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七年級上冊英語第一單元短語 八年級上冊第一單元英語單詞
日期:2023-03-02 15:36:31    编辑:网络投稿    来源:互联网
九年級上冊英語第一單元短語  在學習中,大家對知識點應該都不陌生吧?知識點也可以理解為考試時會涉及到的知識,也就是大綱的分支。哪些才是我們真正需要的知識點呢?以下是小編
  • 終是人海太過擁擠_
  • 九年級上冊英語第一單元短語




      1.a wonder of the world

      2.have a meeting

      3.at the meeting

      4.Thats news to me !

      5.listen up

      6.She sings with the band Crazy Feet.

      7.start a school magazine

      8.Why dont we start a school magazine?=Why not start a school magazine?

      9.do some reviews about

      10.do an interview with sb.

      11.Anyone else?

      12.Homework Help

      13.some ideas on how to get good grades

      14.a composition called what is a wonder of the world

      15.in Egypt

      16.Whats it about?

      17.Thats a fantastic idea!

      18.work in pairs

      19.work in groups of three

      20.act out

      21.think of

      22.It was early morning .

      23.in the late eighteenth century

      24.late in May

      25.in early May

      26.get out of the car

      27.get into the car

      28.get on the bus

      29.get off the bus

      30.go through a gate

      31.In the east the sky was becoming light.

      32.go the right way/go right

      33.go the wrong way/go wrong



      Brave, hard to love, to struggle, to make mistakes. But remember to grow.


      It's none of your business.


      One's success lies not in what others think of himself, but in his own efforts.


      Work hard and persevere, and eventually the dazzling sun will run behind you.


      The so-called enemy is only those who force us to become strong.


      Endure leisure and be an active pursuer.


      Life is not only a blooming flower, but also a twisted root in the soil.


      Hope you can like yourself more and more, don't let yourself become bad.


      Everything is prosperous at home and everything is prosperous.


      Laziness is punished not only by one's own failure, but also by the success of others.


      No matter how strong a person is on the surface, his heart is fragile!


      If you want a man to be distinguished before you, you need him first and then suffer.


      To be worthy of heaven, to bow down, to be worthy of heart.


      May you be sunshine, bright and not sad.


      Diligence and perseverance are the great magic weapon of success.


      Complacency, arrogance and credulity are the three hidden reefs of life.


      Don't ignore imagination, it is the source of our creativity.


      Management is to make full and effective use of resources.


      A gentleman asks for morality, while a villain tells tales.


      Choose independent change, deduce self-improvement breakthrough.


      The pleasure of doing good is the only reliable happiness in life.


      The realization of the goal is based on the strong desire of "I want to succeed".


      Don't forget the past when you succeed, and don't forget the future when you fail.


      Friends go out, parents at home.


      Look down on those things and believe that you will live a better life.


      Those who have knowledge will be praised by the world.


      Anything can be accepted, only humiliation can not be accepted!


      How can you avoid all the rumors on the way to your career and dream?


      Be enthusiastic about work and care for children.


      He is not afraid of the red faced Guan Gong, but is afraid of the pursing Bodhisattva.


      There is only one thing that matters most in this world, and that is your dream.


      The world abandoned me, but there is still basketball with me.


      As long as you don't care about gain and loss, what else can't be overcome in life?


      If I can't, I must; if I must, I can!


      Moral character, should be more noble; life, should be frank; behavior, should be polite.


      1、Cant you hear when I call? A little love is all I ask.你能聽到我的呼喚嗎?我只要一點點愛。

      2、Love cures people,the ones who receive love and the ones who give it,too.愛能改善人們的心靈--奉獻者和接受者皆然。

      3、Promise more, not to be,that is just a lie.承諾再多,做不到,那也只不過還是謊言。

      4、Memories can be forget may be a blessing.記憶是痛苦的根源,忘記也是一種福氣。

      5、The best time to make friends is before you need them.不要等到需要別人幫助的時候,才想著去和人家攀交情。

      6、Promise, sometimes,is what a cheater said to a fool.承諾,有時候,就是一個騙子說給一個傻子聽的。

      7、Sometimes the best way to get someone's attention,is to stop giving them yours.有時候,讓別人在乎你的辦法,就是不那么在乎他。

      8、Within you I lose myself,without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。

      9、Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment,not only about survival.人生應該由一串串快樂的時光組成,不應當只為生存而生存。

      10、I needn't a photo to remember you.Because you never leave in my hear.我不需要一張照片把你記起,因為在我心里你從未曾離去。

