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初一英語參考答案 初一英語訓練題
日期:2023-03-09 17:36:58    编辑:网络投稿    来源:互联网
初一英語練習及答案  導讀:學習是快樂的,學習是幸福的,雖然在學習的道路上我們會遇到許多困難,但是只要努力解決這些困難后,你將會感覺到無比的輕松與快樂。下面是應屆畢業生
  • 情話 情侶
  • 初一英語練習及答案




      1. Tom plays soccer with his friends. 2. They can speak a little English.

      _______________________________ _______________________________

      3. There are some tomatoes in the basket. 4. The pants are 20 dollars.

      _______________________________ _______________________________

      5. We get up at 6:00 every morning. 6. His grandma is 70 years old.

      _______________________________ _______________________________


      1. When is your birthday? 2. What color is Tom's T-shirt?

      _______________________________ _______________________________

      3. Can her parents play volleyball? 4. Where does Li Ming do his homework?

      _______________________________ _______________________________

      5. What time is it? 6. What's your favorite subject?

      _______________________________ _______________________________


      1. Please ________ (do) your homework. 2. ________ (not sleep) too late in the morning.

      3. The boy likes ________ (read) a lot. 4. What time does he usually ________ (eat) lunch?

      5. Can you ________ (play) chess? 6. He wants ________ (go) to school.

      7. Thanks for ________ (help) me. 8. I am the last one ________ (leave) the room.

      9. She does ________ (she) homework. 10. Who ________ (be) in the library now?


      1. Please ________ ________ ________ (告訴他關于) the interesting TV show.

      2. I want to ________ ________ ________ ________ (睡久一點) in the morning.

      3. You have to ________ ________ ________ (洗澡) every evening.

      4. ________ _______ (穿上) your clothes and _______ ________ _______ (上班).

      5. She ________ ________ ________ (做早餐) with his parents.


      ( ) 1. The girl can _________ English and she can _________ it in English very well.

      A. say, speak B. tell, speak C. speak, talk D. speak, say

      ( ) 2. _________ you can join us.

      A. Maybe B. May be C. Canbe D. Can be

      ( ) 3. Let me help you _________ swimming?

      A. at B. with C. about D. on

      ( ) 4. Ann is always the last one _________ in her class.

      A. to come school B. come to school C. to come to school D. comes to school

      ( ) 5. I _________ my teacher carefully, but I can't _________ him.

      A. listen, hear B. hear, listen to C. listen to, hear D. hear, listen

      ( ) 6. His grandmother always _________ him funny stories.

      A. says B. talks C. speaks D. tells


      1. My house is on Green Street. (就畫線部分提問) ________ is _______ house?

      2. It's time for lunch. (改同義句) It's time _______ ________ lunch.

      3. Miss Gao is our English teacher. (改同義句) Miss Gao ________ _______ English.

      4. I had a busy weekend . (一般疑問句) ______ you _______ a busy weekend?

      5. He is doing his homework. now .(用 every day 代替now,且改否定句)

      He _______ ______ his homework every day.


      1. 你想要多大的.漢堡包?_______ ________ hamburger would you like?

      2. 它在郵局的對面。It's ________ ________ the post office.

      3. 他長得怎么樣? ________ does he ________ _______?

      4. 你的周末過得怎么樣?________ _______ your weekend?

      5. 那個公園是個玩得高興的好地方。The park is a good place ________ ________.


      A: ________ I help you?

      B: I'd ________ a pizza, please.

      A: What ______ pizza ______ you like?

      B: I'd like a large pizza.

      A: And ______ would you like ______ it?

      B: I'd like mushrooms, green peppers, and cheese, please.

      A: ________ ________ is it?

      B: Ten yuan.

      A: _______ you are.

      B: Thank you.

      A: you're _______.

      參考答案: I. 1. What does Tom do with his friends?

      2. What can they speak?

      3. What’s in the basket?

      4. How much are the parts?

      5. What time do you get up every morning?

      6. How old is his grandma?

      II. (以下答案可以不同)

      1. My birthday is April 6.

      2. It’s red.

      3. Yes, they can.

      4. Li Ming does his homework at home.

      5. It’s 8 o’clock.

      6. My favorite subject is English.

      III. 1. do 2. Don’t sleep 3. reading 4. eat

      5. play 6. to go 7. helping 8. to leave

      9. her 10. is

      IV. 1. tell him about 2. sleep a little longer

      3. take a shower 4. Put on, go to work

      5. makes their breakfast

      V. 略

      VI. 1-6 D A B C C D

      VII. 1. Where, your 2. to have 3. teaches us

      4. Do, have 5. doesn’t do

      VIII. 1. What size 2. across from

      3. What, look like 4. How was 5. to have fun

      IV. can, like, size, would, what, on, How much, Here











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