of course, because of reading, I brought me a bitterness. At the fourth grade of elementary school, the newcomers were new to a male classmate. He is also a reading fan, bringing a few good books to the friends every day, everyone grabs. Once, I also borrowed a poem album from him. The content inside is too good, I can't let go, I want to go, I decided to have it, my heart thinks that there are so many books, how can I care? When he came to school, he couldn't find the book but told the teacher. After checking me, it became a "stealing thief".

      Although I was reliable, I didn't have the courage to admit it), saying that there is no need to go back, but I have clearly seen the teacher and classmates in the eyes of my eyes. Today, the book is still in my house, it has become a proof of my personal "defect". In the middle of the middle, I was studying in the county city from home. It is said that it is the worst period of my life, but I am very superior, because I have a reading of reading in a night, because I often buy a book for every one-year-old rice. Although "the air is empty", "there is a lot of fantasy", the results are listed in the class, and I have a book to be my spirit pillar in the days without food. I am happy, there is no relatives, and I have a book of books and happiness. . Every time I go home, I have a book full of books, and passers-by relatives say that I am a child. Going to the classmate, the most asked is still a book, people praise me is a good material for reading, borrowing Ji Yan and the tollus test, a paper teacher notice determines the direction of my life, step into the teacher, pear The teacher's book is really much, and the optical book has a lot of books every year. It is most excited that the big reading room in the integrated building is almost the second "dormitory". Every leisure, I ran to The reading room is "dementia", forgot the day, forgot, forget the time to eat. Surprised in the book sea,Imagine the tour, I also met a lot of "knowledge", and my companion, co worry, we also set up a small publication, joined the school's literary society, so he called " The literati, until now. I graduated, I wanted to work, when a teacher, the time to deal with the book is more, but because the home is not in the city, add the busy work, I don't have time to read my favorite book, and have no chance to borrow.

      Good book, or not to spend money to buy the expensive book, there are only a number of activities such as some papers, and have awarded, and even in some series, I also saw my name, so students I am a good teacher who loves to read, I can write it, I am satisfied with my life. I also found a husband who got to read the newspaper like me. The bookcase and the writing desk in the study are my favorite home. The book full of bookcase is all my wealth, every time per standing cabinet. Before appreciation, I have unlimited delusions. The birds in the sky are still the stream of the forest. It is the angel in that article or the ugly duckling of the pen. It is obsessed with the fun action in real life, Xinhua Bookstore I have received the second prize in the game. Thirty dollars' book card and husband happy to go to the bookstore, huh, a dazzling book 3,000 yuan is not enough to satisfy my reading, I think there is only the same, it is better to stay. I hope to give the next generation and wisdom to the next generation, and the dream to make my son smarter, so I bought a child reading in all my husband, and thousands of books were selected for two hours, I only bought "children's brain power competition". "Learn English", "Explore Weapons Power Encyclopedia" three books, I hope that my son is as cool as I am like me, I can "study for the rise of China." The long life road will come up and down, the book is traced, the book is adult, and I have a happy life.

      人生意義英語作文 篇19


      Stars are shining brightly, lighting up the night sky, but only that "Star", no matter day or night, can light up the sky


      When I look up at the sky, I always think of the "Star" - the human who uses a mouse to stir the earth - Walter. Disney.


      You may not be familiar with the name, but you must know Mickey Mouse and Disneyland! Those were created by Walter. No matter how many times he fails, no matter how high the bar in front of him is, he will try to cross it and find success. God only gave him a mouse, but he used this mouse to create his future and create the cartoon image which is popular all over the world. God will not give too much to anyone


      In the face of all kinds of setbacks in life, our attitude is quite different. Some people are not afraid to face difficulties and go up, while others are willing to leave. Some setbacks are not as big as you think. They may be the scores of an exam, the scars of being bullied by others From the day I knew Walter's story, my attitude towards setbacks was different! I remember when I was in primary school, I liked to fight against injustice. But every time I did, the teacher found out that he would not listen to my explanation and just scolded me. At that time, how wronged did I feel? Is there such logic? I have to be scolded for fighting against injustice. As long as I see this teacher, I will have a strange heartache. I can't face it, but I listened to Walter. After Disney's story, I understood: no matter what setback you are facing now, you should face it bravely. When you face this setback, you will think it is just like this.


      Snow melting is always spring, happiness and happiness will always be in front of the unreachable, but one day, I will meet!


      That "Star" lights up my life











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