      11、Believe that god is fair.相信上帝是公平的。

      12、Where there is great love,there are always miracles.哪里有真愛存在,哪里就有奇跡。

      13、Life is not if,only the consequences and results.人生沒有如果,只有后果和結果。

      14、Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have.幸福絕不會降臨在那些不懂欣賞自己擁有的人身旁。

      15、No matter the ending is perfect or not,you cannot disappear from my world.我的世界不允許你的消失,不管結局是否完美。

      16、If we believe that true love never has to end,then we must know that we will love again.如果我們相信真愛永不會終止,那么我們一定將會再次相愛。

      17、Darling you know I love you till the end of time.親愛的你知道,我愛你,直到地老天荒。

      18、The only present love demands is love.愛所祈求的。唯一禮物就是愛。

      19、Don't say that I changed,just say you tired.不要說我變了,直接說你膩了。

      20、Take away love,and our earth is a tomb.沒有了愛,地球便成了墳墓。

      21、Your kistill burns on my lips,everyday of mine is so beautiful.你的吻還在我的唇上發燙,從此我的日子變得如此美麗。

      22、Don't want no longer read no longer see no longer.不再想不再念不再看不再怨。

      23、Strong woman is will cry,but never admit defeat.堅強的女人是會哭,但覺不會認輸。

      24、Being hurt by the truth is better than comforted by the lies.被真相傷害,總比被謊言安慰要好。

      25、Don't ever pretend to be living one really cares.千萬不必假裝過得很好,因為沒有多少人在乎。

      26、I am not afraid I am afraid spend courage tattle and prate.我不怕流言蜚語我只怕花光勇氣。

      27、The world no matter how desolate,loved you 'll never have to be alone.世界不管怎樣荒涼,愛過邇就不會孤單。

      28、Your love gives me the feeling that the best is still ahead.你的愛讓我相信我們的未來會更好。

      29、Some memory, to be able to erase; Just as some people,to be able to replace.有些記憶,注定無法抹去;就象有些人,注定無法替代一樣。

      30、I am very good,does not cry not noisy not to laugh.我很好,不哭不鬧不笑。

      31、There is a stare look on with a disregard called called silent care.有一種凝望叫作冷眼旁觀,有一種無視叫作默默關懷。

      32、If you know who I was,maybe you would forgive who I am.你如果認識從前的我,也許你會原諒現在的我。

      33、A section of defeat's sentiment most abstains from is,never forgets.一段失敗的感情最忌諱的便是,念念不忘。

      34、Approached you,approached the pain away from you,far away the happiness.走近你,就走近痛苦遠離你,就遠離幸福。

      35、If you feel sad for buring it in your heart,then just smile and let it go.如果放在心里會覺得難過,那么就請微笑著放手吧。

      36、How many dream had,and never came into my heart.多少夢幻的曾經,也不曾走進莪的心。

      37、Even next second we didn't meet,on one second we will meet.即使下一秒我們沒有相遇,上一秒我們也會相見。

      38、If I forget you,you will not feel hard to breathe.如果我就此忘了你,你會不會覺得難呼吸。

      39、I don't want to be the first one.I want to be the only one.我不想做第一個,我只想做唯一。

      40、Don't be easy to get, or you'll be easy to forget.不要輕易讓人得到你,不然你會很容易被忘記。

      41、It's up to you what your world looks like.你的世界呈現出怎樣的面貌,全由你自己決定。

      42、You and me together,we can make magic.我們兩個一起可以創造奇跡。

      43、Once you start to dislike someone.Everything they do begins to annoy you.一旦開始討厭某人,無論TA做什么都會讓你厭煩。

      44、I need him like I need the air to breathe.我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空氣。



      If a man has perseverance, a stone mountain will collapse.


      People look to the big, birds fly high.


      I believe that all persistent efforts will be well paid sooner or later.


      Poor and strong, do not fall the ambition of green clouds.


      A man needs a strong heart, a tree needs a hard skin.


      Give up who can, do not give up their own!


      Although it's hard to find the gold, it's hard to blow out the crazy sand.


      A man is not old in heart, but poor in body and ambition.


      Life is like the ocean. Only the strong willed can reach the other shore.


      There is nothing difficult in the world, just be afraid of no ambition.


      A firm man does not waver with the wind.


      If you persevere, you will never break a rotten wood; if you persevere, you can carve out gold and stone.


      Don't lose confidence. As long as you persevere, you will get results.


