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高二英語試題精選 高二英語試題題庫
日期:2023-03-09 02:22:49    编辑:网络投稿    来源:网络资源
高二英語練習題  練習就是用題進行多角度、多層次的訓練,通過多方面的強化,恰當的重復來掌握知識和技巧。題,既包括書面文字,又包括口述和動手操作的實驗等。下面小編為大家帶
  • 2022早安心語正能量
  • 高二英語練習題



      高二英語練習題 篇1

      第一節 語法和詞匯知識(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)


      21. We were at _____ work, when the lights went out all of ______ sudden.

      A. /; / B. /; a C. the; / D. the; a

      22. Scientists are trying to find a new approach _____ the shortage of energy.

      A. to B. of C. In D. with

      23. If you won't go to the party, ________.

      A. he will either B. neither will he C. he neither will D. either he will

      24. -You look so upset, Jane. _______?

      - My pet dog is lost.

      A. What's up? B. What's for? C. What are you doing? D. So what?

      25. ______ that he looked unhappy; he had lost his favorite book.

      A. No problem B. No charge C. No wonder D. No hurry

      26. It __________ last night because the ground is dry outside.

      A. can’t have rained B. must have rained

      C. mustn't have rained D. should have rained

      27. Mr. Wu, _____ everybody likes, is going to give us a talk on chemistry.

      A. whom B. that C. which D. /

      28. I waited for more than two hours, but she simply didn't ______.

      A. turn up B. turn off C. turn on D. turn over

      29.He always thinks of ________ he can work better for the people.

      A. what B. which C. why D. how

      30. With all his homework ______, he went back home immediately.

      A. finished B. to finish C. finishing D. being finished

      31. We have taken effective measures to _______our natural resources.

      A. observe B. preserve C. serve D. reserve

      32. He as well as his best friends _______ Europe already.

      A. has paid a visit to B. have paid a visit to

      C. has paid the visit to D. have paid the visit to

      33. Many people believe that hunger is only a problem in the developing world. ______, it is a problem all over the world..

      A. On the contrary B. First of all C. As a result D. What's more

      34. -How about seeing a new movie tonight?

      -________. but I’ve got to go over my notes for tomorrow's exam.

      A. All right B. Sounds great C. I can't D. No, I am sorry.

      35. The headmaster could not go to the meeting; therefore Mr Johnson ____ him.

      A. greeted B. related C. represented D. took

      第二節 完形填空 (共20小題;每小題1分,滿分20分)


      As a husband who remains Chinese, I enjoy eating Chinese food and in particular cooking Chinese food. ___36____, my wife, good at French cooking and furthermore good to ___37____ our house clean, dismissed my efforts as a Chinese ____38___.

      One day, however, the laid-off cook, couldn’t ___39____asking her to make room for him: “My darling, today, I really want to prepare some __40____food. Could you please lend me the ___41____?” “No problem, but don’t make too much dirt.” My wife, used to cooking in pure water, was excited, ___42_____ a little bit worried. I shut the door and as a cook, begun to play ____43___ and loudly with the cooking tools and dance around the stove. The menu was __44____one week earlier. Soon, the strong smell of Sichuan dishes spread all over the house and I ___45___with the first course. “Come on, Darling!” I proudly ___46___.

      My lovely wife came into the dining room. “What’s this?” She asked doubtfully, ____47____ at the black egg on the plate. “This is a Chinese dish, Songhuadan. In Europe it is ___48___called the egg of one hundred years. It is really delicious. ___49___ it.” Seeing her hesitating, I brought a piece of it up to her mouth. “____50___! Why is it so smelly?” She cried, nearly throwing it up. “My darling, it is delicious! ___51___do you find it horrible?” I was ___52____. Seeing dark clouds cover her face, I immediately used the ___53____ panacea (萬能藥) “I love you”. The clouds ___54___and her face was brightened again by sunshine. However, she determinedly ___55____to risk a further bite.

