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2017年六年級下冊英語期中考試答案 2017年六年級下冊英語期中試卷
日期:2023-03-07 22:05:06    编辑:网络投稿    来源:网络资源
2017六年級下冊英語期中考試答案  期中考試馬上就要到來,為了期中考試能夠考出一個優異的成績,yjbys小編收集了一套六年級下冊英語期中考試答案,希望可以幫助大家!  聽力部
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  • 2017六年級下冊英語期中考試答案




      ( )1. A. B. C.

      ( ) 2 . A.

      B. C.

      ( )3. A. stop B. slow C. ship D. subway

      ( )4. A. bike B. bus C. by D. train

      ( )5. A. red B. green C. light D. traffic

      ( )6. A. get B. go C. park D. bus

      ( )7. A. far B. fast C. from D. for

      ( )8. A. Don’t go at the red light. B. Go at the green light.

      C. Wait at the red light.

      ( )9. A. How does your father go to work?

      B. How do you go to the bookstore?

      C. How do you come to school?

      ( )10. A. Do you go to school on foot? B. Does she go to school on foot?

      C. Do you go to school by bike? xK b1. Com

      二、你將聽到一個句子或一組對話,根據所聽到的內容, 在每小題的大圖中圈出相符的圖片。 (每小題1分,共5分)

      1. 2.

      3. 4. 4.


      三. Listen and chose the best answer. (聽錄音,選擇最合適的答語。每小題讀兩遍。)(10)每題1分

      ( ) 1. A. Sarah goes to school by bus. B. I go to school by bus.

      C.I usually go to school at 7:30.

      ( ) 2. A. It’s near the post office. B. It’s near. C. Yes, it’s near.

      ( )3. A. Take the No.57 bus. B. It’s beside the post office

      C. The bus is coming.

      ( ) 4. A. Yes, it’s very far. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, it is.

      ( ) 5 .A. I’m going at 9:00a.m.

      B. I’m going to buy a pair of shoes.

      C. I’m going to the shoe store at 9:00 a.m.

      ( ) 6. A. I’m going to Beijing. B. I’m going to eat good food.

      C. You’re going to Beijing.

      ( ) 7. A. Yes, we get there on foot. B. We are going by car.

      C. No, we get there by bus.

      ( )8. A. I usually walk. B. Sometimes I go home.

      C. She usually goes on foot. 新- 課-標 -第- 一-網

      ( )9. A. She will stop and wait. B. He’ll stop and wait. C. She will go .

      ( )10. A. She goes by bike. B. She goes on foot. C. He goes on foot.


      1.The hospital is next to the___________ museum.

      2._________ at a yellow light.

      3. I’m going to read a ____________ book.

      4. Are you going to see a ____________?

      5. Is there a _________near here?




      ( )1. A. singer B. longer C. younger

      ( )2. A. look B. took C. cook

      ( )3. A. yesterday B. beach C. tomorrow

      ( )4. A. restaurant B. hotel C. dinosaur

      ( )5. A. fell B. ate C. fixed



      ( )1. A. I went fishing last Tuesday.

      B. I went hiking last Tuesday.

      ( )2. A. She rode a bike the day before yesterday.

      B. She rode a horse the day before yesterday.

      ( )3. A. It was rainy last right.

      B. It was snowy last right.

      ( )4. A. They walked to school yesterday.

      B. They went to school by bike yesterday.

      ( )5. A. Li Mei cleaned the window this morning.

      B. Li Mei saw a film this morning.


      ( )1. I’m 48 kilograms. You are 46 kilograms. I’m _____ than you.

      A. heavy B. heavier C. thinner

      ( )2. Tom’s _____ are smaller.

      A. hand B. foot C. feet

      ( )3. We left Beijing _____ February 1st.

      A. in B. on C. at

      ( )4. My arms are stronger than _____.

      A. yours B. your C. you

      ( )5. _____ Sarah and Mary at the zoo yesterday?

      A. Are B. Was C. Were

      ( )6. Yesterday morning she_____ some apple juice at home.

      A. drinks B. drank C. is drinking

      ( )7.-Did your uncle _____ any pictures in the park?

      -Of course.

      A. take B. took C. takes

      ( )8.-_____ did you go? -I went to London.

      A. When B. How C. Where

      ( )9. They stayed at home _____ .

      A. every day B. last Friday C. next week

      ( )10. -_____ are your boots? -Size eight.

      A. What size B. How long C. How much


      1. —______ ______ is that man? —He’s 1.72 meters.

      2. —______ did they go to Lhasa? —Last month.

      3. —______ did she get to the museum? —By subway.

      4. —______ did you do yesterday? —I stayed at home all day.

      5. —______is thinner, Lily or Lucy? —Lucy.

      6. —______ ruler is shorter, yours or Mark’s? —Mine is shorter.

      7. —______ did your family go last weekend? —We went to Suzhou.

      8. —______ ______ dinosaurs were there long ago? —So many.


      A. Did you play football there?

      B. How did you get there?

      C. Did you have a good time?

      D. Where did you go last


      E. Do you like skating, too?

      Henry: Hello, Dan. I. __________

      Dan: Hi, Henry. I went to the park last Sunday.

      Henry: 2. __________

      Dan: I got there by bus. I like skating there.

      3. __________

      Henry: No, but I like playing football.

      4. __________

      Dan: Yes, I played football with my friends.

      Henry: 5. __________

      Dan: Yes, I was very happy.



      Hello! I’m May. It was rainy last weekend. My family and I stayed at home all day. In the morning my mother cleaned the room. And my father read the newspaper. My mother cooked the food at noon and I helped her wash the vegetables. After lunch, I did my homework. In the evening, we watched TV together. We had a happy weekend.

      ( )1. What was the weather like last weekend? It was ________.

      A. cloudy B. sunny C. rainy

      ( )2. Did May go outside that day ? ________.

      A. No, she didn’t B. Yes, she did C. No, she doesn’t

      ( )3. ________ read the newspaper in the morning.

      A. Mum B. Dad C. May

      ( )4. At noon, May’s mother ________.

      A. cleaned the room B. cooked the food C. watched TV

      ( )5. May did her homework ________.

      A. in the morning B. in the evening C. after lunch










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