      The bird goes to the light, and the man to the high.


      Perseverance can overcome strength.


      A good man is strong by ambition, and a good horse by courage.


      Only when you have a special mind can you embroider flowers; if you are calm, you can weave hemp.


      Anyone who has gone through a thousand hardships can achieve his goal.


      Break the tendon and beat the heart.


      With a firm will, it is equivalent to adding a pair of wings to both feet.


      Those who are determined to succeed are half successful.


      Adversity can defeat the weak and make the strong.


      Good horses come out, strong soldiers fight.


      Greed is the most real poverty, and satisfaction is the most real wealth.


      An old man is ambitious; a martyr in his old age is full of ambition.


      The heart will not die until it reaches the Yellow River.


      As long as the Kung Fu is deep, the iron rod is ground into a needle.


      Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.


      If you don't follow the wind, you should learn from the green pines.


      Perseverance sets up the road to heaven, courage opens the door of wisdom.


      face to face 面對面

      2. far away 遙遠

      3. far behind 落后

      4. far from 遠離

      5. fall asleep 入睡

      6. fall down 倒下;跌倒;從……落下

      7. fall ill/sick 生病

      8. fall in 在……失敗,(考試)不及格

      9. fall on top of 掉到了……上面

      10. fall off 從……掉下來/摔下來

      11. fall one’s exam 考試不及格

      12. fall over 滑倒,摔倒

      13. family name 姓

      14. family tree 家譜

      15. feel afraid 覺得害怕

      16. feel at home 像在家里一樣舒適

      17. feel proud 感到自豪

      18. feel lonely 感到寂寞

      19. feel like doing sth 想要做某事

      20. feel tired 感到疲勞

      21. feel well 覺得舒服

      22. feel worried 感到憂慮

      23. field trip 野外旅游

      24. fight against 為反對……而斗爭

      25. fill with 裝滿

      26. fill in the blanks 填空

      27. finish doing sth. 完成/結束……

      28. find out 查出,查明,發現,了解

      29. find it difficult to do sth 發現很難做某事

      30. (sth)fit(sb)well 非常合身

      31. fly a kite 好風箏

      32. follow one’s example 仿照……的榜樣

      33. follow one’s instruction 聽從某人的指導

      34. for a moment 一會兒

      35. for a walk 散步

      36. for ever 永遠

      37. for example 例如

      38. for long 很長,很長時間

      39. forget doing sth 忘記做過某事

      40. four times as…as…是……的四倍

      41. form now on 從此以后,今后

      42. from then on 從那時起

      43. from…to… 從……到……

      44. full name 全名

      45. full of 裝滿

      46. get back 返回,取回

      47. get down 下來,落下

      48. get dressed 穿衣服

      49. get home 到家

      50. get in 收集,進入

      51. get into 搭乘(出租車)

      52. get lost 迷路,丟失

      53. get long/short 變長/短

      54. get off 下車,取下,離開

      55. get on 上車

      56. get on…with sb 與某人相處……

      57. get on well with sb與某人相處融洽

      58. get married 結婚

      59. get more exercise做更多運動

      60. get out of 從……出來,把……拿出來, 從出租車(轎車)下來

      61. get out of bed 起床

      62. get ready for sth 為……作準備

      63. get ready to do sth 準備做某事

      64. get up 起床,起立

      65. get warm 變暖和

      66. get well 痊愈

      67. get together 團聚

      68. get to 到達(某地)

      69. get to know 逐漸認識到

      70. get to work 開始工作(學習)

      71. give advice to 給……提建議

      72. give sb .a call 給某人打電話

      73. give back 歸還,送回

      74. give first aid 進行急救

      75. give sb. a push 推某人一下

      76. give sb. a talk 給某人做報告,發表講話

      77. give…a big hug 熱情擁抱…

      78. give… a hand 給予……幫助

      79. give a warm welcome to… 熱烈歡迎

      80. give an operation 做手術

      81. give up 放棄

      82. give up doing sth. 放棄做某事

      83. give up smoking 戒煙

      84. given name 名字

      85. go abroad 出國;在國外

      86. go away 走開,離開

      87. go extinct 滅絕

      88. go back 回去

      89. go past/by 走(路)過

      90. go for a walk 去散步

      91. go for walks去散步

      92. go home 回家

      93. go on 繼續

      94. go on doing sth. 繼續做某事

      95. go on trips/a trip (去)旅行

      96. go out for a walk去外散步

      97. go over 復習go over 復習

      98. go cycling/shopping 騎自行車/去買東西

      99. go swimming/skating 去游泳/滑冰

      100. go skiing/climbing 去滑雪

      101. go through 穿過

      102. go to bed 睡覺

      103. go to hospital 去醫院(看病)