      36. A. However B. therefore C. Moreover D. still

      37. A. live B. like C.want D. keep

      38. A. worker B. cook C. husband D. person

      39. A. permit B. wait C. remain D. help

      40. A. Chinese B. French C. Sichuan D. European

      41. A. house B. kitchen C. room D. stove

      42. A. so B. and C. for D. but

      43. A. carelessly B. happily C. smoothly D. nervously

      44. A. asked B. studied C. fixed D. needed

      45. A. come B. appeared C. went D. hurried

      46. A. called on B. called up C. called out D. called in

      47. A. staring B. looking C. glancing D. pointing

      48. A. too B. also C. even D. ever

      49. A. Taste B. Like C. Smell D. Watch

      50. A. Wonderful B. Delicious C. Surprising D. Horrible

      51. A. When B. Why C. Where D. How

      52. A. defeated B. hurt C. puzzled D. inspired

      53. A. special B. usual C. common D. ordinary

      54. A. disappeared B. froze C. flew D. gathered

      55. A. tried B. decided C. refused D. managed

      高二英語練習題 篇2



      1.The movie was one of the most ________ (令人害怕的.) I’ve ever seen.

      2.The captain sailed his ship through the narrow ________ (航道).

      3.________ (插入) our fingers between the layers and press them apart.

      4.Besides,we are just students,and we have no ________ (收入) of our own.

      5.The government feared the strike might produce a ________ (一連串) of reaction in other industries.


      Scientists at the University of Hawaii at Manoa studied a huge area in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean known as the Clarion-Clipperton Zone,or CCZ to find and study new sea species.

      Diva Amon,a researcher at the University says usually deep sea biologists think there is not a lot living in the deep sea.

      “But we found that actually there is quite a lot living there,and so that was really exciting. . . ” she says.

      The group is studying the area because the CCZ,a huge and flat area of seabed,is known to have valuable minerals. The International Seabed Authority (ISA) is allowing the company UK Seabed Resources Ltd. to explore the area on the Pacific Ocean floor for mining. However,the ISA said the company must first complete a biological study of the area before it can begin mining for metals. So,the company employed Amon and her group.

      Amon says that more than half of the animals they collected were completely new to science. Her group discovered not only new species,but new genera (動植物的屬) of animals.

      Biological oceanographer Paul Snelgrove says that finding new species in the deep ocean is common. But,he said,finding a new genus “is really great”.

      Amon warns that if mining happens across the whole area,the ecosystem would be largely destroyed. But,she says,we will find the least damaging way to make mining possible.

      “There is a sort of scientific push to try and slow things down a bit so that the science can be done before. . . so it can be done with the least influence possible. . . ” she says.

      “It’s likely we are going to develop at least some parts of these deep ocean environments and do it in a way that’s going to minimize (最小化) our influence,”says Paul.

      1.What did scientists try to find out in the CCZ

      A.Whether there is life.

      B.Whether there are valuable minerals.

      C.What sea life exists there.

      D.What metals lie under the sea floor.

      2.What does Paul say about finding new sea species

      A.It’s something unusual.

      B.It’s nothing to be surprised at.

      C.It has a far-reaching effect on science.

      D.It proves common species will change.

      3.What is Amon’s attitude towards mining the CCZ



      4.What does the underlined word “it” in the text refer to


      B.A scientific push.

      C.Finding the least damaging way.

      D.Developing the ocean environments.


      Justin knew there was only one way out of his neighborhood—basketball. So he _______ hard, running with the ball like the _______ dogs were chasing (追逐)him. He could defeat any of the guys at the _______, and he saw his way out and he ran for it.

      One day when Justin was playing basketball,he _______ his right knee badly. The doctor said he might never play _______. Justin was extremely sad. Every day Justin just _______ in bed,watching TV and eating potato chips. When he _______ like a balloon,his sister came home from the university on holiday,bringing exciting _______ of a faraway land called college.

      Justin was _______ by the dorm stories and campus(校園)________ that she told,but he could ________ believe any of them. It was as if she were telling him about some ________ land high above the clouds.

      Justin was a pretty ________ guy, but his sister had a way of ________ him to do things that nobody else could. So while she was home during the ________, they studied together, and they talked,and they worked, and Justin felt ________ than he ever had before.

