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日期:2023-03-12 13:45:27    编辑:网络投稿    来源:网络资源
司馬臺長城英文導游詞  導語:導游詞是導游人員引導游客觀光游覽時的講解詞,是導游員同游客交流思想,向游客傳播文化知識的工具,也是應用寫作研究的文體之一。以下是小編整理的
  • 生日祝福語簡短獨特
  • 司馬臺長城英文導游詞


      The Great Wall is a military defense project in ancient China. The Great Wall in miyun county was first built in beiqi, and the existing Great Wall buildings were mainly built in the Ming dynasty. After hundreds of years of wind and rain and human destruction, the best preserved is the simatai Great Wall in gubeikou.

      This section of the Great Wall, built in the early Ming dynasty, is a Great Wall that deviates from the foundation of the Great Wall of beiqi. Its designer is a famous anti-japanese general qi jiguang. When he was in the army of thistle-town, he went to gubeikou and found that gubeikou was the main road leading to Inner Mongolia and the northeast plain of the north China plain. He thinks that the ancient Great Wall of the Great Wall is good, just a bit of the ancient Great Wall repair, defensive strong. Thus, the new Great Wall passes through the pass between crouching tiger mountain, panlong mountain and the two mountains, connecting the small and small sections of the Great Wall, and building the brick wall with the walls of the enemy buildings. He began to build the new Great Wall of gubeikou in the three years of longqing, and the ancient Great Wall was restored.

      Throughout the Great Wall of simatai, the total length is 5.4 kilometers, the enemy building, the beacon tower 143, the shape and size are different, high and low, wide and narrow, colorful. The Great Wall is built along the mountain ridge, which twists and turns with the mountain. In particular, the two sections, "tianqiao" and "tianqiao", were built on the top of the cliff. "Ladder" means that the Great Wall climbs uphill, straight up and down, with a slope of more than 85 degrees, with cliffs on both sides. "Tianqiao" is between two cliff walls, with a long stone rack to connect, long about 100 meters, width only one brick. The enemy building has a large distribution density, with only 43.8 meters from the nearest enemy building, and 600 meters away. The wall is divided into unilateral wall, bilateral wall, brick wall and stone wall. Doors and Windows are also unique and novel, and carved granite stone door, for the rare cultural relics.

      The wangjing building and the fairy tower in the east section are the most representative of the many enemy buildings. Simatai Great Wall is the highest watchtowers wangjing tower, at an altitude of 986 meters, the floor when looking out of the four, see the mountains small: east view "the wuling snow," west "panlong lie tiger", north to see "yanshan green jade", south jams "the pearl of the reservoir. Overlooking the city of Beijing at night, we can see the lights of the city. Fairy tower built in butte, it is also one of the most beautiful one of the many watchtowers, clings to a beautiful legend: the repairing this section of the Great Wall, the jade emperor sent five fairy, help people on a connection. They travelled day and night, not afraid of hardship, and when they rested, they saw the clouds wrested by the clouds, and they made a request to the jade emperor for the amusement. The jade emperor was satisfied with their hard work and allowed them to enjoy human happiness once a year. When the tower was repaired, the building concealed a fairy's shadow and a silvery laugh.

      "The Great Wall of China is the largest in the world, and the simatai Great Wall is the best in China," said professor luo zhewen, an ancient architect.










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