" Transformers" this film should be regarded as a famous movie, I very like" Transformers", listen to a friend said:" Transformers3release! Go and see!" Then I immediately called my mother took me to see the.
I like transformers have several factors:1, the movie task especially handsome, I have a crush on robots, created and transformers like robotics is one of my dreams. In 2, the story inside is awesome, very attractive, especially the automobile people and their enemies confrontation when, I have for their anxious. Is this at 2 o'clock that I like the transformers. After I discovered, transformers and is not a si-mp-le robot, they are sentient aliens, also know all about their attitudes. And the people of the earth "Chiefs" ( on the transformers inspection officer, position is relatively high, have the right to decide the transformers expelled or shelter ) took them as evil star to their expulsion, thinking that it would make the rebellion of the Royal enemy gang to leave earth, return to their planet. However, the predators but decided to occupy the earth, eventually Optimus et al. Forget to save the people of earth, so say we not than they also inhumanity? Therefore, I think since transformers are difficult, we should draw a sword and render help.
In the movie, I most like the plot only one, the plot is very touching: Optimus Prime and rebellion in the battle royal of predators, the predators would Optimus Prime 's arm to cut down, also want to Optimus Prime to kick into the river, and Optimus Prime without fear, with vigorous strides with his left arm, hard in his last will, predators knocked to the ground, the enemy no weapons, with false speak sugared words to woo him, Optimus no doubt late, pick up a shotgun, the Royal natural enemies to kill. Finally, the sky became sunny day, it seems that this battle was a gust of wind, blowing will blow over, Optimus Prime 's hand may not recover, might be involved in their life, the aliens with irrelevant people on earth dies, willing to use technology to protect us, to defeat the enemy, but we are in do everything in one's power, can be to protect them, but to find reason to deport them, so, I have for the people in the film is a bit sorry, if they really hit, never to return it, we may become the aliens do not slaves.
This movie tells us to learn the car 's character, in order to friends, no matter how much they have hurt us, but they are our friends, the friends died should help them, don't learn the examination official, for their own interests, damage was about how much you trusted friend.
變形金剛英語觀后感篇二Two years on and it's much more of the same, in fact probably too much with director Michael Bay running riot with all of his warrior “toys.” Less definitely would have been more—yet that is probably not going to harm its prospects. The original grossed 700 million dollars worldwide and this sequel should do equally well, never mind all the ancillaries. And, of course, Shia LaBoeuf since his first outing has acquired a whole legion of fans to swell the ranks.
It is something of a relief that despite its protracted running time Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen does not take itself too seriously. There is a neat and jokey atmosphere that pervades throughout which helps any poor viewer trying to make narrative sense of it all.
My advice is to switch off your brainpower, get in touch with your inner juvenile self and go with the flow for this feast for the senses, orchestrated by the undoubted maestro of the genre Michael Bay.
The prologue pitches us into Shanghai where a strike team lead by Josh Duhamel’s Captain Lennox is hunting down the leftover baddies from Decepticon who are on the way to cause even more trouble.
Meanwhile, back in suburbia Shia LaBoeuf is about to go off to college, leaving behind Megan Fox as his girlfriend and his rather endearing but mad parents (Kevin Dunn and Julie White). He has forebodings that the evil Megatron (voiced by Hugo Weaving) is about to make his presence felt.
His suspicions are well founded. Soon Megatron is causing mayhem in multiple locations, including a stunning sequence atop the Brooklyn Bridge, another in Paris, the Pyramids at Luxor, the Nevada Desert and many other equally spectacular backdrops.
The action is as noisy and in-your-face as ever—and just as deafening for those of a delicate (or even normal) hearing disposition.
The machines of course hold center stage while the actors are mere players trying to avoid the hardware. Shia LaBoeuf sports a bandage, the cause of which was worked in to the plot to explain away his infamous accident during filming. LaBoeuf has enough of the innocent charm to inhabit a character caught up in circumstances that are way beyond anything his imagination could conjure up. Fox looks suitably delectable as eye candy for what will be the predominantly male audience profile.
Bay, who has a propensity for making movies that overstay their welcome, has probably milked this franchise for all its worth and then some. Let’s hope he’s not tempted to repeat himself yet again with the Autobots and Decepticons. That would be a leap too far.
變形金剛英語觀后感篇三Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is a 2009 American science fiction action film, directed by Michael Bay and produced by Steven Spielberg. It is the sequel to Transformers (2007) and the second film in the live-action Transformers Trilogy. Revenge of the Fallen was nominated for Best Sound at the Academy Awards and for Best Science Fiction Film at the Saturn Award. It also won 5 Scream Awards for Best Actress, Breakout Performance-Female, Best Sequel, Best F/X, and Scream Song of the Year.