      After spending those ________ with his sister,Justin realized that he didn’t want to feel bad for himself any more, and he didn’t want to quit. Basketball ________ be his thing, but now there was only ________. Using the study skills Justin had acquired from his sister, he scored ________ in every exam. The university that he applied to accepted him.







      7.A.stayed upB.looked upC.grew upD.blew up











      18.A.used toB.ought toC.had toD.got to



      高二英語練習題 篇3


      1.All of us should be concerned with public _____(事務)to make our society a better one.

      2.Nowadays people have to pass various tests for professional _____(證書) so that they can be qualified for a well-paying job.

      3. He may be good at football, but he is very _____ (笨拙)on the dance floor.

      4. When human friends desert us, good books are always ready to give us friendship, sympathy and e_____.

      5. The foundation would like to launch programs for providing _____ (援助) for poor areas and for disease control and prevention in Africa.

      6. I hope we will have the strength to bear the difficulties and disappointments and bear them with _____ (尊嚴) and without self-pity.

      7.He is a well-edacuted man and behaves _____ (高雅).

      8. Do you believe that the photo - electric reader be capable of s_____ characters at the rate of two thousand a second?

      9.Not everyone think it is ridiculously _____ (荒謬的)to predict that the sun will not rise tomorrow.

      10. It is reported that a couple who separated after 40 years of m_____ split their house in two.

      11. I want an e_____ for why you have refused to eat these nice fresh cod.

      12. ---I heard that your brother got d_____.Is that true?

      ---Not so bad,but he dose have problems with his wife.

      13. F_____ Germany, Einstein went first to France, then to Belgium, and then to Britain.

      14.In my opinion,this journey, like all the ones mentioned above, was _____ (純粹)imaginary.

      15. The poor old couple began to regret the _____ (購買) of such a large house at so high a price.

      16.Who will in charge of the distribution of food and clothing to the flood vivtims?

      17. We all think that the repairs to the school will be _____ (提供資金)by the local educational department.

      18.Many people thought he should remain and _____ (講課)in Europe to influence society.

      19.My new boss used to be a travel _____ (代理人)in a famous city.

      20. Life can be compared to a journey with an unknown _____ (目的地).



      1.This novel,____ TV from the American original, is very popular among young students.

      2.I know the warning systerm will work well because we have ____ it ____ many times.

      3. Take heart and wee are sure to ____ these difficulties sooner or later .

      4. I ____ to see if you were at work but no one answered my phone.

      5.Just then I heard my name called. ____, I found my former English teacher similing at me.

      6. You must always keep your mind fresh by ____ some time for exercise.

      7.Hearing the news that he was fired , the young man ____ despair.

      8. It is time that we ____ and got ready to start out.

      9. The old man on duty ____ having seen the accused enter the building.

      10. I don't really work here;I am just ____ until the new secretary arrives.

      11. It is necessary for us to ____the likely result before we decide to do anything.

      12. We had several anxious hours waiting for our wet clothes to _____.

      13. She ____her head from the window and called for help.

      14. The doctor's advice was that the patient ____ at once.

      15. I have never done this type of work before; I'm not sure how I will ____.

      16. It is you teachers’s duty to make the new students ____in your school.

      17. Here are my reasons for believing I am ____ the position of branch manager

      18. At first man ____the places where the food and water were plentiful.

      19.Why did the president refuse to comment on the election results at the news conference?

      20 The symptom of jetlag often persists for several days while the internal body clock slowly ____ the new time zone.



      1. The truth is that she did everything she could save her sons from the big fire but in vain.

      2. We have no choice but work hard to try to find a solution to make sure that we save our economy.

      3. My English teacher is said to be studying abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in.

      4. The doctor noted that the oral drug would significantly reduce the amount of time patients needed being treated.

      5. As we had had a long walk through one of the markets of Old Delhi, we stopped having a rest at a square.

      6.I wonder whether the way you thought of making the water clean makes any sense.

      7. Having stood with great difficulty from the ground, the wounded soldier rushed in the war, never being heard from again.

      8. On Monday, former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif also said he wants the vote holding next week.

      9. The introduction of modern equipment to the company led to a great many workers laid off.

      10. Tim Bemers-Lee is generally considered to set up the World Wide Web, on which all theinformation is shared by all.

      11.Caught cheating in the exam cost him the chance to be promoted.