      104. go to school 上學

      105. go to sleep 入睡,睡著

      106. go to the cinema 去看電影

      107. go to the movie 去看電影

      108. go up 上升,增長

      109. go wrong 走錯路

      110. good idea 好主意

      111. good luck 好運

      112. good manners 有禮貌

      113. good night 晚安

      114. grow vegetables 種菜

      115. grow up 成長/長大

      116. Happy New Year!新年快樂

      117. Happy birthday!生日快樂

      118. had better do(not) sth 最好(不)做某事

      119. half an hour 半小時

      120. hand in 交上,交進

      121. hand out 發給,散發

      122. hands up舉手

      123. harder and harder越來越難/硬/努力

      124. hate doing sth.討厭做某事

      125. have a baby生孩子

      126. have a class上課

      127. have a cold感冒

      128. have a cough (患)咳嗽

      129. have a good/great/nice time 過得愉快,玩得高興

      130. have a good rest/talk好好休息/談一談

      131. have a great/nice trip一次愉快的旅行

      132. have a drink of喝一點

      133. have a look(at)看一看

      134. have a match/test進行比賽/測驗

      135. have/hold a meeting開會

      136. have a picnic野餐

      137. have a rest休息

      138. have a seat坐下

      139. have a swim游泳

      140. have a talk談話

      141. have a walk散步

      142. have a wash洗臉(手等)

      143. have an exam考試

      144. have an accident出事故

      145. have an idea有一個主意

      146. have breakfast/lunch/supper吃早餐/午餐/晚餐

      147. have fun玩得愉快

      148. have fun doing sth..做某事有樂趣

      149. have gone to 已經去某地

      150. have got有

      151. have got a cough患咳嗽

      152. have interest in對……感興趣

      153. have lessons/classes上課

      154. have no idea不知道,不了解

      155. have sports進行體育運動

      156. have some medicine吃(服)藥

      157. have success in在……(方面)成功

      158. have sb./sth. do sth. 讓某人做某事

      159. have sb./sth. doingsth. 讓某人一直做某事

      160. have sth. done 做某事;讓某人做某事


      1.a big headache令人頭痛的事情

      2. a fraction of 一部分

      3. a matter of concern 焦點

      4. a series of 一系列,一連串above all 首先,尤其是

      5. absent from不在,缺席

      6. abundant in富于

      7. account for 解釋

      8. accuse sb. of sth.控告

      9. add to增加(add up to)

      10. after all 畢竟,究竟

      11. agree with同意

      12. ahead of time / schedule提前

      13. ahead of 在...之前(ahead of time 提前)

      14. alien to與...相反

      15. all at once 突然,同時

      16. all but 幾乎;除了...都

      17. all of a sudden 突然

      18. all over again 再一次,重新

      19. all over 遍及

      20. all right 令人滿意的;可以

      21. all the same 仍然,照樣的

      22. all the time 一直,始終

      23. angry with sb. at/about sth.生氣,憤怒

      24. anxious about/for憂慮,擔心

      25. anything but 根本不

      26. apart from 除...外(有/無)

      27. appeal to 吸引,申訴,請求

      28. applicable to適用于

      29. apply to適用

      30. appropriate for/to適當,合適

      31. approximate to近似,接近

      32. apt at聰明,善于

      33. apt to易于

      34. around the clock夜以繼日

      35. as a matter of fact 實際上

      36. as a result(of) 因此,由于

      37. as a rule 通常,照例

      38. as far as ...be concerned 就...而言

      39. as far as 遠至,到...程度

      40. as follows 如下

      41. as for 至于,關于

      42. as good as 和...幾乎一樣

      43. as if 好像,防腐

      44. as regards 關于,至于

      45. as to 至于,關于

      46. as usual 像平常一樣,照例

      47. as well as 除...外(也),即...又

      48. as well 同樣,也,還

      49. ashamed of羞愧,害臊

      50. aside from 除...外(還有)

      51. ask for the moon異想天開

      52. at a loss 茫然,不知所措

      53. at a time 一次,每次

      54. at all costs 不惜一切代價

      55. at all events 不管怎樣,無論如何

      56. at all times 隨時,總是

      57. at all 絲毫(不),一點也不

      58. at any rate 無論如何,至少

      59. at best 充其量,至多

      60. at first sight 乍一看,初看起來

      61. at first 最初,起先

      62. at hand 在手邊,在附近

      63. at heart 內心里,本質上

      64. at home 在家,在國內

      65. at intervals 不時,每隔...