The film was a box office success, achieving the second highest Wednesday opening gross in history, bringing in $62 million in North America and close to $100 million worldwide. It is currently the fourth highest-grossing film of 2009 worldwide (behind Avatar, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs) and the second-highest grossing film of 2009 in the United States, only behind Avatar making it the 22nd highest grossing movie of all time. In less than a month, the film surpassed the all-time earnings of its predecessor.
Clocking in at nearly two and a half hours, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen rumbles into theaters as a slam-bang exercise. Director Michael Bay ups the ante on his 2007 hit Transformers by hurling even more massive amounts of swirling, twirling, machine-crunching robot action onto the screen. Industrial Light and Magic‟s photorealistic CGI bots interact seamlessly with star Shia La Beouf and other cast members against a backdrop of huge explosions and military firepower.
The plot revolves around Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf), the human caught in the war between Autobots and Decepticons, having visions of Cybertronian symbols, and being hunted by the Decepticons under the orders of their long-trapped leader, The Fallen, who seeks to get revenge on Earth by finding and activating a machine that would provide the Decepticons with an energon source, destroying all life on the planet in the process.
It‟s an impressive display of digital effects, but bigger, faster, louder and longer do not necessarily equal better. Bay‟s famous fondness for blowing up stuff threatens to overwhelm the senses in Round 2 of the ongoing grudge match that pits evil, alien Decepticon robots against a fractious coalition of civilians, soldiers and humanity-loving Autobots.
Still, there‟s plenty to admire in this fast, furious and frequently goofy sequel, which opens Wednesday. Within the first 12 seconds, Bay showcases his gift for masterful wide-screen compositions as he sets up Revenge of the Fallen‟s 17,000-year back story. Following a manic blur of bot-chasing mayhem that takes place for no discernible reason on the streets of Shanghai, the story catches up with the comparatively docile doings of reluctant hero Sam Witwicky.
Played by La Beouf with his usual hyper charm, Sam heads off for college, leaving behind his girlfriend Mikaela (reprised by Megan Fox) his best Autobot friend, Bumblebee and his robot-slaying past.
But when shape-shifting Decepticons figure out that Sam holds the key to their survival, he hits the road in search of a mysterious matrix with evil bots in hot pursuit. At one point, as a machine prepares to slice into his brain with a circular saw, Sam protests: “I‟m just a normal kid with normal problems.”
Unlike many of its sci-fi brethren, including the grim Terminator Salvation, the PG 13-rated Revenge of the Fallen embraces its inner Joker.
The film received mostly negative reviews by the critics. Actor Shia LaBeouf was unimpressed with the film, stating "We got lost. We tried to get bigger. It's what happens to sequels. It's like, how do you top the first one? You've got to go bigger, Michael Bay went so big that it became too big, and I think you lost the anchor of the movie. ... You lost a bit of the relationships. Unless you have those relationships, then the movie doesn't matter. Then it's just a bunch of robots fighting each other."
The Houston Chronicle called it "A well-oiled, loudly revving summer action vehicle that does all that‟s required, and then some". Jordan Mintzer from Variety said Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen takes the franchise to a vastly superior level of artificial intelligence. Entertainment Weekly said "Revenge of the Fallen may be a massive overdose of popcorn greased with motor oil. But it knows how to feed your inner 10-year-old's appetite for destruction". According to The Washington Post, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is Bay's worst-reviewed film, faring even lower than Pearl Harbor. Ray Bennett of The Hollywood Reporter commented in his review that "for the uninitiated, it's loud, tedious, and at 147 minutes, way too long".Roger Ebert, who had given the 2007 film three stars, gave Revenge of the Fallen only one star, calling it "...a horrible experience of unbearable length".He later wrote in his blog about the film, saying "The day will come when Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen will be studied in film classes and shown at cult film festivals. It will be seen, in retrospect, as marking the end of an era. Of course there will be many more CGI-based action epics, but never again one this bloated, excessive, incomprehensible, long or expensive ".Rolling Stone critic Peter Travers did not give the film any stars considering that "Transformers 2 has a shot at the title Worst Movie of the Decade".
In the movie, helicopters, fighter jets and panther-shaped robots take precedence over La Beouf and his exceptionally photogenic co-star Fox. Too tiny to cause much damage to the massive Devastator and his fellow killer „bots, the humans do an awful lot of running as the mechanized warriors smash each other to bits.
Though there are many negative comments on Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen, personally speaking, I think there are many things should be admitted in this movie. For example, as the director did in the first Transformers movie, Optimus Prime gets the last word amid the wreckage, Revenge of the Fallen‟s most soulful character voices the hope that man and machine can co-exist. This is a good hope to be harmonious with the unknown power. It alarms humanbeings to introspect. Besides, I appreciatie the music in the movie. I think Steven Spielberg should thank Linkin Park, cause their songs certainly added coulor to the movie. As the old saying goes “Love me, love my dog”, I like the movie partly because that I am a big fan of Linkin Park.
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