      12. He escaped punishing by taking advantage of his position,which caused a bad influence among the citizens.

      13. We have long known that the reasons why President Bush and his team gave for going to war in Iraq were false

      14. The couple saw a new movie at the theatre, after that they had dinner at a Chinese restaurant.

      15. There is very strong evidencethat the degree in which you maintain your mental faculties depends on a handful of quite simple environmental factors

      四、補全句子 (15題)


      1. The young man _____(一心想成為) the general manager of a great enterprise.

      2.The manager needs an assistant that he can count on to take care of problems _____ (在他不在場的情況下).

      3. The visiting Minister _____ (對……表示滿意)the talks, _____ (補充說)that he had enjoyed his stay here.

      4.She discovered that there were _____ (一堆堆) empty wine bottles _____ (形狀各導、大小不一)in the corner.

      5. The young girl _____ (險勝)her great rival(對手) in the tennis competition.

      6. Don’t be angry with them.They only said such unkind things about you _____(出于忌妒).

      7. Once he was run after by a seal that was like _____ (長著鋒利牙齒的巨人) and he was almost _____(當場嚇死).

      8. This business invitation is _____ (出租或出售)of electronic production workshops and related buildings in the IT industry park.

      9. The moment the 28th Olympic Games _____ (宣布開幕), the whole world cheered.

      10.It is said that dogs will _____ (陪伴你)for as long as you want when you are feeling lonely.

      11. They got home after work only to find the whole house had _____(被弄得亂七八糟).

      12. Mary ceremonies will be held to _____(慶祝中華人民共和國成立60周年)next year.

      13. I hope we can live_____ (舒服地)and happ ss in the countryside after we retire.

      14.The students who fail to _____ (符合這些要求)will not be admitted to the famous university.

      15.It has not been decided _____r(誰接替史密斯先生做我們的導師)?


      1. The new medicine proved beneficial to the patient's skin problems.

      ----The new medicine proved to _____ _____ _____to the patient's skin problems.

      2. I have neither brothers nor sisters.That is to say, I'm an only child.

      --- I have neither brothers nor sisters—_____ _____ _____, I'm an only child

      3. Li Ming has his faults, but, on the whole, he is a good helper

      --Li Ming has his faults, but, _____ _____ _____, he is a good helper.

      4.The manager is busy at his desk. You'd better disturb him.

      ---The manager is busy at his desk. You'd better _____ _____ _____.

      5. As a matter of fact, my boss is thr years younger than me.

      --As a matter of fact, my boss is thr years _____ _____ me.

      6. All we could see in front of us was 200 km of nothing but sand.

      -- All we could see _____ _____ us was 200 km of nothing but sand.

      7.Did you rewalize that Joe had this problem with his knee?

      -- ____ you ___ that Joe had this problem with his knee?

      8.I haven't received any letter from myfather working abroad so far.

      --- I haven't _____ _____ myfather working abroad up to the present.

      9. We have arranged for her to be treated by a famous doctor of our city.

      ---We have_____ _____ _____ her to be treated by a famous doctor of our city.

      10.We have become accustomed to the way of living in such a crowded place.

      ---We have _____ _____ _____ the the way of living in so crowded a place.

      11. It is difficult to imagine that he accepted the decision without any hesitation.

      ---It is hard to imagine _____ _____ the decision without any hesitation.

      12.The famous scientist will arrive soon and a party will be held in honour of him.

      ---The famous scientist , _____ _____ _____ a party will be held, is to arrive soon.

      13. It is reported that the floods have left about two thousand people homeless.

      ---The floods _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ about two thousand people homeless.

      14. It may rain tomorrow.In that case,we'll have to put off the sports meet till next Saturday.

      --- It may rain tomorrow, _____ _____ _____,we'll have to put off the sports meet till next Saturday.

      15. We've replaced the old adding machine with a computer.

      --- We've _____ the old adding machine _____ a computer.


