簽證 在職證明
駐中國大使館: __________先生/女士/小姐(請客人根據自己實際情況選擇一種稱謂,同時將其他兩種稱謂刪除)是我公司_________部門任________職務,自_______年起就在我公司任職,至今已有_____年。現______先生/女士/小姐決定_____年_____月前往 ,他/她將在 停留___天。旅行期間一切費用包括全程機票,住宿,一日三餐,健康保險等由其自行承擔。我公司保證_______先生/女士/小姐在旅行期間遵守貴國法律,旅行結束后保證按時回國。__________先生/女士/小姐的月薪為RMB__________元/月。 申請人單位:
簽證 在職證明二Dear Sir or Madam:
This is to certify that Mr./Mrs. XXXX is a Assistant Operations of Beijing wangfujing Department stock(Group) Changan Market Co.,Ltd. She has been working in our Company for 30 years. She is monthly income is 6600 Yuan.We agree to the said person to take a vacation tour to _______ inApril 5, 2011 until April 25. All expenses include air tickets, transportation, accommodation and medical insurance will be covered by herself. We guarantee that the said person will obey the local laws and return to China on time to resume position. We will keep her position during her outbound and we are sure she will be back to China on time. If you have any questions, please contact us at 010-XXXXXX.
Yours Faithfully。
簽證 在職證明三Dear visa officer:
This is to certify that Mr. ____(姓名) is ____(職位)of our company since ____(入職時間). His annual income is ____(年收入)RMB.
He intends to travel to ____(目的地) in ____(出國時間). All the expenses include air tickets, transportation and accommodation will be covered by himself. We guarantee that he will abide by the local laws during the tour. He will come back to China as soon as his finishes the trip and still go on working in our company. Please kindly issue his visa after your checking up!
Yours Sincerely
Guarantor Position:General Manager(證明人職位:總經理)
Company Name: (單位名稱)
Add: (單位地址)
Tel: (單位電話)
【簽證 在職證明】相關文章:
3.辦簽證 在職證明
4.印度簽證 在職證明
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