      66. at large 大多數,未被捕獲的

      67. at last 終于

      68. at least 至少

      69. at length 最終,終于

      70. at most 至多,不超過

      71. at no time 從不,決不

      72. at one time 曾經,一度;同時

      73. at present 目前,現在

      74. at someone's disposal 任...處理

      75. at the cost of 以...為代價

      76. at the mercy of 任憑...擺布

      77. at the moment 此刻,目前

      78. at this rate 照此速度

      79. at times 有時,間或

      80. aware of意識到

      81. back and forth 來回地,反復地

      82. back of 在...后面

      83. back up后備,支援

      84. bare of幾乎沒有,缺乏

      85. be able to do能夠

      86. be around差不多

      87. be available to sb.可用,可供

      88. be bound to一定

      89. be capable of doing能夠

      90. be concerned with 關心…,涉足…

      91. be dying to渴望

      92. be fed up with受夠了be tired of

      93. be in hospital 住院

      94. be in season 上市的/in peak season旺季

      95. be in the mood to do sth. 想做

      96. be pressed for time時間不夠

      97. be tied up with忙于

      98. be under the weather 身體不好

      99. beat around the bush 拐彎沒角

      100. beat the crowd 避開人群

      101. before long 不久以后

      102. behind schedule 誤點

      103. bent on sth. 下定決心做…

      104. beside point 離題的,不相干的

      105. beyond one's ability超越某人的能力

      106. beyond question 毫無疑問

      107. book on reserve 須留的圖書

      108. booked up 訂完了

      109. bound for開往

      110. break down拋錨

      111. break though突破

      112. break up with和某人分手be through with / be finished with

      113. bring about 使…發生

      114. bring someone up to date幫某人趕上help someone catch up

      115. by accident 偶然

      116. by air 通過航空途徑

      117. by all means 盡一切辦法,務必

      118. by and by 不久,遲早

      119. by chance 偶然,碰巧

      120. by far 最,...得多

      121. by hand 用手,用體力

      122. by itself 自動地,獨自地

      123. by means of 用,依靠

      124. by mistake 錯誤地,無意地

      125. by no means 決不,并沒有

      126. by oneself 單獨地,獨自地

      127. by reason of 由于

      128. by the way 順便說說

      129. by virtue of 借助,由于

      130. by way of 經由,通過...方法

      131. call off取消

      132. call on號召,邀請,點某人的名,拜訪

      133. capable of能夠

      134. careful of/about/with小心,注意

      135. certain of /about確信,肯定

      136. chair a meeting 主持會議

      137. charge sb. with sth.控告

      138. clear of沒有,不接觸

      139. clever at善于

      140. close to接近,親近

      141. come in contact with 與…取得聯系

      142. come out of sth. alive大難不死

      143. come up (with)提出,拿出

      144. comparable to/with比作/比較

      145. conscious of察覺到,意識到

      146. consequent on隨之而來

      147. considerate towards體諒,體貼

      148. contemporary with與...同時代

      149. content with滿足于

      150. contrary to違反

      151. cost someone an arm and a leg代價很大

      152. count down倒計時

      153. count one's chickens before they are hatched過于樂觀

      154. count on依靠

      155. count on依靠

      156. count the day期待

      157. count the day期待

      158. counter to與...相反

      159. crazy about熱衷,著迷

      160. critical of挑剔,批評

      161. cry in one's beer借酒消愁

      162. cry on one's shoulder依靠

      163. curious about好奇,想知道

      164. cut down on 減少

      165. cut down削減

      166. cut in插入

      167. cut off切斷

      168. cut out切除

      169. cut someone short打斷

      170. cut through抄近路

      171. cut up切碎

      172. die out 滅絕

      173. distinct from種類(風格)不同

      174. do the laundry洗衣服

      175. doubtful of /about懷疑

      176. drop by / in 順路拜訪

      177. due to 由于,因為

      178. each other 互相

      179. easier said than done說起來容易做起來難

      180. east of在...東面

      181. equal to相等,勝任

      182. equivalent to等于,相當于

      183. essential to/for必不可少

      184. even if/though 即使,雖然

      185. ever so 非常,極其

      186. every now and then 時而,偶爾

      187. every other 每隔一個的

      188. except for 除了...外

      189. expert at/in/on善于

