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憤怒的小鳥怎么用英語表達出來 憤怒的小鳥怎么用英語表達的
日期:2023-03-21 06:20:50    编辑:网络投稿    来源:网络资源
憤怒的小鳥怎么用英語表達  Angry Blackbird憤怒的畫眉  Feel my death glare.哥用眼神就能殺死你。  Angry Blue Jay憤怒的冠藍鴉  Allergies piss me off!靠,這什
  • 2022年機關黨建工作
  • 憤怒的小鳥怎么用英語表達

      Angry Blackbird憤怒的畫眉


      Feel my death glare.哥用眼神就能殺死你。

      Angry Blue Jay憤怒的冠藍鴉

      Allergies piss me off!靠,這什么玩意兒,竟然過敏了!

      Angry Buzzard憤怒的禿鷲

      Hey fox, I will bitch-slap you from heaven.臭狐貍,當心老子下來扇你!

      Angry Cardinal憤怒的紅雀

      Step away from the bird feeder!離姐的糧食遠點!

      Angry Crow憤怒的烏鴉

      How would you like to be outdoors in the rain and wind 24/7? I don't so I caw and peck at carcasses. You may be next!你喜歡天天在外面風吹雨淋么?我可不喜歡!所以我才哇哇亂叫,吃的是人家的殘骸。哼,下一個就吃你!

      Angry Finch憤怒的鳴鳥

      A worm once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.曾經有條蟲子想試試我,你才后來怎么著?我把它的肝臟和著蠶豆下酒了。

      Angry Goose憤怒的鵝

      Get off my damn lawn!從老子的草坪上滾出去!

      Angry Hawk憤怒的鷹

      You are a rude, thoughtless pig!你這頭又沒禮貌又沒思想的豬!

      Angry Penguin憤怒的企鵝

      That's the last time you will mock my stroll. I will digest you tomorrow if you keep it up!這是我最后一次容忍你嘲笑我走路的'姿勢,你明天再敢笑就把你吞了!

      Angry Pigeons憤怒的鴿子

      I just want you to feel the wrath of our feces.往你頭上撒點便便你就知道我們有多憤怒了。

      Angry Robin憤怒的知更鳥

      No, I will not rock for you. Have you any idea how many times I heard that reference?滾,我不會搖給你看的!一天到晚都有人叫我搖煩死了!(MJ有首歌叫《Rockin' Robin》)

      Angry Seagull憤怒的海鷗

      I'm sorry. There's no room for a duck on my pond! GTFO!抱歉啊,沒地方給你這只鴨子呆了,滾出我的池塘!

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