      1.我以為他在取笑我,就越發跑得快起來,到達學校時我都上氣不接下氣了。(make fun of; out of breath)

      2. 我們許多人很少或沒有與殘疾人工作或交往的經驗,因此可能意識不到他們的需求。(disability; aware)

      3.就我而言,這兩個設計中的后者比前者實際的多。(as far as one is concerned;latter)



      6.十位專家組成的訪問團預定星期四到達,這期間我們該做些什么呢? (due to;in the meantime)

      7. 我發郵件祝賀他考入清華大學,攻讀經濟專業。(congratulate;majorg in)

      8. 有時我們會發現面對面的交流可能是人很尷尬。(embarrass)


      10. 我們班所有的學生都渴望參加下月舉行的演講比賽。(be dying to; participate in)

      11.人們期待這些年輕人去適應過去幾代人從未處理過的社會環境的變化。(adapt to)

      12.每年我們都向紅十字會捐部分錢以幫助那些貧困中的人。(donate; in need)

      13. 孩子們在房間里很安靜。我納悶他們在干什么。(up to )

      14.在準備發射神舟七號的過程中, 科學家需要了解天氣變化。(preparation; knowledge)


      高二英語練習題 篇4


      1. affairs 2. certificates 3. clumsy 4. encouragement 5. assistance 6. dignity 7. elegantly

      8. scanning 9. absurd 10. marriage 11. explanation 12. divorced 13. Fleeing

      14. purely 15. purchase 16. distribution 17. financed 18. lecture 19. agent 20. destination


      1. adapted for 2. tested; out 3. smooth away 4. rang up 5. Turning aroud 6. setting aside 7. abandoned himself to. 8 packed up 9. witnessed to 10. helping out

      11. reflect on 12. dry out 13. stuck out 14. be operated on 15. fit in 16. feel at home

      17. qualified for 18. settled in 19. comment on 20. adjusts to


      1. save改為 to save 2. work 改為 to work

      3. be studying 改為 have studied 4. being改為to be

      5. having 改為 to have 6.making 改為 to make

      7. never being 改為never to be 8.holding 改為 to be held

      9.workers后加being 10.to set 改為 to have set

      11.Caught改為Being caught 12.punishing 改為 punished

      13.why 改為 that 14.that 改為 which 15.in改為to

      四、補全句子 (15題)

      1. was filled with ambition to become 2. in his absence

      3. expressed his satisfaction with; adding 4. piles of;of all shapes and sizes

      5. won a narrow victory over 6. out of envy

      7. a giant with sharp teeth;scared to death on the spot

      8. for rent or sale 9. were declared open

      10. keep you company 11. been turned upside down

      12. celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China

      13. in comfort 14. meet these requirements

      15. who will succeed Mr.Smith as our tutor


      1. be of benefit 2. in other words 3. all in all 4. leave him alone

      5. junior to 6. ahead of 7. Were;aware 8. heard from

      9. made arrangements for 10. got used to 11. his/him accepting 12. in whose honour

      13. are reported to have left 14. in which case 15. substituted;for


      1.I thought he was making fun of me and ran faster than ever reaching the schoolyard quite out of breath.

      2.Many of us have little or no experience of meeting, working or communicating with people with disabilities, and may not be aware of their needs. 我們許多人很少或沒有與殘

      3.As far as I am concerned ,of the two designs,the latter is far more practical than the former.

      4. The young writer had no theory of literature, only the desire to interest the public. 5.She is too young to be independent of his parents.She needs to depend on them for food and clothes

      6. The visiting team made up of ten experts are due to arrive on Thursday. In the meantime, what should we do?

      7. I sent an email to congratulate you on having been admitted to Beijing University and majoring in economics.

      8. Sometimes we find that face to face communication will perhaps made us embarrassed.

      9.I'm sure the beauty of nature there will make an excellent impression upon you.

      10. All the students of our class are dying to participate in the speech contest to be held next month.

      11. The young men are expected to adapt to social enviromental changes that past generations have never dealt with.

      12.We donate some money to the Red Cross to help those in need.

      13. The children are quite in the room. I wonder what they are up to.

      14. In preparation for the launching of Shengzhou 7, the scientists needed a knowledge of weather changes.

      15. We did not know the construction workers were in trouble.Otherwise we would have given them a hand.











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