      190. face to face 面對面地

      191. faculty members 教職員工

      192. faithful to忠實于

      193. fall flat 平躺在地上

      194. familiar to sb為...所熟悉

      195. familiar with sth熟悉,通曉

      196. far from 遠非,遠離

      197. fatal to致命的

      198. favorable to支持,贊成

      199. fearful of懼怕

      200. feel at home熟悉

      201. feel blue心情不好

      202. feel free to隨便

      203. figure out sth. 解決

      204. fit for適于

      205. flat tire輪胎沒氣

      206. flat tire輪胎沒氣

      207. fond of喜歡

      208. for ever 永遠

      209. for good 永久地

      210. for the better 好轉

      211. for the moment 暫時,目前

      212. for the present 暫時,目前

      213. for the sake of 為了,為了...的利益

      214. for the time being 暫時,眼下

      215. foreign to非...所原有

      216. free of /from未受...;免費

      217. free with康慨,大方

      218. from time to time 有時,不時

      219. full up客滿

      220. get a bargain 買到便宜貨

      221. get nowhere with 毫無進展

      222. get over恢復

      223. get used to習慣于

      224. give off發出

      225. give someone a big hand為某人鼓掌

      226. give someone a hand幫忙

      227. go about sth. 開始做…

      228. go after追求

      229. go ahead同意做某事

      230. go by遵守

      231. go down下降,往下傳

      232. go for竭盡全力做

      233. go into進入,開始從事

      234. go off出發

      235. go out熄滅,外出

      236. go over復習

      237. go over復習,從頭到尾檢查一遍

      238. go round/around足夠分配

      239. go sightseeing 去觀光

      240. go steady with和某人確定關系

      241. go through從頭到尾

      242. go without單獨

      243. guilty of有...罪的

      244. had better最好

      245. hand in hand 手拉手 ,密切關聯

      246. hang up 掛斷

      247. have one's hands full

      248. have the final say 有決定權

      249. head on 迎面地,正面的

      250. heart and soul 全心全意地

      251. hold out for sth. 堅持要求

      252. hold up堅持

      253. hold water站得住腳

      254. how about ...怎么樣

      255. how come怎么會

      256. hungry for渴望

      257. ignorant of不知道

      258. impatient at sth.不耐煩

      259. impatient for急切,渴望

      260. impatient of無法容忍

      261. in (the)light of 鑒于,由于

      262. in a hurry 匆忙,急于

      263. in a moment 立刻,一會兒

      264. in a sense 從某種意義上說

      265. in a way 在某種程度上

      266. in a word 簡言之,總之

      267. in accordance with 與...一致,按照

      268. in addition to 除...之外(還)

      269. in addition 另外,加之

      270. in advance 預先,事先

      271. in all 總共,合計

      272. in any case 無論如何

      273. in any event 無論如何

      274. in brief 簡單地說

      275. in case of 假如,防備

      276. in charge of 負責,總管

      277. in common 共用的,共有的

      278. in consequence(of) 因此;由于

      279. in debt 欠債,欠情

      280. in detail 詳細地

      281. in difficulty 處境困難

      282. in effect 實際上,事實上

      283. in favor of 支持,贊成

      284. in front of 面對,在...前

      285. in general 一般來說,大體上

      286. in half 成兩半

      287. in hand 在進行中,待辦理

      288. in honor of 為慶祝,為紀念

      289. in itself 本質上,就其本身而言

      290. in line with 與...一致

      291. in memory of 紀念

      292. in no case 決不

      293. in no time 立即,馬上

      294. in no way 決不

      295. in order 按順序,按次序

      296. in other words 換句話說

      297. in part 部分地

      298. in particular 特別,尤其

      299. in person 親自,本人

      300. in place of 代替,取代,交換

      301. in place 在合適的位置

      302. in practice 在實踐中,實際上

      303. in proportion to 與...成比例

      304. in public 公開地,當眾

      305. in quantity 大量

      306. in question 正在談論的

      307. in regard to 關于,至于

      308. in relation to 關于,涉及

      309. in return for 作為對...報答

      310. in return 作為報答/回報/交換

      311. in short 簡言之,總之

      312. in sight 被見到;在望

      313. in spite of 盡管

      314. in step with 與...一致/協調

      315. in tears 流著淚,在哭著

      316. in terms of

      317. in the company / wake of隨著











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