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關于春卷做法的英文介紹 如何制作春卷英語作文
日期:2023-03-08 03:33:18    编辑:网络投稿    来源:互联网
美味春卷的制作方法高考英語閱讀原文 時間:2021-02-13 14:08:28 高考英語 我要投稿
  • 現實生活說說
  • 美味春卷的制作方法高考英語閱讀原文 時間:2021-02-13 14:08:28 高考英語 我要投稿


      Who doesn't love a hot, fried spring roll dipped in sweet spicy sauce? Making them yourself ensures a maximum freshness of flavour.想想剛出鍋,熱氣騰騰的炸春卷,再蘸些甜辣醬,此種美味誰能抗拒呢?有機會嘗試自己制作吧,這樣就可以享受到最新鮮的春卷啦!



      1 tbsp groundnut oil, plus extra for deep-frying1茶匙花生油,如要深炸再多加些

      200g/7oz skinless chicken breast fillets, chopped into small pea-sized pieces200克/7盎司去皮雞胸肉片,切碎成豌豆粒大小

      4 dried Chinese mushrooms, soaked in hot water for 20 minutes, drained and finely chopped4個干香菇,在熱水中浸泡20分鐘后瀝干水分,切成末

      1 tbsp light soy sauce1茶匙生抽

      1 tbsp five-spice powder1茶匙五香粉

      1 tsp grated fresh root ginger1茶匙新鮮姜末

      75g/3oz beansprouts75克/3盎司豆芽

      2 large spring onions, finely sliced lengthways2根個頭大點的嫩蔥,縱向切成條

      1 small carrot, julienned一根小個頭的'胡蘿卜,切絲

      1 tbsp oyster sauce1茶匙蠔油

      tbsp light soy sauce茶匙生抽

      sea salt and ground white pepper海鹽和白胡椒粉

      16 ready-made large spring roll wrappers, thawed if frozen (available from Asian supermarkets)16片已經做好的春卷皮,如果是冷凍的要先解凍(亞洲超市可以買到)

      1 egg yolk, beaten1個蛋黃,打散

      Preparation method制作方法

      Heat a wok until smoking and add the groundnut oil, then add the chicken and mushrooms and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes. Season with soy sauce and five-spice powder, then remove from the wok and set aside to cool for ten minutes. Wipe the wok clean with kitchen paper. 將鍋預熱至開始冒煙,倒花生油入鍋,然后加入雞肉和蘑菇翻炒1-2分鐘。用生抽和五香粉調味后出鍋,冷置10分鐘。用廚房用紙將鍋擦拭干凈。

      Place the grated ginger, beansprouts, spring onions and carrot into a bowl, then add the chicken and mushrooms and season with the oyster sauce, soy sauce, sea salt and ground white pepper. Stir well to combine. 把姜末,豆芽,嫩蔥和胡蘿卜倒入碗里,再加入備好的雞肉和蘑菇,用蠔油,生抽,海鹽和白胡椒粉調味。充分攪拌以混合均勻。

      Lay two spring roll wrappers one on top of the other (the extra thickness will prevent the skin from breaking) and position so that the corners are pointing upwards, downwards and to the sides. 把兩片春卷皮疊放在一起(多出的厚度可以防止破皮),卷起春卷皮的四角,一個向上,一個向下,其他兩個向兩邊。

      Spoon two tablespoons of the filling into the centre of the wrapper. Brush each corner of the wrapper with the cornflour paste, then bring the two opposite corners on the sides together and, keeping your finger on those edges, bring the bottom corner towards the middle and then roll the pastry up tightly towards the top corner. Tuck the top edge in and seal it with a little of the beaten egg yolk. Repeat with the remaining spring roll wrappers and filling. 挖兩餐匙調好的餡放到春卷皮中央。用玉米淀粉糊刷四角,將向外卷的兩個對角捏在一起,手指不要松開,將向下卷的一角也拉到中央,然后將面皮朝著向上卷的一角緊緊卷起來。

      Heat the wok over a high heat and fill the wok to a quarter of its depth with groundnut oil. Heat until a cube of bread dropped in sizzles and turns golden-brown in 15 seconds. (CAUTION: hot oil can be dangerous. Do not leave unattended.) Carefully lower the spring rolls in small batches into the oil and deep-fry for 2-3 minutes, or until golden-brown. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper. 用高火給鍋預熱,加花生油到沒過鍋厚度的四分之一。加熱直到一小塊篩子大小的面包掉進油鍋嘶嘶響后15秒內就變金黃色。(注意:熱油很危險,一定要在旁看鍋。)小心地將卷好的春卷貼近放入油鍋中,深炸2-3分鐘,或者炸至表皮金黃。用大漏勺將春卷撈出,在廚房用紙上瀝干油。

      Transfer the spring rolls onto a plate and serve immediately. 將春卷轉移到盤中,立即送上餐桌享用美味吧!











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