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高一英語演講稿三分鐘演講視頻 高一英語演講稿三分鐘演講稿大全
日期:2023-03-19 19:29:14    编辑:网络投稿    来源:网络资源
高一英語演講稿三分鐘演講  目前我國高校英語演講教學效果差強人意,學生英語演講水平整體不高。要提高大學生英語演講水平需要教學管理者、英語演講教師和大學生的共同努
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  • 高一英語演講稿三分鐘演講




      Dream, with each one of us.

      Dream is beautiful, it is the bottom of my heart the most beautiful expectations, so the dream also become our long-held beliefs.

      Dream is the sun, it makes people from impetuous to solid, from the hesitation to the firm, and on the road to success.

      Dream is powerful, it is the life source of forward momentum; Lofty dreams can inspire a life all potential.

      Because of this we will go to dream, to grasp the dream, the pursuit of dreams.

      And because of country's dream is the one people's little dream, is not affected by big dream small dreams, but just because one little dream realization and achievement of the establishment of the great dream, why not?

      My dream, our dream, to improve the Chinese dream.

      To you the day of my dreams to realize, is standing at the time of China.


      Hello, ladies and gentlemen. It’s great to be here. First of all, thanks for your coming. Tonight, what I am gonna talk about is innovation. Who can tell me what is innovation? We all know that, since 1978, China has been through the greatest changes brought by the reform and opening-up. So what we can see from the reform and opening-up? The power of innovation. That’s why I am here. I am here to show you my Chinese dream.

      I want to talk about the future and how we're going to win it. If we want to make innovation. But firstly, we should make sure that China is a place where we can make it if we try, where we can go as far as hard work and big dreams will take us. We understand that it’s not going to be a cakewalk, this competition for the future, which means all of us are going to have to do our best. We are going to have to win the future by being smarter and working harder and working together. Innovation is the spirit of our country, the motive force for our country’s prosperity.

      Sparking the imagination and creativity of our people, unleashing new discoveries -- that's what China will do better than any other country on Earth. From the moment we have a new idea, we can explore it; we can develop it with a research grant; we can protect it with a patent; we can market it with a loan to start a new business. We’ve got a chain that takes a great idea all the way through. We must be confirmed that, today, the challenges we face are real. They are serious they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But we will somehow find a way to overcome the difficulties. My major is XXX. My is to discover or create new drugs for many diseases like cancer. You know that laboratory is the place where miracles happen. Believe it or not.

      What I do can save millions of people’s lives. For a long time, what challenges me is how to commercialize research. You come up with a great idea, but moving that new discovery from theory to practice or from the lab to the marketplace, that's really a big . That’s what we should focus on. We need to act with a sense of urgency-to study and work and create as if the fate of the country depends on us-because it does. It depends on us. Thank you!


      Good morning,dear teacher and my friends.

      it’s a very intresting topic today.

      i think my dad was a hero for me when i was a young child. we'd go fishing, walks, and other fun things for a kid.

      every child has a good and great father, and so do i. my dad played a very important role in my daily life`````exactly speaking, in my past 16 years.

      my father always stands in the center of my life, from past till now and possibly in the future.

      my family was rather poor when i was in my childhood. we didn't have our own house and had to live in a shabby, small room rented from my father's factory. the room was so small that there was little space for people to walk. i didn't have my own bed and had to sleep with my parents. this is terrible both for my parents and me.

      but father made this all different!he works very hard on his own business, now we have our own 2 housese,surly,i have my own room.and he take our family so much happiness, richer and richer.

      when i was little, i did everything with my dad. you could always find me sitting on his knee or walking and doing everything with him. every night he would read me a bed time story and make the voices of each character.

      i learnt a lot from my daddy. i learnt to never take things to seriously and to always smile.

      like many other fathers, my dad and i also has generation gap. he is not good at or even can’t work the computer. so when i sitting at the computer desk,he will say something like ‘you should pay more attention to your study’, ‘don’t waste time on the computer games’ , ‘it will be bad for your eyes’ and so on. how can i- a computer fan – reduce time on computer? so i continue studying and playing on it

      years pasted, my father is over 45 now. it is time for me to look after him and i am sure i will do and we will live an even better life. and i will say,i really love you dad,cause you are the hero in my mind.

      thank you so much!










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